Hardships of life


[ AU ] Kim Myungsoo moves to a new town at the age of ten after his father died an untimely death. His mother saw a work oppurtunity and took it gladly, even if it sadly means that her two children would see less of her because of her busy schedule. Myungsoo now adapts to his new enviornment while also adapting to a new indepence that is ed upon him by the absense of his mother, The mourning of a parent, the feelings of a newfound affection thats complicated, The normal and the abstract hardships that one goes through in life.


First story on AF and basically first story ever written so sorry for mistakes and if things arent proper.

boooo im mobile right now with a bad news that my internet seems to be down ;; i finished the chapters but cant post them n___n sorry for delay~


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Chapter 16: going to read the sequel yo~~~
Chapter 16: good fanfic. I like how u described everything since their childhood .

first i read comments thats say your english was bad but it wasnt and i am glad i read this fic .

thanks for sharing this beautiful fic and keep up the good job .

ps.spread myungjong love haha♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
shinoside #3
Chapter 16: I love this!! Going to read the sequel now.
Chapter 16: This fict is good! I love and enjoy it, and im sorry i didnt leave any comment in previous chapter. I read it in one run and i hope myung will see sungjongie soon! :"
Anw, can i req something to you .___. Please can you make the words a lil bit bigger again bcs its hard for me to read this, the words its so small for me OTL *Gomen* . I dont know it just for me or no.
Chapter 16: HEOL!!! This is great I cried a few times reading this TwT I finished it in one day...teehee...
I'm gonna read the squel soon ohhhh...but I should sleep...But I wanna read T.T... <3 <3 <3 GREAT STORY
CallMehhBubz #6
Chapter 16: No questions asked, you HAVE to write a sequel!! I cried thank you!!~ -.- you just can't leave us hanging like that Aurthor-nim!! Pleeeeasseeee~~~~ I'm begging youuuuu!!!!~~
Dubiaku #7
Chapter 13: "...but he wouldnt evaluate on what it was." -- ??? "Elaborate", maybe?

Good writing is done with the simplest words that fulfill the requirements of meaning. Don't use words if you do not know what they mean. It is pretentious and confusing. Most words with Norman French origins set a higher and more serious tone to a work that is not at all appropriate in prose (though at times they are needed simply because they exist due to a lack of the equivalent word in Anglo-Saxon).

"array" of stretches? -- How can something as ill-defined as a stretch be placed in a neat table of rows and columns?

"returned back" -- How else can someone return. Forward?

"contained brownies in it." -- If the container held brownies, weren't they obviously "in it"? More redundancy, like you were trying to add needless words to make it longer on purpose to fulfill a "5-page" requirement for a homework paper or something. Longer is rarely better.

""Ohh." Myungsoo complied, understanding it then." -- No idea what this could be intended to mean. What was he complying with? Was there a request or a command somewhere that we, the readers, didn't know about? Do you know what "comply" means?

"and then placed it to an empty place on the table" -- Really? Do you think it is necessary to explain to us that 2 things cannot occupy the same space at the same time? Could have have put it somewhere that another object already occupied? And why "to"? It would seem bizarre to place the plate abutting an empty space rather than in that empty space. The simple image of a plate being placed on a table has become muddled by all the superfluous verbiage.

"another thing that Myungsoo could yet to do" -- No clue what this jumble could possibly mean. It has no verb, so it refers to nothing at all, mysteriously.

"nearing by" -- a new English phrase meaning ????

"Sungjong affiliation" -- where did this come from? Who or what are affiliated with whom or what?
Dubiaku #8
Chapter 11: "anymore" is not a real word.
"alright" is not a real word.
"Favorited"? Really.

Cries don't stifle. People stifle. As in, "He stifled his sneeze." Maybe you meant something like "faded", "weakened", or "lessened"?

I like the story, though. You have done pretty well putting the plot together. You certainly have potential and I hope you keep writing.
bohyemi #9
Chapter 16: i had a few tears
Chapter 16: aaaaaaa i read this all at once and TTTTT
you write so beautifully
and the way you capture every person's emotions is so heart wrenching and TTTTT
please write a sequel aaaaaaaaaaaaa