


Settling a few years ago wasn’t as difficult as they thought it would be. They got into a few debates about what color should be in what room, but overall, it wasn’t too bad. They agreed on most of the furniture choices. Whatever they didn’t agree on ended with a compromise.


Their home was just a small house, just enough for the two of them. It was nice and cozy, comfortable and affordable. A cute little home in a peaceful neighborhood. They didn’t need anything fancy or luxurious. Even if one did want to spoil the other, they were both content with what they had.


Minho and Taemin had been married for a full year now, as happy as ever. They had been dating for eight years, and as soon as Taemin turned twenty one and finished college, Minho popped the question. Now, at the age of twenty two, Taemin couldn’t say there was anything wrong with their relationship. Argument were very few, very uncommon for them. Not to say they didn’t happen. It was normal in any relationship to have a few ups and downs, married or not. They were just too in love to stay mad for long.


Giving Minho the silent treatment was the best punishment, because Minho would go near insane until Taemin finally talked to him. On the other hand, Minho couldn’t find a proper punishment for Taemin. Every time he thought one would work, he’d get the silent treatment again and give up.


They both had steady jobs, so neither were home alone too often. Minho had originally wished Taemin wouldn’t have to work, and really, Taemin didn't need to. Minho made enough money to support both of them and buy Taemin and himself things they wanted, but Taemin insisted on helping. Minho couldn’t stop him when he saw the determined look in his eyes. Taemin was stubborn, and did whatever he set his mind to.


Minho worked for his father’s company, and Taemin was a dance instructor. Minho always knew he would end up working with his father, and he didn’t mind it either. It wasn’t like his father had forced him to do it either. He willingly chose this job, and when his father retired, the company would be his. It was a small company, a chain of sports stores. That was probably the reason he was so okay with taking over the company in the first place.


Taemin was following his dream with dancing, and Minho was proud of him. He couldn’t keep Taemin from doing what he always wanted to do, that would be like committing the biggest sin. Taemin loved his job, and had fun while doing it. He always got home before Minho, just in time to have dinner ready when Minho got home. Once he did, they ate together, and did whatever they felt like doing next, whether it be watching a movie while cuddling on the couch, or other activities in the bedroom. Usually the former, since they had to work in the morning. They left their private activities for the weekends.


And the weekend was coming up soon. Taemin didn’t know whether to be excited or not. He had been denying Minho any touching the entire week, and he knew the older man was about to go crazy if he didn’t get anything soon. Minho was just that insatiable.


Sometimes they liked to go out for walks, a stroll through the park, or a trip to the mall. They went on dates often, sometimes just going to quite little cafes, or a fancy restaurant if they really felt like it. Sometimes they went to the movies, or an amusement park. Minho loved spoiling Taemin, something Kibum had chided him about. He didn’t care though, he loved Taemin dearly, and would get Taemin whatever he wanted.


Taemin never asked for much though, always saying he was okay with what he had. Sometimes he’d take advantage of it though, having Minho buy him the biggest banana split there was. Minho loved how childish Taemin was, even now at the age of twenty one.


At home, their fridge was fully stocked with banana milk, meat, and any other food or drink they loved. Their living room was complete with a stereo and a nice big tv. Their bedroom had a nice, soft, king sized bed for them to share. The guest room was plain and simple, for any guest that may arrive and need a place to stay. Their walls were covered in pictures of them, some silly, some cute, some pictures the other didn’t even know existed until it was pulled out. Minho had taken a liking to photography in college, so many of the pictures he had taken were there.


Their home was just them. A little piece of them was in every room, whether it be a vase Taemin really liked, or a carpet Minho specifically chose. They had refused any help in deciding how the house would look. They wanted the house to just be them and nothing more. No one else’s. Sometimes they rearranged things, bought something new to add, or switched items, but nothing was done without the other’s consent. They decided everything together. If one had a problem, they’d talk to the other first.


They had the home for three years now, when Minho was twenty one and Taemin was nineteen. They only lived in the dorms together for one year, Taemin’s first year of college, and in his second year, Minho finished and was off. That was when they decided to buy the house with the money they had saved up.


