C2: Rain sound

Twisted Destiny


Rain Sound

Chapter two


January 2009

So today Yunhee decide to wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual just to make sure she'll have enough time to prepare herself for school and why not coming to school a little bit earlier? Hyeri is gonna be there for sure. That nerdy girl loves school, she's really weird sometimes I just don't get her. Yunhee went downstair and opens the fridge.

" Maybe I should do some scrambled eggs today. Yum, that sounds good!" She tooked three eggs out. One for her and the rest for her appa. She opens the stove and starts cracking the eggs and served them after 15 minutes. Top with some orange juice. She sat on the counter placing the breakfast on the granite table


" Appa! Breakfast's ready!" Yunhee called for his dad.

" You cooked breakfast? Ommo, it smells so good" Her dad came instanly after her call and sat in front of her.

" How was it? It is good?" They both start digging their food.

" Daebak! (awesome) You should do breakfast more often" He holds a thumbs up in the air.

"Assa! (nice) Okay I'll do that." Yunhee smile happily seeing her appa ate her cook well.


Even omma is not here with Yunhee and her appa anymore, she'll still try her best to take care of her appa and herself well. May omma stay well up there..





" Ahh, why is the air smells like smoke? Tsk, it's not even fresh anymore" Yunhee closed her nose. 

It was the the second week of high school for Yunhee and while she walked to school she prays and hope that everything's going to be fine today. She then walked by the garbage bin and slowly drift away from that spot. She really don't want to waste her time running away from a stray dog plus her legs still sores from yesterday's marathon aka running away from the dog. The wind decide to pay a visit and blows its wind strongly it makes Yunhee's hair  flew wildly.

" Yah, don't tell me it's going to rain" Suddenly a storm appeard.

" Haish, it was really sunny just now and now it turns all gloomy already. Thank god I bring my umbrella along" She talked to herself, like always. As soon as she opens her umbrella, rain drops starts to fall. Creating sastifiying sounds to Yunhee's ear, she had always like the sound of water droplets that falls down to the umbrella. The smell of the rain makes her heart at ease for a bit. Rain reminds her of her omma, who died in a car accident. Omma had always like rain so much, it's her favourite weather.


After taking slow walks for a bit, she stumble upon a familiar figure. 

" Ah, its him. The flirty guy ." Yunhee rolled her eyes trying to avoid him but felt sorry as he was waiting under a bus stop which the buses never really stopped.. The only purpose of that bus stop now is for people to sit from long walks or while waiting for rain to go just like that creepy guy. No more transportation purpose. That guy, he was shivering. Oh not to mention that most of his uniform was wet, probably from running through the rain. He rubbed both of his palms and placed it on his cheeks.

" Should I help him? Maybe not.. but he's shivering. Ahh whatever its a good deed anyway. " 

Yunhee walked to him with a emotionless face. Not smiling, sad, angry or anything.

" Yah, do you want to share the umbrella with me?" Yunhee shows him her light blue with small daises printed umbrella.

" Erm, don't you have any other umbrella? This is way too ugly " The guy's question boils Yunhee's head to exactly 100 degree.

" Are you mocking my umbrella hah mister ? It's definitely fine if you don't take this chance, because I didn't lose anything. But of course, you will have to stay here untill the rain's calm. Till then goodbye." Yunhee turned her heels and walked angrily. She was trying to be nice.

Stupid bastard. I've should have just ingnore him. Now my mood's gone. Thanks alot weird guy.

Yunhee starts walking away from him and suddenly a figure came into her umbrella. 

Yunhee sighed.

He's soaked again.

" You should have just agreed with my offer just know. Now, you're wet again" Yunhee nags. She then stares at his hair and face unknowingly.

" You can stop staring" He's face were rather cold and empty. He hugged himself. Probably heating himself since its really cold and windy. No tones of flirting or seducing. He looks serious this time unlike the wild dog incident. That time he looks like a total player.

" Ew, no?" Yunhee shooked her head numbereous time. She's actually embarassed that she got caught for staring, she didn't realized that she was staring. Pabo-yah Cha Yun Hee.

After awhile, silence filled the air and since the umbrella was small their arms brushed together for most of the time.

The guy offers to hold the umbrella since he was taller than her. He's not that tall but average for a men's his ages height. If felt like a korean drama to Yunhee where the lovers walked in the middle of the rain romantically. The wind blew slowly giving the whole situation more drama. 

He then grabbed Yunhee's hand and hold it firmly. Yunhee was really shock by his behaviour. His firm hands were pure cold from the rain and cold weather. She wanted to let go but at the same time she felt really comfortable. It felt like her hands were made for him, for the guy who she don't even know his name. Yunhee looked up to him and saw that his eyes were shut and his face starting to pale. He looked like a small kid who's having a fever. Weak and needs someone to be with him while his sick. 

