
Innocent Madness


The interior of the house is no different than the exterior. It is mostly empty if you exclude a couple chairs here and there and a small trunk lying dusty at one of the corners. The walls are decorated with a hideous faded floral wallpaper and there are parts were the true color shows, probably because these parts were covered with paintings of mirrors. The wooden planks beneath his feet squeaker when he walks on them and the sound alone makes the hair on the back of his head rise. There are no lights but he doesn't have a problem navigating around. 
The window originally led them to the empty living room, but Baekhyun takes his time going through all the rooms in the first floor. The kitchen is as empty on furniture as the living room and he checks the sink for water, not getting surprised that there actually isn't any. The cupboards are empty too. At the end of the hall there is a big staircase leading to the second floor and he promises to himself that he'll check it later, as well.
He, of course,  hasn't forgotten about the girl and the presence of the knife should have made him more alarmed, but he feels abnormally comfortable around her. Just like when he simply took her hand and let her guide him. She just follows him around while he is searching the rooms without muttering a single word. He doesn't blame her as the situation is extremely awkward but it doesn't take long until Baekhyun has enough.
"Where am I? What is this place and why was that thing screaming about?" he asked with a soft voice, turning to face the girl. She straightened her head as it was always tilted to one side and put one finger in front of , indicating him to stay quiet. She, then, points the finger towards the stair and starts walking without waiting for him.


The girl leads him in the last room of the hallway. It's a kids' room. Surprisingly enough, it's full of toys and the walls are painted with the colors of the rainbow. The shelves on the wall are filled with books. There is a bed, too. The girl looks out of the window and then closes it and draws back the curtains. She lets the knife on the night stand and sits on the bed, indicating Baekhyun to do the same. 
"This world is the home to all the insane people and is created to torture the sane ones that happen to pass by. You really shouldn't be here right now. That thing that screamed before is coming for you. It knows you're here. You are safe now, though. As long as you stay in here quietly" she finally answers his previous questions. Her voice is deeper than he expected and he feels a slight tack in his heart.
"You seem very familiar, but I think I would remember you if you had come here before... Well, I've probably seen you in my dreams" she continues. She acts like the whole scene was normal and happens everyday and it drives him crazy. He chooses to not reply to what she just said.  "What are you doing here then? Are there any other people in the town?" he sets a new set of questions.
"I don't know how I got here, but I think it suits me. One day I was living happily with my family and the next I wake up here, in this very room. That thing you are so scared of, doesn't attack me. And no, there aren't any other people here. At times, someone like me arrives but all of them manage to leave somehow. No matter how hard I try I can't get out of here." Baekhyun can see the pout on her face and he feels kinda sorry for her.
"How long have you been here?" is his next question and he already knows the ones to come. "Honestly, I don't know...I actually don't remember anything. I don't remember anything from my family, I don't remember my age, I don't even remember my name... " she answers and he can see her eyes water.
"It's nice that I met someone as kind as you after all this time. Thank you, Baekhyun" she says with a big smile that lets lots of white teeth show and Baekhyun forgets every other question he wanted to make, because he doesn't remember mentioning his name.


"How come you came by here?  There are not many paths leading to this town" It's her time to ask the questions. "I'm just searching for my... best friend" he says pausing for a short second before the last couple of words, looking almost like he was thinking of the right characterization.

"Tell me about him, please!" she calls out happilly, claping her hands with joy. Baekhyun has no other choice than to do so. "Well. let's see... He is very tall and has broad shoulders. He is so clumsy that he resembles a clown sometimes. He likes music very much and can play the guitar and the drums. His voice is so deep that one would think is not real. He is also really funny and laughs at everything. When he laughs, his eyes twitch so much that you think he's having a heart attack.

We have been friends since 7th grade. Because we are so close, even our parents hang out together. Chanyeol has an older sister that teases us every time I visit their house. They're small fight are so funny to watch. He is so bad at cooking that he once got food poisoning from eating his own creation.

However, he is a gentleman when we go out and no matter how hard I try to convince him, he always ends up paying for both our meals. He is very generous and kind and... yeah, he is my best friend" he ended his endless monologue. The girl is liturelly hanging from his lips.

"And what will you do if you can't find him?" she asks, tilting her head to the one left side once again.

After carefully processing the question in his mind he finds a good enough answer to give her . "Can I stay here?"  he answers her question with another one.

"Well... I didn't know you were suicidal, but sure you can stay with me as long as we'll live" she replies with a huge smile on her face.

Needless to say her answer isn't what he was hoping for....



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Chapter 4: It was good but im a little confused, is it over?
Chapter 4: Really interesting! :-D:-D
RanSuki #3
Chapter 3: wow!! That is a realy good theme to make a fanfic!! Please, update! I'm in love with this story ;---; *and sorry for my bad english*
batonkun #4
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;