People found it weird of course, that two boys were married, let alone dating in the first place. Minho’s family was against it for a while, but they gave in eventually, They really liked Taemin, they couldn’t hate the boy. It wasn’t his fault they fell in love. Taemin’s parents were different though. Being raised in a very Catholic household, Taemin’s parents were very much against homouality, and couldn’t stand the fact that their son was dating another male. In Taemin’s last year of high school, he was already living with Minho and his parents.


He was lucky to have gotten a full scholarship for dance into the college. While there, he and Minho shared a dorm, which Minho’s parents paid for. By that time, Minho was already working with his father, and Taemin had gotten himself a part time job. He was very thankful to Minho’s family, and loved them as if they were his own. Since he left, Taemin hadn’t spoken to, or even seen his own parents. He was sad, of course, but he was happy to be with Minho. His brother had accepted him, and he visited once in awhile, whenever he had the time.


Minho felt bad sometimes, felt like it was his fault that Taemin’s parents no longer accepted him, but he had come to terms with everything. Whether they were dating or not, Taemin was still gay, always had been, and it was only a matter or time before he told his parents, with or without Minho by his side. Minho was just glad he was there, so that Taemin would have someone to fall back on.


Being together was definitely the best thing that had happened to either of them.









“I’m back!”


Minho stepped into their home, taking off his shoes before walking in any further. He was confused. Usually Taemin would greet him immediately, sometimes even running to him. However, this time there was none of that. He walked into the kitchen, seeing dinner was already out and ready. Taemin must definitely be at home then.


“Minnie? Where are you?”


Minho started panicking, unconsciously imagining the worst possible scenarios as he ran frantically around there home. Taemin wasn’t in the kitchen, their room, the guest room, or the bathroom. He ended up in the living room, peeking over the couch.


There, Taemin was asleep, lying curled up on the couch with a pillow held tightly in his arms. Minho chuckled, tempted to take a picture of the scene but chose not too. He’d be able to see it everyday anyway, having the honor of being able to wake up with Taemin by his side every morning. He was torn between waking Taemin up to eat, or letting him just sleep. On one side, he was starving. On the other, Taemin looked too adorable to possibly disturb.


His hunger one, though he decided he’d have a little fun waking his wife husband up. He’d never tell Taemin that he mentally referred to him as his wife. He couldn’t help it though. Taemin was just so pretty, he could pass as a girl. There was a time a few years ago that Taemin had allowed his hair to grow out, passed his shoulders. He vowed never to do it again after continuously getting confused as a girl. It was when a man freaked out in the bathroom when Taemin entered that he had decided that enough was enough, and cut his hair short.


That, and Taemin didn’t like being called pretty or cute. Taemin wanted to be manly, and although his image had indeed changed quite a bit, and he had gotten a bit of muscles, Minho would never stop thinking of how pretty and cute Taemin was. It was just impossible.


Slowly, he slid the pillow out of Taemin’s grasp. Luckily Taemin was somewhat of a heavy sleeper, so there wouldn’t be too much trouble pulling this off. Once the pillow was gone, he made sure to keep Taemin’s arm lifted and moving the other arm away so he didn’t flatten it. He carefully laid beside Taemin, moving his own arms around the man and pulling him closer, holding him tightly in his arms. His grinned when Taemin snuggled closer to him, rubbing his face on his chest before tightening his own hold.


“Minnie~ Wake up now babe,” Minho said softly. Taemin mumbled something that Minho couldn’t quite catch before lazily moving his head, resting his chin on Minho’s chest and looking up at him with half-lidded eyes.


“Welcome home Minho,” Taemin replied. He leaned up, placing a kiss on Minho’s cheek before going back down, closing his eyes as if he were about to fall back asleep. Minho wasn’t going to have that.


“What? Just my cheek? I come home from a long day at work and all I get is a kiss on the cheek?”


“That’s all you’re going to get if you keep whining yeobo.”


Minho pouted but got up, allowing Taemin to sit up and go to the bathroom to wash his face. Minho went to the kitchen, warming up the food before placing it on the table, getting them something to drink while he waited for Taemin to come and eat with him. When Taemin did enter the kitchen, instead of walking to the table, he walked over to Minho, grabbing his collar and pulling him down for their lips to meet, moving their lips together before separating after a few seconds.






