Come Here Often?

Come Here Often?

Come Here Often?

"Where the am I going?" Chanyeol mummbled as he wandered aimlessly around the campus grounds.

He was actually going to check this 'Library' place out. Not that he had a choice either way. 

He sighed when he saw a sign that read 'Library' on a building in the distance.

Chanyeol honestly really didn't want to go. He suspected that it would be full of people like his friend D.O. Small evil smart- grimlins, who thought they knew everything in the world because they maintained "good grades" and "Payed attention during lectures" and "did homework" and even "extra credit", who the did extra credit?

Chanyeol grimaced as the mocking sign came near. 

"Here goes nothing." He said to himself as he opened the doors to the library.

As he scanned around the scenery, he wasn't so impressed. It was just a large room full of books and computers-

"AH!" Chanyeol nodded, suddenly remembering something. 

What common people called 'Libraries' Chanyeol called the "SHH! Room." when he was little. He recalled various memories of his younger self always being shushed whenever he entered them. 

"Library~" He nodded.

"SHH!" An studious student glared at him. This was why he hated libraries so much. 

He bowed a bit before waltsing in.

Chanyeol stuck his hands in his pockets and wandered around. "Hmm, a word brick." He said as he picked up a heavy book.

He always called heavy books "word bricks" because he thought it was humorous. 

"Whoa." He said opening the book and saw nothing but scientific words "Noooo." He exclaimed closing it and setting it back on the shelf.

A girl glanced at him as she continued scanning for books. He was toally annoying her, but he couldn't tell.

"Words words words words...." Chanyeol mummbled to himself looking over all the title "None of them helpful."

The girl suddenly closed her book she was looking at and caught his attention.

"If you need something specific you should ask her at the check-out counter."

Chanyeol bowed "Oh, thank you."

As he began walking towards the check-out counter, he noticed something. The woman wasn't old like the woman at the old library he went to when he was younger. Thus, she wasn't wrinkly, gray haired, or hard to approch. 

Scratch that last part, she was hard to approuch. Well, for chanyeol's sake.He had discoved that she was...pretty.  She was pretty with hair that flowed to her shoulders. Her soft facial feartures caught his interest.

As he finally reached the counter his breath came to a hault when she spun around. She looked even younger up close, like she was about his age, if not younger.

"Oh," She smiled "May I help you?"

He cleared his throat. "I mean, you could... I guess." He shrugged "Not that I'm helpess or anything..."

She chuckled a little. "Alright? Anything you're looking for in particular?"

"Erm...yeah." He nodded and tapped on her desk "Molecular...Biotechnology?"

She looked up from her computer "Wait?" she laughed a little "You don't mean to tell me... haha! Impossible!"

"What?" He shyly looked up at her. He could'nt help but notice how pretty she looked when she smiled.

"You haven't finished your report for Mr.Han yet? It's due today!"

He gasped. "WAH! HOW'D YOU KNOW!?"

"Shh!" Another annoyied student shushed.

Chanyeol bowed a little as the girl chuckled.

"I'm in your class, stupid."

He cocked his head tot he side.

"Chanyeol, I sit right behind you." She added rolling her eyes. "By the way, your snoring is really loud."

Blushing, Chanyeol scratched the back of his neck. "Oh, sorry. I mean, it's not my fault but..."

"It's ok." She nodded. "You should hurry up and work on your report." she looked on her computer.

"You'll find three books on this topic in the third row of section B, aisle 4."

He blinked. "Oh, of course, I knew that... section four aisle B, I'm there everyday." He swalled, glanceing behind him. 

She smiled at him "Need help?"

"What? Me? No- please help me. Please."

She giggled and shook her head as she came around the counter.

"Come with me." She instructed.

"Yes Ma'am!" He happily agreed as he followed behind her.

As she began to go on about the books she had selected off the shelf, she set them down at a desk.

As they sat down, Chanyeol proped his head up with his hand and shamlessly stared at her, not paying attention to a word that came out .

"So," He interupted her "Come here often?"

She blinked and looked down at the book. She was trying her best not to blush.

"I work here, Idiot."

He chuckled, leaning in a bit. "What's with the 'idiot' thing? We haven't even gotten to know eachother yet and you're already calling me an idiot?"

"Yet?" She glanced up at him.

He grinned.

"Are you inferring something?" She cocked her head to the side.

He shrugged and leaned back. "I dunno."

She shook her head and stood up "Well, you've got your books, I'll be going-"

"Hey." He grabbed her hand.

They blinked at eachother for a bit before Chanyeol finally worked up the nerves to speak.

"Erm, I...don't know what I'm doing, so...could you...maybe help me?"

A small smile managed to grow on her face. She glanced back at her lonely desk, thrn back to chanyeol and cleared .

