
Ice Queen
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*A/N So yesterday I found a note that I wrote myself on my iPhone, like, four months ago. I was listening to a kpop channel on Pandora and stumbled upon Demon by Jay Park. I guess I liked it or whatever cause I told myself to look it up. As I said, I just found that note yesterday. =_= I'm kind of an idiot. Lesson of the story, Nelle never remembers things even when she makes notes of them. Anyways, I love the song (duh, I named this chapter after it ^の^). Yah. Enjoy the chapter and as always, I love your comments!*


I sat with a stoic face, straight back, and the poise of a noble. The only sounds in the room were the soft clinks of the pure silver cutlery against the milky white china plates. Before me was a complete continental breakfast prepared by the best of the best, but it tasted only of sawdust. Each bite was like swallowing frozen frog legs whole. The taste was nothing and the feeling of swallowing was detestable. 

On the other side of the unreasonably long table were my parents- each as silent as the other. They had called me to join them for breakfast for a reason that was far beyond me. 

"Don't eat so sloppily. People might think badly of you." my mother said, breaking the silence. 

Staring her dead in the eye, I set down my utensils and picked up my waffle with my hands. I made a point to chew with my mouth open and let pieces fall out of my mouth occasionally.

"I don't see why we have to have breakfast together if all you're going to do is ridicule me. I can go to school and do that." I said as I took a swig of my water, making sure to backwash.

"Hyunseung, you may leave." she said, ignoring me to turn to Hyunseung who had been completely silent this entire time. He had stayed the night with me and I forced him to stay for this torture that was hiding under the guise of breakfast.

"Hyunseung may stay exactly where he is," I countered.

"This is my house and I decide who stays and who goes!" my mother replied sharply.

"We're late for school." I said and stood to leave.

"You may not leave this table, Martzia!" my father's booming voice sounded for the first time this morning.

"Or what, daddy dear? You'll take away my car? I can buy a new one. You'll freeze my accounts? I can do just fine without money. You'll kick me out? I'd be more than willing to leave." I spat, glaring at him.

"M..." Hyunseung touched my elbow softly, whispering in my ear.

"I told you, Harold! I told you this would happen. We can't speak to her. We can't even get her to sit with us!" my mother shrieked angrily.

I rolled my eyes and turned away. This was a script that had been read and rehearsed and performed many a time in this household. It would start with some disagreement and usually an 'I told you, Harold!' followed by a fit

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102 streak #1
will it be updated?
imanezani #2
Chapter 8: after a long time >< new update ~~~
imanezani #3
Chapter 7: oh god damn it pls next chapter !!
ChocolatePandaCookie #4
Oh god poor daehyunnie dont fall into matzias t ra p shes a !!! Auther-nim, KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO HER!!!!
ChocolatePandaCookie #5
Chapter 6: Awesome sauce! Btw hav u heard g dragons crooked? Lol
imanezani #6
awesome !!!!
Chapter 6: Hahahah, ''Crooked'' I see what you did there ;)
ChocolatePandaCookie #8
Chapter 5: I dont know why but this chapter suddenly really made me like himchan. Imma read a fanfic about him now until u update. Lol