They ate dinner together, telling each other about their day and listening to the other’s stories. He and Taemin never seemed to run out of stories to tell, and that was great. They always had something to talk about, no matter how random the subject was. It was just part of the beauty of their relationship.


To be honest, Minho didn’t think much had changed since they got married and bought the house. They were still very much in love, just as much as they were before. They were still living together, they had been for a few years now. There wasn’t much change, but the difference was still there. Now, they weren’t in his parent’s house, or in a college dorm. Now, they were in their own home. They chose it together, they bought it together, they furnished and painted it together, and they lived together in it. It was their perfect little home.


Some people would want a larger house, but they didn’t need that. For what? They were perfectly fine in their little house. Some people wanted famous paintings in their home, a chandelier and fine china. They didn’t need that. Paintings were beautiful, yes, but the only painting they needed were the crappy, unprofessional and weird looking ones they made themselves. They had enjoyed doing it it, randomly buying some canvases and paint, and finger painting to their hearts content, sometimes throwing paint on each other or messing up the other’s painting. Neither of them were artists, and that just made it all the more fun.









Taemin didn’t like being alone, even if it was only for a short while. It just didn’t feel like home when he was the only one in it. Despite everything they shared in there, it still felt empty.


So Taemin looked forward to Minho’s arrival everyday, so that their home felt full again. He cherished the weekends when neither of them had to work, so that they could be lazy and lay in each other’s arms all day and night. Evening had become his favorite time of day, because they were both home at that time.


They were adult, but sometimes they liked to be childish. They liked playing games, chasing each other around, having snowball fights in the winter and making sand castles and burying each other in the sand in the summer. They were serious when they needed to be, dealing with bills and work, being the mature adults they were and being on top of things.


They were adults, but at heart, they were still those young teenagers who barely knew what they were doing. At the ripe age of fifteen, Taemin had met the seventeen year old Minho, and fallen in love with him after only a few months of knowing him. Minho had felt the same way, and they started their relationship in Taemin’s last year of middle school, and Minho’s second year of high school. They had kept their relationship a secret for the majority of their relationship, until last year in high school when they were found out. Minho’s parents had known beforehand, and had time to adjust, but Taemin’s weren’t so lenient.


Every night, Taemin still prayed. He prayed for his parents whom he had not seen for nearly five years now. He prayed for his brother, who always stood by him. He prayed for their friends, and Minho’s parents, who supported them and took care of them. He thank the Lord for giving him Minho, because he couldn’t imagine his life without the man anymore. He couldn’t think about what tomorrow would be like if Minho wasn’t by his side. It just wasn’t possible for him anymore.


They depended on each other. The leaned on each other for support, keeping the other steady and on their feet. One would carry the other if things became too much. They’d comfort each other in their times of need. They hold each other in the most intimate of ways, connected, as one, in those private moments that were theirs to cherish.


And only after a few months of living in the house did Taemin realize that the house was not his home. The house was only a larger part of it.


In Minho’s embrace, in those strong long arms that never failed to hold him so gently, make him feel so safe; that was home.


Minho was his home.



I was going to wait, but then I thought, "Why not just post it now?"

So I did. I posted it! 

Was it okay? I hope you enjoyed it! 

Thank you for reading!

Please COMMENT and tell me what you think!

Bye bye~

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Going to post the oneshot tomorrow!


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Chapter 1: I really enjoyed this!
Chapter 1: this scream cute and beautiful.
Chapter 1: it's really soft...<3
jjjjkkkk #4
Chapter 1: I love it thanks for writing !!
You always amaze me with your stories <3
Chapter 1: I want 2min like this irl ㅠㅠㅠ happy marriage and have their own home♥ i hope both of their parents not against them ;;;;;;
banana-milk-unni #7
Chapter 1: Omg... it was absolutely wonderful and adorably cute!!! >\\\<
Chapter 1: /cries forever
so beautiful ;^;♡
Chapter 1: WOW....O_O
Perfect marriage^___^..I want to get married too >__<