CHAPTER 7 - The Pain in Nana's Heart

The Silver Chain Circle

Kris took Nana to the mental hospital where the latter's mother was confined. When they went to her ward, the woman was just sitting on her bed, playing with her doll. Nana walked slowly to approach her mother and removed the hair away from the woman's face.

"Mom, how're you doing?", Nana asked.

Her mother just smiled at her.

"Your sister just visited me today. I'm so happy", her mother said. So that explains the red roses on the side table, because Yoona just got here earlier.

"How about Grandma?"

Soonmi's smile vanished and turned into a frown when Nana mentioned the word "grandma". "I don't like her, Nana. She's a bad old hag."

Later, the nurse entered the room to give Soonmi her medicine. She didn't even fought it off. After taking her medicine, the nurse injected her the tranquilizer. When she fell asleep, Nana kissed her forehead then she went out of the ward.

"How is she?", Kris asked.

"She's okay. She can now take her medicine without force, unlike last time", Nana said, then she took Kris' wrist. "You said you'll accompany me during my freedom hours, right?"

"Yes. Why?", Kris asked, puzzled.

"I want a drink."

"Alright, I'll buy you a bottled water."

Nana flicked Kris' forehead. "Ow! That hurts!"

Nana smirked. "That's not what I mean, pabo-yah ~"

Kris realized what Nana wanted to do. "You can't, Nana. From what I am seeing, you can't hold your liquor."

"Don't underestimate me, tower", Nana smirked again. "Wanna bet?"

"Don't try me, Im Ji Nah", Kris replied.

"Aish! You're talking too much! Let's go", then she pulled Kris and they went out of the mental hospital.




Kris and Nana entered the Limelight bar. Excited, Nana approached the bartender to buy a drink.

"Hi! Could you give me a bottle of tequilla?", Nana told the bartender.

"Excuse me, she cannot drink tequilla. Just give her martini", Kris chimed in.

"Shut up, Kris! Mind your own business", Nana snapped, then she pushed Kris.

"You're not a strong drinker, Nana. You can dance and party all you want, but you're not  allowed to drink."

"Are you even my dad? Don't speak to me like that", Nana was really stubborn.

"Hey! You're here, too", the voice from behind spoke loudly.

The arguing pair turned their heads. The guy who spoke was Suho. The other boys who are with him are Sehun, Lay, and Xiumin.

"Looks like you two are arguing over something", Lay said. "Come over to our table!You can take a shot of vodka and tequilla with us."

"Sorry guys, but Nana is not allowed to drink", Kris quickly replied.

"Shut up, tower", Nana glared at Kris.

"Yeah, Kris is right. Nana looks like a weakling when it comes to drinking", Xiumin added.

"A weakling, huh?", Nana smirked with annoyance, then she went to the boys' table. Kris quickly followed her.

"You're not going to do that", Kris said with a tone of warning.

"Yes, I will", Nana replied with a naughty smile.  Kris tried to stop her from taking the shot of tequilla but it's too late.

"Ah...taste good!", Nana blurted out when she took the shot of tequilla, then she turned to Kris. "See? I'm not a weakling."

"You want more?", Suho offered to Nana, holding the bottle of tequilla.

"More!", Nana blurted out again, then Suho gave her another shot.

Nana almost took plenty of shots of tequilla, with vodka in tow. She feel so happy, it's like she's floating in the air.

"You're drunk, Nana. Enough", Kris said, but Nana didn't mind him. She stood up and took his wrist.

"Come on, Kris! Let's dance!", Nana offered.

"You're drunk. I'll drive you home", Kris told her.

"Aish! Don't be such a killjoy, you stupid tower! Let's dance, pleeeease??", the drunk girl just did an aegyo.

Kris facepalmed. This is something he can't resist. "Alright, let's dance."

Nana dragged him to the dancefloor and they started dancing. Kris' jaw dropped when he saw how Nana danced that night, especially when Nana did a y dance in front of him. He felt sweat trickled from his forehead and chest and his heart beating fast at the sight of Nana's hips swaying.

"This is so much fun!", Nana said, smiling.

"Come on, you're already drunk",  Kris told her. Nana did not answer. She unwittingly hugged Kris like her body became heavier to her.




Kris took Nana home to the Im mansion. Nana was laughing with her eyes closed, obvious that she is still in a drunken haze. Kris shook his head and helped Nana get out of the car and almost carried her on the way in.

"Nana! What happened to you??"

Kris and Yoona's eyes met. Yoona recognized Kris, and Kris also recognized Yoona.

"What happened to her?", Yoona's tone was a little bit stern.

"She's drunk. I tried to stop her from taking too much shots but she did not listen", Kris replied.

Yoona shook her head. "Nana's room is upstairs. Let me help you."

Yoona helped Kris take Nana upstairs to her room. When they entered the room, they put Nana on bed.

"I'll take care of her. I'm sorry if I took her home like this", Kris apologized.

"You should have not left her in the first place, Kris", Yoona said.

"I know, but I have to do it because I don't want her to get hurt", Kris reasoned out while wiping Nana's forehead with a towel.

"You better take care of her much more now that you're back in her life", Yoona told him. The frown on her face vanished.

"I will really take care of her much more and protect her from now on", Kris replied, then Yoona went out of the room and left him there with Nana.

While Kris is wiping Nana's forehead, he can't help but stare at Nana's face. He can't help but think how the cheerful, demure, and shy girl he used to love became this elusive and cold. Even its innocent aura changed. It's all his fault....

...But for him, she still looked beautiful even though she's drunk and wasted.

A few minutes later, Nana opened her eyes.

"Kris, what are you doing here? Please just leave me alone", she gave him a slight push.

"I won't leave you here looking like that, Nana", Kris replied.

"Liar... You're going to leave me like our parents did... like my first love did", she chuckled bitterly.

Nana pulled the collar of Kris' sweater. "You look so hot, you know? I'm sure girls wants to be on your lap..."

"But I don't care about them. You're my only concern", Kris seriously replied. Nana smirked, thenshe pulled Kris closer to her, to the point that if Kris made a wrong move, their lips will touch.

"Is it okay if I say that I want you so much? I mean... with desire? Hehe...", Kris' face became hot. This girl is unaware that she's seducing him.

Oh , he thought.

Their lips almost touched when Nana let go of his collar.

"Go home now", Nana pushed Kris then she fell asleep.

Kris sighed. Whew! That was close.

Kris removed the hair away from Nana's face. "I'm sorry, Nana. I promise this time, I won't leave your side."

Good evening ,guys and gulls!

7th chapter now out. Whew! Sorry for the slow pace, just gradually introducing to you the other characters... and exposing their secrets I guess....XD

Please keep the support coming! Please, please, please...


Thank you for the love, guys! I love you too..!:3

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14 streak #1
Chapter 9: it's such a waste you didn't update since 2014 !
this story is GOLD ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ it deserves more i wish you can update it although i know that after 4 years you won't (╥_╥)
14 streak #2
Chapter 8: holy crap who took him?!!
14 streak #3
Chapter 7: i'm deeply in love with this story!
14 streak #4
Chapter 6: ohoooo mr.wu
14 streak #5
Chapter 5: hoold u...p so nana has lost some memories...i guess she was involved in an accident!
14 streak #6
Chapter 4: wooah so it'd not a normal game..
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Chapter 3: omg!!! that's lit!
14 streak #8
Chapter 2: her granny is sooo evil
14 streak #9
Chapter 1: Omg!! i hope she'll go there!! this is so exeptionel, and fantastic.... yaaaay i'm in love with this Nana (*^▽^*)
14 streak #10
i love krina and methology so now i found the perfect mixture