



The first time i met her, i was amazed. Oh wow, i couldn’t believe that innocent girl like this still existed. She was pure and white.. as white as a blank paper. Oh yes, she was 20 years old back then but she was just like a 10 years old girl in my eyes. She was calm and looked mature but she even didn’t realize that she wasn’t as mature as she thought. Mature and childlike at the same time. Interesting. On the first i laid my eyes on her, i was sure.. i was attracted to her. For me, she was a woman not a friend nor a job partner.



She was a tough cute little girl. She was so delicate but she had a strong will. Sometimes it scared me. Her spark in her eyes when she wanted to reach something was unbearable. Her nose would flared and her eyes would narrowed. But everytime she was focussed on something, i unconsciously stared at her shamelessly and unknowingly i would smile. A genuine smile which was drawn from her behaviour. This side of her made me like her even more.



Well, she was the only woman whom was hard to crack. She had a high wall of defence towards man. I like her and i would get close to her no matter what. I never be this patient in my whole life. Only with her and only for her. It just like dig a big hole but you just used a spoon. It took a very long time but you could make that hole in the end. Yes, i succesfully broke her wall and she could accept me in her life. As what? I didn’t know..... well, time would tell. I just had to endure my patience a little bit more.



As the time went by, she could behave so comfortably around me. I found that she was really funny and had a sense of humor. Sometimes she showed me her aegyo. Damn! When she did it i became defenseless. Oh how i wanted to pull her to my embrace and kiss her good. But well, what could i do? She wasn’t my girlfriend after all. But you would see, she would be mine.. soon.. very soon.



Every little thing she did was always enchanting in my eyes. Oh, maybe it was just me, because when i whispered to Jungshin “Hey look! Joohyun is munching her salad. Isn’t she cute?” Jungshin just looked at me and answered in flat tone, “Hyung, please. She just munch her salad. What’s so special?” then Jungshin continued to play his iPad. One day i saw her read her book. I need to rub my eyes because believe it or not i saw her glowing back then. For God sake, she was just reading her book but she looked so stunning and y. Ah! What Jonghyun said to me was true. I was no more than a love sick puppy if it came to Seo Joohyun.



The day she agreed to be my girlfriend was the best day in my whole life. I thought it needed to be celebrated by the whole nation of Korea. Haha, kidding! I just too ecstatic! She was brave. She dared to risk her life to be with me. In the first period of our relationship, i didn’t dare to touch her or more.. kiss her. I was afraid that i rushed her, but one day she startled me. We were sat on her bed in her room. Her eonnies left us alone to gave us some privacy. We were just talk but suddenly she leaned on me and kissed me on the lips for only one second. What? Was i dreaming? This was Seo Joohyun who initiated the kiss! I was stunned and look at her, speechless. She smiled shyly and blushed. Oh my! There was nothing which could hold me back, so i pushed her on the bed and kiss her senselessly. She escaped a moan and held me tighter. Oh, yes. It felt so good. Oh, my little naughty girl. You really drive me crazy.



It just me or SeoJoohyun had really grown into a damn-it-oh-God-so-y lady? They way she talked. The way she moved. The way she walked. It really burnt me in desire. Oh how the time could change someone. It changed her looks and it changed my point of view. If i was a love sick puppy back then, now i was a crazy hormonal man who always desired over my woman. Darn! This was bad, very very bad. Because my love created a new thing, possessiveness. I blame her because she grew more beautiful everytime the clock strike a second. But she only said, “Oppa, do you ever heard this quote? ‘A woman who fall in love will become beautiful even more.’ I become beautiful for you, actually. Why you angry at me?” Okay, this was all my fault. But look! Your fanboy number was increased. But she was smart enough to assure me. She would straddle me and kiss me good. She did everything which you could only see in rated movies only for me. Oh well, i was convinced.  There was no one who could have you like i was. This alluring y lady was all mine. Only mine.



When i realized, it was three years already when i first met her. It was just like witnessed how your daughter grew up. Joohyun was indeed changed. From a shy and introvert baby became a confident and dazzling lady. And the thing that crucially change, she even didn’t look at me as a man back then, but now she loved me back with all her heart. For me, i changed too. I loved her back then, but now i trully madly in love with her. Head over heels. My baby become a lady. She said once that the person who affected her most was me. Me? What did i do? I recalled everything in these past thee years but i didn’t even remember asked her to change. She smiled at me and said, “Because of your love, Oppa. That’s which change me. In a good way of course.” I was struck. I huge lump formed on my throat. I was speechless. This girl, jinjja! And i said, “Jashik! Are you planning to make me fall in love with you even more?” She smiled and looked at me. The smile and the gaze which was only seen whenever she looked at me. She hugged me tight and whispered, “Yep, that’s my plan.” We both looked each other. See her like this made me cherished my life even more. Oh God, how i would be if i didn’t meet her? I was tangled with her in the most desperate way. God, i couldn’t live without her. I would spend the rest of my existence with her. Witnessed every transformation of her. But whenever time went by, in my eyes she was always be my Joohyun. The girl that i desperately in love with. Sarang hae, Seo Joohyun.





Author's note~

Hi! this is meluvyuya...

just wake up and have an urge to post fanfic. weird me~

just a little bit stress here..aigoo~ 

happy sunday! eh.. i mean monday, everyone...... :p



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Chapter 1: This is so on point. We all know how joohyun bloomed as the years passed by. Ah she's even more lovelier nowadays. Same with yonghwa. Ah these two! <3
ShinHye24 1340 streak #2
Chapter 1: kamsanmida authornim !!! love yours fics !! jinjja daebak , yongseo<3
nuninuraini #3
Chapter 1: aakkhhh sweet overload hahahah
nuninuraini #4
Chapter 1: aakkhhh sweet overload hahahah
Chapter 1: Thank you for writing such a sweet fics!
Great job author-nim! Any chance you'll write from Seohyun's POV?
Chapter 1: Eonni, so sweet^^ I'm smiling like crazy while reading this. Aahhh jung yonghwa, I thought you really crazy in love with your cheonsa. Love this one, mel eonn :) keep writing! I really adore you, jeongmal kkk~
Chapter 1: Omona sugar coated fic ^_^
Chapter 1: Aww this is so cute and sweet Mel. I think we all witnessed Seohyun's transformation from baby to a lady. =))
SeiraAiren #9
Chapter 1: ㅋㅋㅋ Sweet as sugar.. not as Seo~may eon ㅋㅋ Daebak ^^
oqyoiko_89 #10
Chapter 1: Sweet overload... Love this yong point of view.. Yes he's such the one of the lucky man in the world bcoz he can get seohyun heart... Omo seohyun isnt like a normal lady in my eyes, she's almost perfect one...