I'm Sorry

I'm Sorry

Author’s PoV

Ever since the day you and Jonghyun broke up, you’ve been nothing but a mess. You don’t even bother to put on make-up or dress nice anymore. Now it’s just hoodies and sweatpants. You haven’t been eating properly either. Your body is small and you’ve lost so much weight. Waking up with hot tears streaming down your face was the norm these days. All you dream about is that one situation.

“Jjong.” You saw him packing up his stuff in a big suit case. “What are you doing?”

He turned to you and smiled, “I have to go to Japan for a couple of months with the band.” His smile faded and he looked to the ground. “Listen, Taeyeon.” He bent down to slowly zip up his suitcase and avoid your worried eyes.

You shivered. He never sounded so serious. “Y-yes, Jonghyun?”

“This isn’t going to work. We never spend time together because of work and everything else. I don’t even feel like this is a relationship anymore.” When he stood up, he gave you a serious look, “I’m sorry but I can’t date you anymore.” With that he left. He just got up and left without another word.

You fell to your knees and let the tears fall. Tears streamed down your face. You didn’t make a sound. You didn’t move a bit. You just cried.  Jonghyun was the only man you have ever truly loved. It was like love at first sight when you two met at a fan signing event two years ago. Now.  Now you didn’t have anyone to turn to. It was you and only you.

Jonghyun was your first everything. Your first love. Your first kiss. Your first date. Even your first time making love to someone. And now he’s gone. He left you to cry all alone.

You only leave your house for work and shopping. Nothing else. 3 whole months. The same routine. You will never learn to love again.

At the airport with SHINee.


Jonghyun was just getting off the plane. Some what glad to finally be home. He was escorted out of the airport with the rest of SHINee to their van taking them to their dorm. Everyone climbed into the van and headed home. The whole ride, Jonghyun stared out the window. He didn’t even sing along to his favorite songs in the car. Lost in his thought, he blocked out the rest of the world. All he thought about was one thing. Park Taeyeon. He regretted ever breaking up with her. He tried and tried again to call her and text her but she never answered. His minded drifted back to that day. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes when his thoughts were interrupted.

“Why don’t you just get back together with her?” Key felt the depressing aura coming from Jonghyun. He’s been like that for the past 3 months. Jonghyun turned to him with teary eyes.

“But what if sh-“

“But what if she what?” Key interrupted. “Just do it. None of us can stand to see you like this.” The rest of SHINee looked at him and nodded.

“Seeing you like this makes me sad, hyung.” Taemin looked at Jonghyun with wide, worried eyes. “Please get back together with noona.”

Jonghyun finally let the tears fall. He hurt his friends because of a stupid decision he made. Key pulled him to his chest and his hair. “Shh~ You’ll be fine.” Key pulled Jonghyun up to look him in the face, “Who could resist this puppy? “ Key smiled and hugged him again.


At Your Apartment


You were lying in bed watching TV like you usually did after work when you heard the doorbell ring. You didn’t answer at first but after the first 7 rings you finally got up. You pulled on a hoodie over your tank top and put your hair in a bun.

As you walked toward the door you recognized the figure in the window. “No.” You paused, “It can’t be.” You opened the door and froze in place.

“I’m so sorry, Taeyeon. What I did was stupid and foolish. Messing with your feelings when I still love you is wrong.” He paused and got on his knees in front of you and grabbed the edge of your hoodie, not making eye contact with you.

“Please Taeyeon. I am begging you to take me back.” He looked up at you with tears falling from his eyes and that’s when you lost it. You fell to your knees and hugged him. You haven’t cried this hard since he broke up with you accept these were happy tears. A smile formed on your face. The first smile in 3 months.

“Of course I’ll take you back.” You paused and looked at him in the eyes, “I love you sooo much, Kim Jonghyun.”

“And I love you too, Park Taeyeon.” With that, he pulled you in for a kiss and everything was better again.

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xoImACrazyxo #1
Chapter 1: Cute~!!! :) Soo sweet <3