" Yah, are you okay? You look really pale" Yunhee asked. " You might caught a fever"

" Hmm" He nodded his head weakly and let go of her hands when they arrived at the school's gate. He then walked to the roofted student pavement and vanished in to the school building.


Yunhee stared at her hand that the guy holds earlier. She can still feel his hands in hers. She pinked.

Weird..What's wrong with him ? Or what's wrong with.. me?






"So class, today I have a small assignment for you" said Mr.Nam followed by the sudent's groan in protest. " Silence everyone! This task is a pair assignment and please read the board for the procedures and questions that you have do to. This is due by next week and don't forget to work hard on this as I will take the marks for your incoming examination." Mr. Nam takes out a paper of names of the student in class and paired them for the assignment.

He started to called out the names.

" Jessica with Yeori"

" Himchan with Jongup"

"Hyeri with Sungjae"

"Yunhee with Luhan"

and so on..

" It looks like we have to work together" Luhan mentioned. Yunhee face to Luhan and gave him a nod and a smile.


Then the school bell rang.


"Hey, can I sit here with you guys?" Luhan approached Hyeri and Yunhee's table with a tray of his lunch on his hands.

" Sure, why not?" Hyeri patted on the sit next to her.

" Uh, I want to sit next to Yunhee. Sorry." Luhan cleared his throat and sat beside me. Hyeri's face fell at Luhan's answer. Probably dissapointed.

" Yah Hyeri I heard that there is a new ice cream that just opened yesterday. Wanna go there after school?" Yunhee tries to change the subject.

" Nah, it's okay. I ate a lot of ice creams yesterday." She chuckled. " It was very delicious!" She grin widely and continues eating her lunch with full enthusiastic.

" Oh Yunhee about the assignment earlier, do you want to do it at my house tomorrow?" Luhan asked.

" Hmm, tomorrow? Yeah I think I can do that." Yunhee talked with full of food.

" Tsk, you're so gross !" said Hyeri giving a disgusted look on her face. " You have to remember that you're a girl, you should be more graceful."

" Haish, you really talked like a ahjumma" she rolled her playfully to Hyeri. Luhan laughes at their behaviour.

" Ok good. I'll give you my adress later in class. "

Yunhee nodded.

We all looked up when a figure came up to our table. He was a really good looking tall boy. He was not smiling at all.

" Um, Luhan don't forget about the meeting today at 3pm" He glanced at Yunhee with his sharp gaze for awhile before he left.

" Erm, why is he looking at me that way?" Yunhee feels rather weird with the guy's behaviour.

" Oh, his always like that. By the way, that's sehun the-" 

" The maknae of the group EXO-K!" Hyeri cuts off Luhan's word and squel in excitedness.

" Oh Hyeri, you know them?" 

" They're the EXO-K, for god sake one of two most popular group of handsome boys. Every student in this school knows them, it's only you who are always outdated. We've been in this school for two weeks already. I thought you knew about them" Hyeri adjusted her thick frame glass.

" Tsk, really? Woa I'm really living under a box!" Yunhee slaps herself playfully.

"Yah, Luhan how come you be friends with that tall guy?" Yunhee asked again. Well, basically she's really living under a box.

" Well, I-" Luhan got cut off again by Hyeri and obviously really annoyed with Hyeri.

" Ommo! Yunhee look!It's one of the BTOB's member. Ommo faster, look!" Yunhee looked to the direction Hyeri's pointing.

" Isn't that...ah who is he?" 

Yunhee can see from her eyes that, that guy is obviously flirting with a bunch of popular school girls. He inched closer and closer to the girl he's talking to and whispers something on her left ear. The girl giggle after he return to his normal sitting position and gives her his signature smirk.

" He's flirting with the girls again" Luhan shooked his head several times.

" You know him?" Yunhee feels a sudden interest building up in her. It's the guy that saves Yunhee from the wild dog.

That guy really looks like a player even from the smirk he had on our first meeting. Not to mention he actually tries to kiss me!  Behind the bushes! Yah that guy is really something. Yunhee thought to herself.

" Yeap, he's Ilhoon, Jung Ilhoon. One of the BTOB's member. He's known for his, to girls really seductive smile and handsome face. He always manage to melt girls heart away with just one shot. But man, I don't know I'm not that keen to him. He flirts with everyone!" Luhan wipes off his mouth with a tissue and fix his blonde hair which is actually already perfect. 

" Jung Ilhoon? Seeing him like that really makes me feel like puking" Yunhee imitates a puking action. 

Luhan and Hyeri burst into laughter and then went straight to class for their next lesson.

How on earth can I feel comfortable and warm when he was holding my hand. Maybe it's because he looked so innocent and cute earlier. He looks nice when he's not in the flirting mode. But he most certainly had always flirting other girls and holds their hands like how he did to me. It's his flirting trick, I guess. Yah Yunhee, what the hell.  Pabo yah. 


Sorry for english mistakes and I'm just too sleepy to check.Adios!Enjoy!





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nice story ^^
This seems pretty goood~~~ c: