
F o r g e t M e N o t

It's finally the end of the day. Junie get on her bed after talking to her father. They talked about many things. It's a relief that she finally release her thought.  She glances at her clock, 10 minutes to 10p.m. She pulls her comfy blanket and closed her eyes, trying to sleep. After 5 minutes being like that, she opens her eyes. Stop it, Junie. It just from them. Nothing special about it. She stares blankly at her ceiling. She sighed heavily then she get up. Straighten up her body, looking at her study table. That strange flower is still there. Beautifully smiling at her.


"Omma~ I'm home." She closed the door and opened her shoes. She went straightly to the kitchen, where her mother would be mostly there and pecked her cheecks. "Aigooo~ My sweety is home already. Go take your bath and we can have lunch together. Your father is coming home today." Mrs. Choi looked at her daughter, gave her a warm and lovely smiles. "Jinja? Arasso. Wait for me. I'll help you serves." Junie excitedly skipped to her room. For 3 weeks she's not seeing her father as her father was working abroad, today lunch would be the most happy moment for her today. After taking her bath, she went downstairs. She saw her mother was decorated their dining table with food. "Omma~ I told to wait for me didn't I? Let me help you." Junie went to the kitchen. Urmm, she smelled something delicious. Omo! It's my favourite! Ddukbokki! She quickly took the bowls and went to her mother. 

The bell rang correctly on time. Junie ran to open the door. She saw a figure with a big big big teddy bear with him. "Appa? Is that you?" She asked. "No. I'm not. My name is Teddy. Can we be friend?" The teddy bear was moving while the person talked. Junie chuckled. "Appa~ I know it's you. Come on. Come in already. Junie is hungry~" She used her aegyo voice and the teddy bear was removed and her father was showing his disappointed face. "You know, Teddy was hurt because you don't want to be friend with him." He pouted. Junie shook her head. "Arasso~ Give it to me. He's mine now." She merong her father. Aish this father-daughter. Mrs. Choi looked at them and called them for lunch.

Junie was in her room after having her lunch. She doesn't want to bother his father as he just got back from his works. He must be tired. After a minute rolled on her bed, she remembered about her homeworks. So she decided to work on it so she can have a talk with her father tonight. 

One page more and you're done, Junie! Fighting! It was a tough time to do her Mathematics homework. Well, she's not that bad in Math, she's good but in average way. Once she turned to the next page, she noticed a flower in it. She took and lift it to the best angled she can see trough it. She rested her chin on her palms and started to judge the flower. Hmm. It's just a small flower. It's blue in colour. Nothing more interesting about it. She then thought of something. Here we go! Now you look beautiful in this frame! She smiled looking at her masterpiece. Then she placed it on her study table besides her other frame and continued on her Math.

End of flashback.

Junie shook her head and go to sleep again. A weird dream appears.


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Chapter 6: it is interest and beautiful !
fatma3 #2
Why is the ending so sad ?! I can't help myself from crying .... It is just way to SAD !!!! T_T ....
mrsleesungjong #3
Great job ^_^
Chapter 23: owhhh so sweet ;;;;;
why do you always make a sad ending now sobs
good fic btw
Chapter 20: OuO idk what to say...Junnie is a very nice girl xD
and and...lmao Kai is awesome (y)
Chapter 17: Recently found this fanfic, and I'm super excited for the next chapter! Can't wait! :D
Chapter 5: so many chappies that i need to catch up too u.u
Chapter 17: This is getting so good! I can't wait til she finds out who it is!! :D
xoxo__ #9
This fic just some-what caught my eyes. i look forward to the next couple of updates <3
Chapter 7: this fic is so cute!!!