Chased |


The next day, Luhan woke up mid-morning feeling like somebody had been using his skull as a drum. He grabbed his forehead with both hands and grunted. Turning to his side, he looked for Sehun, who had gotten up much relier, and moaned, not only at the other boy's absence but the throbbing pain the movement had caused to course through his brain. He had to get up, had important things to do, Luhan thought, but he just couldn't manage to, his head ached do much! Why had he had all that beer again? Oh, yes, because he had just realized he had a crush on his brother.


He just lay there for a while, eyes closed, not daring to lift his head from the pillow, until somebody opened that bedroom door and he managed to peek through half-lidded eyes at who it was.


"Morning.." Sehun said, getting in with a glass of water in one hand and a small paper bag on the other. "How's your hangover?"


"The hangover is doing great," Luhan muttered "As for me, not so much"


"I figured", Sehun said, grimacing. He then put the glass down on his bedside table and opening the paper bag, revealed a flask, from which he took out a tablet. He dropped it in the water, where it immediately started bubbling.


"Take this, it'll help your liver clear the alcohol out of your system." he stated, while Luhan, still not getting up, grabbed the flask to read the lanel.


"Oh…I heard of these" he said, then turned his eyes to his younger brother "Thank you"


"Are you planning to drink while lying down like that?" Sehun asked, raising his brows.


"No but….it hurts so much!" Luhan whined.


"Oh, come one hyung…stop being such a wuss" Sehun said, rolling his eyes "You better get up soon if you don't want your mother to find out about it. Now drink this and go have a shower."


"Bah…you're just trying to save here. You're not supposed to be the responsible adult but what kind of brother allows his sibling to drink like that?" Luhan teased.


"The kind of brother who is a brother, not a babysitter." Sehun stated, and then grabbed the older boy's forearms, hauling him into a sitting up position. Luhan let out a soft moan, dropping his head on his hands.


"It's that bad?" Sehun asked, taking a little pity, holding the glass out to him. Luhan drank the yellow solution in three big gulps and put the glass down.


"Do you know what would help even better?" he asked, with mischievous smile on his lips, despite the headache. Sehun shook his head, oblivious to his brother's jesting tone.


"I bet I would forget about the hangover if you let me kiss you."


Luhan laughed at Sehun as he gasped and looked out the door to check if someone could have head that. He had somehow managed to convince himself Luhan would not remember a thing in the morning and he wouldn't have to worry about anything but to bury his own feelings.


Apparently he had been wrong.


"What..what's this about now?" Sehun managed to ask, faltering.


Luhan grinned.


"You should know, you kissed me first."


"I did not!" Sehun protested, childishly.


"You did…Sehun.." Luhan stated, amuse "I was not drunk back then, so you have no excuse."


Sehun looked at him, feeling his face turning into a dark shade of red.


"I….I'm sorry, I was not on my right mind, I should'nt have done that. I certainly had not if I knew it would lead you on like that."


"Lead me on?!" Luhan said, surprised. So that's what the thought this was about? "Sehun…you didn't lead me on. Even not 'being in your right mind'," he quoted, sneering "You might have noticed that I could have backed off from you, yet I didn't…"


That was true, Sehun thought, still he couldn't help but think all this mess was his own fault and his alone. Being young or not, Luhan was still his brother after all, and that of issue would naturally take huge proportions in his mind. What was he to think about the unadvised gesture Sehun had allowed himself the previous morning?


"Still, I'm sorry," Sehun said again.


"I'm not," Luhan retorted. Sehun opened his mouth to say something but Luhan interrupted with a gesture. "Don't worry though, I got your point yesterday. Jumping on people was totally uncool, so I won't do it again." he said.


Sehun looked at him questioningly. Did this mean he had given up? Why bring on the subject at all then?


"What time is it?" Luhan asked yawning.


"About eleven."


"! I'm late!" he cried, throwing away the blankets and jumping out of the bed. He groaned when his brain hit the front of his skull.


"What for? It's sunday..." Sehun asked, frowning.


"I have stuff to do" Luha evasively answered.


"What stuff?"


"Stuff.." Luhan said with a grin, and entered the en suite bathroom.


Sehun stayed there, wondering, while his brother took his shower, so he could help if he ended up feeling sick or something. It looked like he was recovering pretty well, though, since he could listen to him humming some unrecognizable tune under the sprinkler.


When he finally got out, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, Sehun found himself intensely blushing. Despite being the slender type, Luhan had smooth skin and well-defined muscles along his arms and abs. His pale beautiful torso narrowed along his flat stomach towards his waist making a perfect V. What was wrong with him?, Sehun thought. Having his whole life practiced all different kinds of sport, he had probably already seen a couple hundred well-built guys, why should this one be any different? The fact was, this one was so different, so he got up and said:


"I'm going downstairs."


Luhan noticed with glee how flushed he was and the way he talked to his feet, he just nodded, with no remarks. He didn't want Sehun to be seriously mad at him by always being fooling around. He had better things planned regarding this matter than making fun of him, Luhan thought with a smile.


"Is he up yet?" their mother asked when Sehun stepped in the living room.


"Yeah, he's putting his clothes on." 


"Ok, tell him to walk the dog when he comes down. I'm going to the grocery store," Lan said, then stretch up to drop a kiss on Sehun's cheek. "I'm glad you two are getting along so well."


Sehun made a guilty smile at his mother while she left. If only she knew what he had done…. Oh god, why had he done that?







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Isalovestaemin #1
Chapter 8: OMO!! I LOVE THIS!! *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* FEELS!!! UPDATE SOON AUTHORNIM!! & DANG PERSON!! WHO IS THAT?!?!?! URG!! LUHAN COULD'VE DIED!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: Dang... ftw with that person!?!
Chapter 8: stupid dog ruined everything
Biancer #4
Chapter 8: Oh my gosh!!! :o
This chapter was beyond thrilling!! Amazing!
Isalovestaemin #5
Chapter 7: OOHH!! I LOVE THE UPDATE!!!!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Chapter 7: Nice and light chapter with some humor touches here and there. I like it x3
Chapter 7: Mmm I wonder which stuff Luhan have to do... XD
Biancer #8
Chapter 7: Finally, it worked :D
Awww Hunhan are so cuuuute!! *-*
Biancer #9
Omg I wanted to read the update but AFF said that the page wasn't found :oo