You're Invited!

Being Childhood Friends With Ricky

 Mi Sun entered class with Ricky by her side and immediately, her best friend (other than Ricky), Bo Yun, took her into a hug. "Ahn Nyeong!" she exclaimed and let her go, but not without patting her cheeks.

 "Why do you always do that?" she questioned her. For some reason she just loves patting or poking her cheeks.

  "It's so squishy!" She began to squeal, then she started whispering, "Ricky's getting cuter and cuter every year! You're so lucky to be living with him!"

  her eyes fell to the floor and she gave a faint smile. "Yeah. I guess you can call that luck." She started remembering about Yu Ni. What's so special about her?

  "Ricky-ah!" She heard a girl call for him from behind her. Mi Sun was still standing by the doorway while Ricky was walking to his seat.

  When he heard his name, he turned around and smiled, waving at the girl, "Ahn Nyeong, Yu Ni-ah~!"

  Mi Sun turned around and saw a girl her age. She was so pretty, eyes that sparkle like Ricky's, long hair that draped below her armpits, and a perfect figure. Now she sees why he likes her. Why couldn't he just fall in love with someone simpler?

Pic of Yu Ni:

 Ricky brushed right passed Mi Sun and started talking to her. "Jan nagane?"

 She nodded. "Are you coming to my birthday party tomorrow?"

  Ricky's grin became wider and he nodded his head. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

 Mi Sun saw her looking at her. "You can bring your sister if you want."

  "My sister?" He looked at Yu Ni then followed her eyes, seeing Mi Sun. She smiled and waved, but it disappeared once he started talking to her again. "She's not my sister. We just live together..." he paused, then panickly added, "Not like that! Well, my parents are close friends and stuff and they went to America, leaving me here. So I basically stay over at their house-"

  She placed a finger to his lips, making Mi Sun's heart cringe. "You don't need to explain everything to me. I understand, but you can still invite her."


  Yu Ni grinned, slightly bowed her head, and walked off, "I'll see you at lunch then?"

  "Mm! Bye~!"

  Once she was gone, Ricky turned to Mi Sun, still smiling, causing her heart to beat even faster. Everytime he smiled she is always captured by his beautiful eyes and innocent looks, but she knew it was for Yu Ni who invited him.

  She made a fake smile and decided to . "Oh~ So this is Yu Ni~ You should introduce her to me one day.~"

  Ricky began to blush. "Well- I- No!" He turned his head away.

  So cute! She couldn't help, but continue teasing him until Bo Yun cleared and said, "I'll talk to you later then..." With that, she walked off.

 "I'm going to my seat now..." Ricky said, his smile completely gone. "So are you going to go?"

 "Only if you let me."

  Ricky begins to smile again. "Yeah you can go. After all, you are my 'sister.'" He made quotation marks with his fingers and headed to his seat.

  She, too headed to her seat, but not without thinking, 'What if I don't want you to think that we're siblings?'


Hey another chapter! Tell me what you think! I love comments and advice if you have any. C And again, sorry for the short chapter. I'm still working through the story. :D The main pictures are basically for fun and just to look at haha... It'll mostly be Ricky since this is his story. Not his POV but, he's the main character

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Chapter 37: Daebak.....really although Ricky is my ultimate bias but in this story if i was Misun maybe i can't decide both of them. They are really sweet and good at hiding....if only Misun has twins ^^
Chapter 37: I like Chanjo more than Ricky in this story even though he is my bias.....
I felt so sorry for Chanjo D:
Chapter 37: To be honest, I liked Changjo better here, even though Ricky is my bias.. I felt so sorry for Changjo D: and they made a good couple. But Ricky is so cute, so it's alright.. LOVE THIS FIC
kilumi #4
jihgfrtxcfkhuyjmik that was soooooooooooooooooo njuhydswzsxdcfvgbnjmk i dont have words xDD but a big <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
OMG!!! poor Changjo.. LOL.. your story always amazed me.. :P
RGurasu #6
Daw~!This fanfic..its just!Poor Changjo ;A;..
wow, this was a good story....
Whaa, the end ! It's so good ! I love it ! But Changjo ~ :( haha. <br />
Anyways, this was so good ~ ! I give you 10000003843741923023824740 , haha.
OMG ! Changjo ~ why are you being like that ! :C
CarmenL #10
I'm done>U< <br />
I'm a Changjo's bias~XD but the ending is very nice~<3 Changjo you can find a girl at The States=)<br />
I like the part when Ricky revealed he like her/me~(the part when he look at Mi Sun~=D)<br />
Happy ending~~^u^ Hwaiting~Hope to see your other fan fic~^u^