Remember and StarKiss's Showcase

The Start Of My New Life!{HAITUS} sorry!

A/N- I'm soooooo sorry i haven't updated in like forever so since it's thanksgiving break anf finals are over i decided to update! enjoy this i'll make it as best and most helpful as i can! -author-nim

Songs i listened to when writing this chapter:

-Exo Growl                                       -BTS Beautiful

-Exo Wolf                                          -BTS N.O

-Shinee Everybody

-Beast Shock

-UKiss Believe

-Teen Top Rocking


-----StarKiss dressing room at debut stage-----

“WOW! Anjie-ya! You look amazing!”

“Thanks Joojeung-ah!” I smiled. I may look okay on the outside but in the inside I was freaking out. This was my 2nd time preforming on a stage in front of people.

------4 years ago freshman at Salemdale high, Canada------

(English in black, Chinese in red)

The first time was when I performed as a freshman new student at a cultural festival. I was supposed to sing and dance on stage with 4 other girls. When I showed up there were so many people out there that I smiled. I wasn’t ever scared of people, they cheered me on. After I put on my costume and waited for the others to arrive.

They never did.

The crowd was growing restless. The dance was supposed to be a group dance, but since they never showed up I took courage and went on stage alone. Nothing prepared me for what happened when I did. The 4 others who were supposed to dance with me were sitting in the announcement box.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual Salemdale High Cultural festival!”

“What’s going on Delia?! Why aren’t you guys on stage?” I asked

“I’m sorry Angie, but congrats you’re the wining geek! This is the 16th annual Geek obliteration. It’s new people like you who disrupt our happy society, ignoring the cliques and acting like some smartass witch.”

I was shocked. What did I do wrong?

“Everyone let the flogging commence!”

In an instance a bucket of water poured down on me and people in the crowd began to laugh. They threw various fruits and bags of flour at me. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, while I continued to stand there staring at the ‘friend’ who betrayed me and the others in the audience who continued to torment me. Without noticing, someone was pulling me away from the stage, but before we got off, Delia’s voice rang out.

“Henry! What the hell are you doing with that nerd, you’re part of the popular clique, and people like you shouldn’t even touch scum like her.”

He ignored her and continued walking.

“If you continue walking, I’ll…I’ll….I’ll break up with you!”

There was a loud gasp from the audience. Henry stopped. She smiled. He looked up at her and glared.

“Then…we’re through.”

She was shocked and began to scream at Henry while we moved off stage.

He dragged me all the way to an empty class room.

“Henry……..Why did you do that.” I said in a small voice. He looked at me with a bewildered expression. He looked almost mad. He spoke in Chinese just in case someone was to listen to their conversation.

“Are you kidding me?! Why didn’t you tell me you were performing on that stage! They’ve been doing those geek ceremonies for ages! Look what did to you, you look horrible! What am I going to tell your brother?!” I looked him shocked at what he said.

“You’re going to tell Yifan gege! Please don’t tell him, he’s going to get really mad and who knows what he’ll do, he might kill those girls.” I pleaded.

“Then maybe he should, look what they did to you Anji, you could have gotten hurt! I’m telling him, and you, wait here I’ll be back.” Arguing was useless. I just nodded. He came back with a wet rag and I stared at him until he started wiping my face.

“What are you doing?” I asked in English.

“What does it look like I’m doing, I’m cleaning your messed up face.” He said bluntly.

“You don’t have to……I’m sorry…”

“Why are you sorry? I’m just being a caring brother-like friend.” He smiled. I let all my tears fall and cried onto his shoulder.

“Sshhh, its ok, gege’s here for you.”

“I don’t think I’m ever able to perform in front of people again, I don’t think I can trust anybody ever again.” I slowly but bluntly stated.

“Don’t say that, everything’s fine, don’t worry.” I nodded and fell asleep.

-------Present time------

(Korean black, Chinese red,)

“Show starts in 10 minutes!” the producer shouted at us.

I started shaking. I was able to trust my group mates and EXO but I don’t think I’m ready to face the crowd. I walked out the door with the rest of my group when someone pulled me away from the group covering my mouth, keeping me from screaming.

“Relax, it’s only me.” I sighed after hearing his angelic voice.

“What are you doing? I have to get ready.” I said quietly hoping he didn’t hear the nervousness in my voice.

