
Ice Queen
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*A/N So I'm currently writing on my computer. Hopefully this time I get past the forward T^T I hope you guys like the story, and as always I love your comments dearly.Enjoy~*


I walked briskly into the familiar darkness of my favorite club, eyes quickly adjusting to look for Hyunseung. The music coursed through me as I walked, my strut matching the beat. Couples were everywhere tonight and it was leaving me on edge. I hated seeing their happy faces pretending to have such an emotion as love.

"Sorry I'm late," I apologized, shoving the scantily clad girl who had been sitting on Hyunseung to the floor.

"! Don't get jealous just because he likes me!' She stood up angrily, yelling.

"Get lost." Hyunseung and I said in unison, glaring at her.

My icy stare frightened her and she scampered away with her tail between her legs.

"I'll have a gin and tonic." I said to the bartender.

"You look underage," he looked at me uncertainly.

"Oh? Tell me, do I look like I care too?" I asked, leaning forward.

He simply swallowed at my thorny tone and turned to make my drink.

"Is everything okay?" Hyunseung asked, noticing my change in demeanor.

After the ball, I had been quite happy. Both Daehyun and Himchan were hurt and neither were on speaking terms with the other. Daehyun still had hope in me and I was waiting for the perfect time to strike.

"Yeah. I saw my parents today is all," I shrugged, taking the drink from the bartender as he came back.

"Why?" Hyunseung asked, shocked. It was rare I even spoke of my parents.

"Just my allowance is all. Six months is up," I shrugged again.

"How much did you get this time?" He asked, sipping at his drink. 

"Five billion.*" I said after downing my drink.

"The amount has been rising steadily. I wonder what they're planning?" Hyunseung mused.

"I guess you know where I get my scheming. They practically wrote the book on being messed up and manipulative," I smirked, trying hard to keep up my facade. 

Right now, all I wanted was to break down in tears. No one on the outside ever got to see my real emotions and how I really felt. The only person who knew me was Hyunseung. Others always wondered how he could stick by my side through all the terrible things I'd done, but only we knew.

My parents had both been from extremely rich families. Their marriage had been arranged and neither of them really cared for the other. Love was something that hadn't existed in my household. I was raised in a cold environment with no emotions for anyone.

People always said that family was something of love and warmth. The way I grew up, love was something I didn't understand. If everyone was at least supposed to have love in their family, then why didn't I? This was proof to me that love didn't exist. That love was stupid.

From there, I made it my job to break hearts. Part of it was simply because I was bored, but most of it was because I wanted others to feel the way I did. I couldn't stand that others could be happy, but I couldn't. The way they foolishly put all of their emotions into one person frightened me like nothing else. I didn't want to ever feel that way about someone.

"Martzia, it'll be fine. I'm sure whatever they're planning to do isn't too drastic," Hyunseung reassured, patting me on the back.

"Hyunseung, I saw them today. I didn't just go to the house and have an envelope left for me or have a maid give me the money. My parents were there and waiting. I saw their faces. They definitely are planning something that isn't going to be good." I said, worried.

I blinked once, twice. My facade was back. I had cracked for a second, but I was back.

"You know, M, you don't have to be like this. You can just refuse to be with them. Get emancipation and wait until you're eighteen. They can't control you." Hyu

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102 streak #1
will it be updated?
imanezani #2
Chapter 8: after a long time >< new update ~~~
imanezani #3
Chapter 7: oh god damn it pls next chapter !!
ChocolatePandaCookie #4
Oh god poor daehyunnie dont fall into matzias t ra p shes a !!! Auther-nim, KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO HER!!!!
ChocolatePandaCookie #5
Chapter 6: Awesome sauce! Btw hav u heard g dragons crooked? Lol
imanezani #6
awesome !!!!
Chapter 6: Hahahah, ''Crooked'' I see what you did there ;)
ChocolatePandaCookie #8
Chapter 5: I dont know why but this chapter suddenly really made me like himchan. Imma read a fanfic about him now until u update. Lol