"Well, I suppose." She sat down. "It's always good to help the less-fourtunet."

He grinned. "GREAT!"


"I'M SORRY! JEEZ!" Chanyeol barked back.

She chuckled and flicked his forhead. "Idiot, focous, the due date is almost here. Quit fooling around like a clown and get to work."

He pouted and looked at her. "You're just like my friend."

Her eyebrows rose. 

"Grimlin." He added.

She rolled her eyes and opened a book. "Focus."

About thirty minute into their working, Chanyeol found his eyes wandering up to her face again.

He sighed "Hey."

"Huh?" She looked up from the book.

He smiled and shook his head "Nothing, nothing..."

She blinked. "Alright, anyway, theres alot of information on this page-"

"I think we should do this again-well maybe not the working part- but like... hang out, just us..."

She blinked at him, his face was reddening by the secound.

Chuckling, he scratched the back of his neck. "That is, if you want to...I mean. If-if you have time to spare."

"I do have a job and school, that occupies my time.."

"Oh." He nodded looking down at the book immediatly.

She chuckled a little and kicked him a little under the table. "Hey."

"Hmm?" He looked up.

"I just checked my schedual though, I'm working on a report thursday here after clas-"

"Great!" He cut her off. "I have a ton of homework to catch up on, so It'll be a study date!"

"Date?" She questioned, blushing a little.

He grinned. "Yes! A study DATE! Now, we should trade phone nuumbers!" He set his phone on the table.

She laughed a little and handed him her own.

"Ah, So this is what I have been missing out on in these libraries." Chanyeol mummbled as he typed into her phone. "I'll have to thank Kyungsoo later."

She rolled her eyes. The two retrieved their phones.

"Why did you program yours "Chanyeol Oppa" idiot?" She chuckled.

"Because." He leaned forward "I'm your oppa, aren't I? You should start calling me that! I am your oppa, right?"

She looked away, ignoring him.

He snickered at her reaction and read her contact in his phone.

"Do Sandara...?"

"Neh?" She questioned.

"Wait, you're name is DO?" He leaned forward.

"Yes..?" She gave him a look.

"No-no-no-no, this can't be." He shook his head.

"What? Have you lost your mind?"

"Is there a chance...that you know Kyungsoo?"

"What? Do Kyungsoo, My Cousion?"

"Wh-Cous- AISH!" Chanyeol face palmed himself . "That damned Grimlin."

~The Next Day~

"Hey," Chanyeols friends caught up with him on the sidewalk again "Wait up."

Chanyeol growled.

"Hey, did you turn in the assignment?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yes, I had help."

"By who?" Baekhyun.

"A grimlin." Chanyeol answered bitterly.


"NO!" Chanyeol cut him off "That was a one time thing." He scoffed.

"Then what are you talking about?" Baekhyun questioned.

"I met someone at the library place, Kyungsoo suggested."

Chanyeol turned arount to look at Kyungsoo "But this grimlin was waaay cuter than you."

The two friend rose their eyebrows.

"Wait!" Kyungsoo gasped. "Don't tell me-"

"I have a study date with the grimlin on thursday."

"YAH!" Kyungsoo gasped.

Baekhyun bursted into laughter when he finally caught on "Wait," He said in between laughter "So chanyeol is dating Kyungsoo's cousin!?"

Chanyeol didn't laugh, niether did Kyungsoo.

"No! Chanyeol you can't go!"

"You think I'm excited about this, huh?" Chanyeol frowned. "Now Kyungsoo is going to be my cousin in law-"


Chanyeol contiued walking "And our babies will be half grimilins too....all 12 of them, one for each member of exo. I think instead of giving gifts on christmas, we'll just give everyone a cute little fetus."

"YAH!" Kyungsoo screamed after him over Baekhyuns laughter "STOP TALKING THAT FILTH! SHE'S MY COUSIN!"

"It's your fault." Chanyeol scoffed "You made me go to the library."

"I hate you."


A/N: I hope you enjoyed that little drabble, I've had this in my mind for a while so here it is! Thank you for reading! Sorry for the errors as well!


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Chapter 1: LOL! Grim-YEOL dates the cute cousin! :">
Chocolate94 #2
Chapter 1: *die due to lol-ing XD
Potatochip #3
Chapter 1: I'm dying of laughter! So funny! xD
Continue writing stuff like this it's hilarious! xD
Chapter 1: That was so funny
Chapter 1: AHAHA, it was really enjoyable to read. :)
goldsm #6
Chapter 1: lol chando wkwkwkwwk
Chapter 1: One cute little fetus. I loove this!
car_me_laa #8
Chapter 1: Lol this!! Grimlin!!! Kekekeke
Yeollie is just cute~~
And kyungsoo too!!! Kyaakyaa