“Are you okay Qin ai de? (Darling). You don’t look so well.” Luhan asked sincerely.

“I….I…I don’t know how I can face all of those people, I….I’m afraid they’re going to laugh at me and throw stuff at me. I don’t think I can go out there, what if I mess up?”

Luhan pulled me into a soft but strong hug and whispered into my ear. “Anji, the people here won’t do that, they’re your fans. These people are here to support you and help pick you up.”

I spoke into his chest. “But I don’t know if I can face them-.” He cut me off.

“Anji, don’t worry, if you get scared then just look at me and only me. When you feel better, face them and feel they’re support through their cheers.” I looked up at him and nodded, he was right, it’s now or never and I have to face them. He gave me a peck on the lips. We walked back to the other members and Luhan left with the other EXO members.

“EXO, get ready you’re opening for them in 3…2…1….GO!” The producer whispered.

We watched the crowd cheer as they walked on stage. Their song “Wolf” played, we watched them with acknowledgement in our eyes, and they shined on stage seeming perfect while they danced. When the song ended, the each bowed and introduced themselves. Kris then spoke.

“Hello everyone! We are here to introduce our amazing Dongsaeng’s now debuting!” The Suho spoke next.
“Please welcome the new members to our SMTown Family…….StarKiss!”

The lights dimmed and when they came back on we were in our dance positions. I looked up at Luhan and he smiled. I took a deep breath and the music played. When the song started I began to lose myself into the dance and the song. When the song ended the audience cheered and screamed. When I finally looked at the audience, I saw posters and lights with my name on It.*I….Have……Fans!* I smiled widely and we all bowed.

We all cleared the stage and the lead dancer of K and I began dancing to our solo performance when lights returned. It was exhilarating. The fans that screamed our names made me feel warm and this was the first time I’ve ever felt this feeling before. After everyone’s solo and small group performances we made our way downstage to the 10 chairs gathered next to 12 other chairs, wow there were a lot of chairs.

“Now it’s time for StarKiss’s QA MCed by EXO!” The audience cheered. Then Suho spoke again.

“Will you girls please introduce yourselves to the audience?” We nodded and one by one we introduced ourselves and our group-whether we were part of K or M.

“Can the leader of K explain to everyone the reason you’re split and the reason behind your group name?”

“We, like EXO, are split into the Chinese and Korean subgroups. StarKiss represents to stars that surround and kiss the 2 moons of EXO creating a vast and beautiful Universe.”

The audience cheered.

“Angie-.” Once I heard my name I stared at Suho wide eyed. I then looked at Luhan for encouragement. He nodded and gave me a smile. I took a breath and looked back at Suho

“What made you the Leader of M when you are the Maknae of the group?” I thought a bit then smiled.

“I may be the youngest, but I think it’s because I’m able to speak 5 different languages.”

“Wow! Well you’re just like our member Kris, which reminds me, isn’t he your brother?” I nodded and the crowd went wild. Clearing the uncertainty and the confusion on whether or not Kris is my brother made the crowd happy.

The whole concert went smoothly and I felt strong. Before we left home, Luhan gave me a quick hug and a small whisper of congrats and went home. I wasn’t tired but once my body hit the bed I was fast asleep, exhausted from the stage. *We finally fully debuted.*


A/N- Sorry if this was short, but it seemed pretty long on Microsoft word. Hope you enjoyed it and I don’t know when I’ll update again but I’ll try updating again soon. And sorry not much romance but I hope the flashback helped you understand Anji and Henry’s relationship back in Canada. Salanghae and Kamsahamnida! Comment, subscribe, loves!-author-nim

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Your stories are great..Can't wait for the next chapter..><
Update soon author-nim!!^^
Chapter 12: Update soon :D
Chapter 12: wait a min, first Luhan and now Henry?? OMGG update soon author-nim
KpopAddict28 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon <3 o_O
rieru_mashiro #5
Chapter 10: omo..poor kai. but, don't be sad. maybe you'll get someone next. haha cute Luhan. hope you'll update it soon please^^
Chapter 7: OMG, LuLu! XDD When did you get so daring?....I like it!
StormsthatRage #7
Chapter 6: OMG, Kai's POV... *_*
Oh, btw, Choon Minan or Miley's character is Chorong of Apink (leader)