
It started raining in that short time I went inside and came out.  It’s like the sky knew already, rain to mask my tears.  But the only problem was that I didn’t have anything to cover me.  I stood under the overhang after coming back out of the garage.  Cars kept honking at me while trying to get in and out.  I didn’t know what to do.  I didn’t want any attention drawn to me, I was already risking my career by coming to Jay’s apartment so often.  But I always avoided a scandal by leaving at certain times and always with different clothes.  But I had nothing.  Just my phone.  I got goose bumps on my arms from the fierce wind.  My shirt was being pushed against by body, probably outlining my bra.  How embarrassing.  I had no hat to cover my face, and my shoes were not water proof.  If I stay here though he might come down and find me.  I don’t want that.

I don’t know, should I walk in the rain or not.  I can always  try and catch a taxi, but then what if the driver recognizes me.  How am I being so rational.  After what just happened, I still have the ability to think.  What did just happen, I don’t want to think about it.  I want to forget, forget it all.

After I don’t know how long, I notice someone standing a few feet away.  Is he watching me?  Is it a reporter.  I can’t tell.  I need to get out of here.  Don’t panic.  Don’t be obvious.  I took out my phone and started acting like I was texting.  I tapped my foot, and finally I decided to take a step into the rain.  I kept my head down and took a step forward and waited for the rain drops to hit my head and drip into my hair.  To feel the chill.  But nothing came, I looked up.  An umbrella, I looked to the side.  The man.  I was about to push him away.  When he came closer and said, “you don’t want people to see you right?”.  This voice, I knew it.  I looked up and the man pulled the scarf from his mouth. It was Junhyung. 


Junhyung, what was he doing here?  I looked into his eyes and began to relax.  It wasn’t a reporter, it was just Junhyung.  I don’t know if this is a sign or not.  If this was a coincidence or if in some weird way fate or God or whatever knew to send him.  What were the odds of running into your bestfriend right after something horrible has happened to you.  Just imagine, how perfect it is.  Just like in a book, or a movie.  I just kept staring, and he smiled at me.  He flicked my head to get my attention.  And then I started breaking down. I let myself go, and started crying so hard and hugged Junhyung so hard, that it felt like I was digging into his close with my nails and a whole would be left.

As soon as I hugged him Junhyung stiffened, I started sobbing. And then immediately with his free arm he hugged and pulled me into the corner of the parking garage and dropped the umbrella and started patting my head with my other hand.  He didn’t say anything, or ask anything.  He was probably confused out of his mind.  I just kept crying until it hurt. 

I let go and looked at him.  “Are you done?” He asked.  I just stared at him.  “Talk to me please.”

My voice was hoarse from the crying.  I whispered, “It’s over.”

“What’s over?”

I looked down and grabbed my shirt where my heart was.  “Jay.”

And then I looked up at him.  It was over, it was over, it was over.  My eyes filled with tears again.  He looked back at me with disbelief in his eyes.  He took off his scarf and wrapped it around me.  Then he shrugged off his coat and put it around my shoulders.  Picked up the umbrella and led me away.  We walked five blocks away from the building when we stopped and he took out his phone.  He dialed a number.  Then we stood there.  Waiting. After what seemed like forever in silence, a car pooled up.  Junhyung opened the backseat and ushered me in.  He got in next to me.  I looked at the driver.  It was his manager, I think it is.  Who else would he call.

“Take us home.” Junhyung said.

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qylateukbiased #1
Chapter 11: Pls update pls pls
minoku #2
Chapter 1: Authornim please update.. I just read your story 2 days ago but i already addicted to keep reading. Please update soon
Chapter 11: sshe's not going back to Jay right? :o
Chapter 11: Update soon please!!
qylateukbiased #5
Chapter 11: Pls update Huaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhh I miss this story so much just please :(
Reyna_Chavez #6
Chapter 11: Update soon please. Your story is making me go through so many different emotions. :-)
qylateukbiased #7
Chapter 11: Yeayyyyyyy!!!!!! Been waiting hihihihi. Awwww im so happy for jay n her. I want moreeeeeeee~~~
HappinessBunny #8
Chapter 10: So good!! I hope you update soon!! ^^
I wish you luck on your tests :)
JBL511 #9
Chapter 3: Updateeeeee!!!
rebeccasumual #10
Chapter 10: UPDAAATEEEEEE!!!!