❤ Calling OnewLuhan ❤

♛ The K-POP Tea Shop ♛ {HIATUS}
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designer's note: Awesome story, a must read for all EXO and yixing fans. nice job! 


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letters to forget-me-not

Chapter 15: The Real Forget-Me-Not - infinite romance sunggyu you exo lay yixing - main story image 



Title: 5/5

- Okay, so, I personally really like your title. I’ve seen titles like it before, however, your title is fitting to the story, and its attention grabbing. As soon as I read the title, I began to wonder about the story, and it made me want to read more. So, nice job. ^^


Aesthetic Appeal: 9/10

- The layout of the chapters and whatnot is pretty unique, however, I like it. i think it enhances the reading experience. I like how thoughts are in a different color, this makes it easy to understand. However, you should probably have a little legend or key of some sort in the foreword that tells people what the different color text means. I didn’t have problem with that, but others might. Other than that, I don’t think I have any problems...Oh, yes, I also liked how you had that little flower picture at the top of every chapter. I really liked how you would state the POV at the top of every chapter, it makes it easier to understand as well. And, you stick with that POV for the whole chapter, which is an extra plus. Some people don’t like having the POV’s stated, because it makes it less like a real book. I, for one, think stating the POV is a good thing. So...Yeah.


Description and Foreword: 10/10

- I’m a big fan of rhetorical questions, although they can give the plot away sometimes, I feel like they’re a good way to get the reader to read on. I also like the little phrase or whatever you call it, that you put after the questions. It really added to the suspense of it, and it was a clever add-on. I think your descriptions of the characters are vague but at the same time, full of information. I learned enough about them to have a small understanding, however, you’ve left room for me to wonder and imagine them in my mind. I like that you added a theme song -big fan of Girls’ Day-, I think it was a cute touch. The quotes and teasers you added in the foreword were perfect, they added to the overall feel and they pertained to the story.


Characterization/Details: 10/20

- Sadly, you gained and lost in this department. You really didn’t describe your characters very well, I hoped that you would at least give a good description of Li hau, seeing as how she is the main character. However, you never did. Sure, I could look at the picture of her on your poster, but I don’t see Li Hau, all I can see is Baek Su Min. You could have described her height, build, facial structure, anything to give me a clue of who she is. Without that description of the characters, I find it hard to really connect to the characters and feel sympathy for them. Now, as far as details go, you did an awesome job. Your word choice and description of everything that is happening is impeccable, I wish some of that awesomeness rubbed off onto the characterisation though.


Plot: 20/20

- I REALLY like the plot of this story. It’s unique, but at the same time, it incorporates some classics. I don’t even know what to say, its just so awesome. I truly wish that other writers could have plots like that. Yeah, the whole idea is just fantastic and...That’s about it. X.X


Flow: 10/10

- Honestly, I can’t find any problems with the flow of your story. None. It flows perfectly, not too fast and not too slow. I have enough time to get a clear grasp of the development and such, but it goes fast enough so I’m not bored out of my mind. Nice job! ^^


Originality: 7/10

- Okay, so, it’s original but not at the same time. There’s a good balance as far as originality goes. Honestly, I have seen something very similar to this before, but I think that your was very different at the same time.


ETC: 12/15

- I took some points of because I feel like your writing gets a little awkward every so often. But it’s not a huge problem. You have a few, tiny grammar issues, but they never distracted me from the story. I really enjoyed this story, it kept me engaged and it made me want to read more. This is probably one of the best stories I’ve ever read, and I’ve read a lot of fics. Awesome job, I congratulate you for being an amazing writer! ^^ -loved the ending,btw-






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Thanks for reviewing in advance ^^
requested for my story Without You :) thanks in advance :)
Chapter 2: Requested again <3
Thanks guys!
i've requested ! ^^
Chapter 16: Thank you so much the review!

yes maybe I should shortened the chapter to avoid the confusion. for the grammar T^T I really can't help it but I will try to learn it more and more.

Already credited the shop :DD
Chapter 20: Omg thank you! Picked the review up already :) [and wow did I just get 90 for this]
Chapter 19: Thank you!!!!! Honestly, I thought that my story is too angst or dramatic. Thank you again!!!!!