Life with B.A.P



When Kim Mi-Hyun's house burned down, she is forced to move in with her parent's close friend's son, Daehyun, whom she has seen as an enemy since young. The same goes for Daehyun as well. However, even though Daehyun is thought to live alone, he actually lives with his 5 friends. Mi-Hyun is forced to attend the same school as Daehyun and has some difficulties and worries at first. Being the quiet girl she was, it was always difficult for her to make friends with people easily, and her parents knew that. Which was one of the reasons why they forced her to live with Daehyun rather than allowing her to move back in with them. Opposite of Mi-Hyun, Daehyun is a kingka of the school, along with his group of friends, who are known as B.A.P. Seeing each other as enemies, will they ever be able to understand and become friends with each other? Or will their differences and hatred of each other bring out the worse in them?



Kim Mi-Hyun


Born: June 4th

*Is a quiet and reserved girl to people

she doesn't know well


*Loves food

*Loves animals

*Good actor and singer

*Was adopted by the Kim family when young


  Jung Daehyun  

Embedded image permalink

Age: 20

Born: June 28

*Loud and crazy

*Voice of an angel

*Failing his classes

*Loves to sing

*Is a kingka at school, in B.A.P

*Eats too much

*Loves cheesecake

*Best friends with Youngjae (Also in B.A.P)


Bang Yongguk


Age: 21

Born: March 31

*Neither quiet nor loud

*Has a really deep voice

*Also failing classes

*Really caring and sweet dispite his looks

*Loves rapping & composing

*Loves action, mainly war, movies

*The leader of B.A.P

*Best friends with Himchan (Also in B.A.P.)



Everyone else~


Youngjae(left) and Jongup(right)


Himchan(left) and Zelo(right)


*Are your typical, cute idiots.

*Are kingkas in school

*They are all interested in music, and dancing

*All like to die their hair consistently

*Are all living together

*Himchan is the umma of the house, while Yongguk is the appa


*There will be cameos in here as well~

Maybe some Exo or something  x3


Yay~ first fanfic I'm working on x) I hope you guys enjoy it~

Btw it might take awhile to update with school going on now but I'll do my best (≧ω≦)


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beejello96 #1
Chapter 18: aww she like jonghyun? why not daedae?8( or yongguk? but thats ok~ kkk i like this story~ i'll wait for the next chap^^
airbender #2
Chapter 18: Finally!! It's been so so so so long since youve updated!
Chapter 17: Omg Mi-Hyun like Jonghyun. Mi-Hyun why u no like Yongguk or Daehyun >:|
Himchan tho omg
At least Dae said he's no going to give up~
But I ship Mi-Hyun with Yongguk more tbh...oops
Chapter 17: Omg I really feel bad for daehyun at first , just admit you like her already !!! I both like yongguk and daehyun but I'm more on the daehyun and mihyun together though !! I hope that they do end up together and loving the story at the moment so plz do update very soon !!
JungDeYa #5
Chapter 16: LOL, that's what chu get Dae~ But poor him. c;
MaeliMei #6
Chapter 16: Awww, noooooooooooo don't get bored!!
I like this fic :(
Don't end it yet!
It's only chapter 13 D:
Think of something fun~~~~~~~~
JungDeYa #7
Chapter 15: Loool everyone is mocking her xD
Derpyeoling #8
Chapter 15: akjalkjdlfjaslTellellelelelellel us what happepneed plaease
icantot tppe corects am ssrys
Tomboy84 #9
Chapter 15: How did they end up together?
Chapter 15: Hahahahahahaha the gossip spreads so fast like a fire xD