You smile and jump happily before sitting down in front of the mirror, holding the long sleeves to your nose. It smelled like him, just like him… and you loved it. It was like Kris was there to embrace you… You run quickly to the desk and grab out your phone before whipping out the camera. You grin into the camera and do the classic peace sign and send the picture to Kris. Wu Yifan! Do I look good? Hm? Do I look super nice like you? Sorry for interrupting you during your meeting! You texted him and held the phone in your hand before walking out into the dorm room. It was always so clean…. You walked around a bit before heading back into Kris’ bed room to try on more of his clothing. You quickly grinned when you pulled out a pink tank top. You cover your mouth and laugh before taking another picture with your phone, sending him another text: I knew you always liked pink. He responded remarkably fast- It looks better on me. Stop going through my things! Why are you wearing my clothes? You could almost hear him scolding you. I’m not wearing your clothes anymore. You lie before laughing quietly to yourself. Once again, it didn’t take him long to respond to your text as your body gets tingly just reading it… Are you wearing anything? Wu Yifan! Of course I am! Are you? You blush madly at his text before tossing the phone aside and ignoring the next few texts he sent. The phone get vibrating with text messages, but you ignored them all. You rummaged through his closet, that ert… You gasp loudly when you find a black button down shirt. It was similar to the one he wore with that silver tie for that Ceci Magazine photo shoot. Instantly, you take off the white one and quickly loop on the black one. Continuing to rummage through his things, you eventually found his silver tie. You grin happily before putting it on yourself. While yes, looking ridiculous, you laughed at yourself in the mirror. Once again, it looked better on Kris, of course… It just fit him better.
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hope u do return!! :D
exotic_sehunluhan31 #2
Chapter 6: Nice one.!!:-) I really loved it!! The last part was just hilarious!!!
Great Story Author!!