Our Fate

Jongin walked the in the hallways, the screams of fangirls music to his ears. His brown hair messily fixed and his hands lazying in his pockets. 

The girls wanted him, the boys wanted to be him. The sight was only normal to the boy. He after all, is the most sought after male in the whole school-- maybe even the world. 

"Kim Jongin sshi?" A women called. 

He turned around annoyed that somebody had the guts to actally interupt his morning gloat only to see a teacher. His face instantly changed. His mask appeared; he wasn't the kingka Jongin. When a teacher was present he was the perfect student, he was nice, dedicated, polite and smart-- he was also hot. That was just bonus points. 

"Yes?" He asked in a polite tone. 

"On saturday can you bring this stack of papers to the class? I'm a little busy?" 

please. You just want to cry about your sad job as a high school teacher. 

"Of course I can." He said as he flashed a smile and followed her to grab the papers and bow before walking towards his class. 


Teachers looked at Jongin and smiled proudly. In their eyes as long as he did their work, his homework and was respectful then he was a star in their eyes. Behind scenes, that was a different story. 

He walked inside the classed and placed it onto the teachers desk. He sighed as he turned around only to be greeted by his creepy derp hyung. 


"Jongin~" Chanyeol cooed. 

He simply rolled his eyes and made his way towards his seat. Everyone around his stared at his beauty. He smirked, the old Jongin threating to resurface. 

His head was met with a slap. He growled get it? as he turned around to see his annoying hyung grinning. He sighed, it must be so easy to be able to do whatever the hell you wanted. 

"Yah. Jongin you want to go on a double date tomorrow?" 

As he was about to open his mouth he heard something drop beside him. He looked to see a girls pencil case opened on the floor the contents sprawled across the floor. 


Jongin bent down to help her pick up the pencils that were on the ground. Each time he put one inside the case, the girls face turning red. 

When the case was once again full he smiled and she thanked him. Her face red and her friends envious. 


He turned back to Chanyeol who was glaring holes at his other hyung who was too busy sleeping to talk to them. He chukled, they were always like that. "Hyung. Your eyes might just burn baek."

The other rolled his eyes, "He's hyung to you."

"I look hotter."

"Well aren't you an ."

"But you're practically gay for me so aren't you one too?"

"Jongin shut up before I take up your mouth.. again."

He rolled his eyes as he slapped Chanyeol before turning to the board as the teacher entered the room. 



Hyerim was getting help from her unnie, Jihye for the past few hours. The two were tired and annoyed. Hyerim couldn't perfect that one part of their upcoming debut song and her unnie was mad for not being able to help and turing impatient. 

The last note of the song died out. The two girls stayed in their poses as they stared at themselves in the mirror and smiled. 

Hyerim finally mastered it. 


Hyerim, was at the moment the most popular memeber of Triple L. Hyerim could sing while dance and have it sound beautiful, she was beautiful and she was funny. That's everything that an idol wants-- needs. 

The only set back? It takes her 2 times longer for her to memorize things, anything-- you name it. Dance, lyrics, introductions. 

Triple L was set to debut at the end of the year, they were so close. 

The only thing that they were missing? Another memeber.. At the moment there was only Hyerim and Jihye. Their group would be called Triple L they were in need of one more person. 

Hyerim wanted to rename them, honestly. Why Triple L? Their names didn't even start with an L. Their management stated, "It's cool. The 3 L's stand for Learn, Laugh, Love." 

They were going to be inspiration to all of the girls around the world. 

She wanted to kick someone just for thinking of that. A celebrity can't change someone, only those who were close to you can have that ability. 

She knew first hand, it was something she herself tried many times. Watch a pretty girl on TV and listen to their story, be like them. Lean from their mistakes, laugh from their stories and love them for them. 


How ironic?


Practice was over after another 3 hours. The two were tired and exhausted. The only thing Hyerim wanted was to be with her brother and just sleep in the safe embrace of his arms. 

"Bye Hyerim! Be safe! Wait for your brother! Don't do drugs--"

"Thanks unnie!" She snapped back causing her to chuckle. 


Hyerim was left alone to wait for her brother. It's been 10 mintues since Jihye unnie left. She inwardly groaned. 

"Hye!" A familliar voice boomed. 

She turned her head to see her one and only family member, Oh Sehun. She smiled at the sight of him. His hair was a messy brown while he was still in his work uniform. 

Sehun had graduated highschool the year before. His parents were gone and their money was going fast, he couldn't go and continue his education. In the end he was able to find a stable job that would hire him. He worked at a little cafe. He was decently paid and sometimes if Hyerim wasn't busy-- which was rarely she would be able to help out and make a little bit of money. 

His boss knew about their situation about having no parents and how his younger sister would walk home alone in the dark, so he let Sehun walk his sister back. His boss had truly grown a soft spot for the siblings, the two felt the same. 

He was a father figure to them. 


Sehun jogged up to her and held her hand as they continued to walk. 

"Oppa you're late!" She whined. 

"Sorry! There was a big line! I had to finish before leaving."

"Okay~" She happily said interwining their fingers. 

Hyerim had always been spoiled by her brother, they both knew that. He liked it when she did that though, it made him feel like she could depend on him. 

But she knew when to cross the line. When too much whine was a little too much. Sehun loved her for not being a spoiled brat, just a brat-- in his brotherly perspective at least. 



"Do you think mom and dad would be proud of us..?" She asked in a shaky tone. 

"I don't know Hyerim. I screwed up so much. I sacrificed everything that they left me.. it's just gone." He said without looking at her. 

Hyerim knew her brother, he was very close to their parents, she knew that he was on the verge of tears. She nuzzled her head against his and whispered, "I'm proud of you oppa.. Then when I debut and be a big star, mom and dad will be proud of you for not leaving me when you could have."


Sehun kissed her head gently. 

"I love you Hyerim.. Go inside now." 

They were already in front of their apartment. The rundown building was never a good place to live, but when you have no where else to go, it's your next best thing. 

Sehun already tired himself out everyday, he didn't need to worry about useless things like if she were okay living where she was living. 

"Oppa.." She left out a hoarse voice, "You're not coming in?"

"I still have work."

Nothing came out of as she was already used to him always leaving. 

"Be careful oppa." 

"I will. Hyerim go to sleep okay? I'll be back later." Sehun kissed her cheek one last time before leaving. 


Hyerim looked back at her apartment that she shared with her brother. Everything was run down and worn out. The only thing standing tall was a family photo of her parents and Sehun. She wasn't born yet, She was still in the womb. Sehun was only a little baby. 

The all too familliar tears ran down her face once again. 

Even if Sehun was doing his best and was always there for her, in a way, he never was. 

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caaamilleeeee #1
Chapter 1: im hooked! loving the plot already, but the relationship between sehun and hyerim are so intimate, : ) loving it though! keep up the beautiful work ^ ^ fighting~~
glasskun #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
this seems awesome.
can't wait for an update!
Subscribed! ^u^ <3
continha_troll #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^