
Fanfic Recommendations!

Title: Baby's Breath


Author: jindeul

Genre: Angst, romance, slight!fluff, slight!ingest.

Description: My name is Byun Baekhyun.

My stepbrother's name is Park Chanyeol.

My stepbrother has a ''below average'' IQ of 65. He's been home-schooles for the majority of his life. Yes, he's mentally retarded. Inellectually disabled. Conigitively handicapped. Whatever you call it. He doesn't do much with his life but water the plants at our family's florist shop and try to solve second grademath problems. He still counts on his fingers. 

Life's been different, to say the least, ever since he moved in with us.

My name is Byun Baekhyun and I want my stupid stepbrother to dissapear.

My opinion: This is really cute but at the same time really sad. I like it. The way it's written and all and how she shows the world that all people are worth it.

Warnings: Ingest

Points: 7/10

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Well then I will promote myself a bit then (not only that ofc) ^^

Uhm you can read them and see if they're something for you ^^ They are not , soooo

Here's the first one called Clouds:

And the second one called It's Complicated:

Thank you! ^^