The Insensate Doll

chapter TWO; 

                 A TASTE OF THE PAST


» Her voice sent chills down my spine. Did she just call me a peasant? 

The former doll shots a death stare, her arms crossed on her chest giving the impression that she's impatiently waiting for my response.  And I’m certain she’s not taking NO for an answer.

“Would you mind telling me who or what are you exactly?” I bravely asked, rubbing my eyes, hoping I would break loose from this nightmare. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to wake up from a dream when you’re not even asleep.

She takes a step back and uttered in cackles “Sorry to disappoint you but no.” Oh seriously now, Is it that hard for her to give a simple introduction? She brushes her fingertips on the thin curtains as if she's fascinated by its fabric.

“But I can show you” a menacing smile tugged both ends of . Show me? Has she decided to feast on my meat? Or somehow, take over my body and cast vileness upon ignorant souls?

Her hands traveled on her body, stopping at the band tied around her waist. Her pale fingers did its job of slowly taking it off.

I get it. This creep is seducing me. She’s shamelessly stripping infront of a complete stranger. “Oh please, I could sense the dirty thoughts infesting your mind.” her voice was part playful, part seductive. Its stirring something inside of me. Damn.

It didn't take long for the band to land  on the cold, cemented floor. I could feel the knots in my stomach. She arched her eyebrow before turning her back to me. Her hand lifted her luscious waves on one side so I could get a clearer view of her body as the fabric of her clothing gradually slides down. I gulped  at the sight of her bare skin. No way am I getting laid at this hour.

"Touch it" she commanded. No matter how gorgeous she is, getting by an obscure creature is just plain disgusting. I AM DISGUSTING.  "Do you want your questions to be answered or what? I said touch the tattoo!" her shrill voice echoed in the room, piercing my eardrums. 

A tattoo. Specifically, a chain tattoo. Its placed just below her nape.  If she didn't mention it, I wouldn't even notice. It seemed to be glowing, urging me to come closer.

My feet floated their way behind the dreadful lady, "What will happen?" I asked, out of sheer curiosity. I imagine her doing the signature creepy smile while she replies "See for yourself". Cautiously, I placed my hand on it, unaware of the outcome.

I blinked my eyes repeatedly but the view before me remained the same. It feels like I've been thrown into another era. Or is that exactly  the case? 

Houses lined up along the bottom of the mountains, surrounded by rice fields. The people were wearing old, traditional Korean clothing. A decent amount of citizens were busy selling a variety of products while some were just wandering around the place.  A range of mountains shrouded the town and its people, creating a beautiful scenery in a harmonious landscape.

"MAKE WAY FOR THE PRINCESS! MAKE WAY!" a terrifying voice boomed out of nowhere. People started crowding along the sides upon hearing the authoritative yell. I let out a gasp when one of them passed through my body. They can't see me...nor can they hear my voice.

An army of soldiers marched in sync, surrounding a white horse, carrying the princess. The doll! I said out loud. Good thing the others cant hear me. She looks the same. Frosty eyes, porcelain-like skin, dark tresses. 

Out of nowhere, a woman sank to her knees right at the center of the street. The soldiers came to a screeching halt, shooing the poor lady away. "Princess, I'm begging you to free my son. He doesn't deserve to be a slave, please, my majesty!" she was pleading with all her heart while hot liquid spilled down her face.

"Doesn't deserve to be a slave, you say? How foolish. People like him deserve nothing. Now get out of my sight before I do something undesirable!" I knew it, she's a devil trapped inside the body of a stunning woman.

The soldiers grabbed the arms of the lady and dumps her on one side. The other citizens who witnessed the scene were trembling in fear. "YOU LOATHSOME HUMAN BEING! I'LL PRAY TO THE GODS IN HEAVEN THAT THEY MAY PUNISH YOU FROM ALL YOUR EVIL DOINGS!" the old woman was fuming with anger, along with the sadness b in her heart.

The princess sent an eye signal to her army of well-built men. This is not good. They went back to the raging woman and led her somewhere. It's not hard to imagine the worst-case scenario.

In a flash, I was back in my room. "Are you done?" she mumbled, with irritation. I stepped back, afraid of what she might do.

"So basically, you're a wicked princess. Why do I have to deal with you?" I kept myself composed to mask the nervousness.

She twirled a bit, facing me while fixing her Wonsam back in place. "That's what they say. Well, may I remind you that it was you who brought me back to life? In simple words, you are my.. servant now. And you have to help me with my mission" Now she's calling me her servant. I stood up from the bed, taking slow steps towards her.

"Mission? Care to elaborate, my Majesty?" I enunciated the word "Majesty" mockingly. She raised an eyebrow the moment I invaded her personal space, and responded, "I need to fall in love with someone and of course it has to be mutual. But, you're not my type so help me find somebody else."

This is the first time someone told me I am not their ideal guy. She must be really insane. Is this some kind of a fairytale? A princess needs to find her prince and then they will live happily ever after? What a joke. Princesses are supposed to be nice and innocent, but this one is the complete opposite. "Are you kidding me? I'm not helping someone I don't know" Especially someone as wrathful as you are, I continued in my mind.

The villain simply scoffed at my answer. "It's up to you. Change your mind or I'll walk around your neighborhood telling everyone how youbanged me in this room" ert. Another bad trait was added on my what-I-hate-about-this-creep list. She's blackmailing me. Can she get any more treacherous than this?

I drew a sharp breath before admitting defeat "Fine!" She's the only one who stepped on my ego and I'm not letting this pass. A thought suddenly pops out of my mind. "Wait. What happens if you fail?" 

She slumps down on my sofa, seemingly disturbed from the question. "I'll be trapped inside the doll forever" her voice stuttered.

That's it. If she has her own mission then I'll have mine too. ---And that is to hinder her from succeeding.


Mission...... starts...... now.





So ugh this is what I came up with. It kinda but yeah. Lol. Hopefully the next chapters will be better.

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Chapter 2: This is awesome!!
ohghad. wait this is kris? lol
I was a little freaked out to be honest.
but the chant made me laugh omg XD
anyway yeah.
krystal's a little creepy here and for some reason I just can't imagine kristal. but then I can imagine them a little bit. just a little bit. XD
anyway I hope you post another chapter soon ^^
Chapter 2: Omg. Thank you authornim for making this beautiful kristal ff. I ship them more than I ship myself with my phone. Kkkkk...
I will look forward your story ofc.
fxwhuut #4
Chapter 2: Lol at Baby Jung's blackmailing towards Kris. :))) update soon! :3
Chapter 2: love this! Update soon :DD
Chapter 2: i love this story.it's really interesting.i hope u will change your font size it's really hard to read and the color:)just a suggestion.fighting author!!excited for the next updated
Chapter 2: Lol...
Krystal should learn how to be nice to someone...

Probably that guy will end up liking her instrad.
i really like your story. i have been much of a writer myself and i personally think this is great for your first fanfic!
this is awesome!!!! its creepy but interesting at the same time :D haha update soon!!!!