
I Hear Your Voice


Voices everywhere.

How do I make it stop? How to make it silent?

It’s very disturbing. It’s very disquieting. It’s very perturbing.

Voices everywhere.

Happy ones. Sad ones. Even naughty ones.

How do I make it stop?

Laughter everywhere. Sobs here and there. Shouts I didn’t care. Whispers I’m unaware.

Voices everywhere.

I would kill to make it stop. I would murder to make it silent. I would be the bane of all voices.

Voices everywhere.

How to make it stop? Mum. Dad. I miss you. I love you. I need you.

Where are you? Where did you go? Please. I’m scared. Please.

Please make it stop. Please. Please. Please…


The hymn of the birds soaring outside of the window was soothing and comforting. The cool breeze sneaked inside the room through the half-opened window of the ominous room. The clock had just struck quarter past seven and the alarm had gone off, waking a stagnant body from its deep sleep.

Struggling here and there, the nineteen-year-old boy finally gave up fighting and woke up. His eyes twitched at the sudden brightness from the sun’s subtle light. Suddenly, something glistened at the tail of his eyes: tears. Again. “Maybe I should stop with this ridiculous nightmare.” He said to himself. He gently wiped the crystal tears and removed the warm quilt, exposing his pale skin to the world.

Yes, pale. He himself didn’t know why he was so different from others. And yet, he is different. And weird. Some people thought of him as a weirdo. Why? He can read minds. People’s mind. Surprise, surprise. Well, to him, it’s like normal. He already had this so-called ‘gift’ since he was still a little toddler. Pale and can read minds. How much weirdness can you get?

Back to reality, it was still weekdays so he had to go to class. Had to. If it weren’t for his parents, he would just stay at home and isolate himself from the outside world. His ‘special gift’ was forcing him to be a social introvert but his parents’ last will was for him to become a successful person, regardless what opportunity lies ahead of him. Due to it, he chose to continue his study.

He picked his favourite parka and denim jeans, also black and white Converse shoes as a finishing touch. He grabbed his Casio watch and black bracelet and he’s ready to go.

His house was like a 10-minute walk to the college and although he had a bike, he preferred to walk. It’s more convenient and nature-friendly, so to say. It was still early so there were barely people on the streets. Which was a good thing for him. He was still young and he still couldn’t control his ‘gift’. He could hear their, as in the people’s thoughts although he didn’t want to. So, he purposely woke up early to avoid even a single person on the road.

Once he arrived at the college gate, there were also less people inside the ground. Without looking about, he hastily walked straight to the main building’s front door. But the worst of the worst had just happened.

“OH SEHUN!” cried a young and beautiful girl from across the ground. Her dark brown hair fell perfectly to her right side. Her hazelnut eyes glistened in the sunlight. Her polka-dotted, scarlet red, peplum dress suited perfectly with the knee-length, black, flowing skirt. An MCM khaki purse slung over her right shoulder. Her two-inch Jimmy Choo heels matched her bag flawlessly. Every man’s dream girl. Well, not all.

Although the girl’s voice was heard by everyone on the college ground, Sehun pretended not to heed her. By the pitch in her voice and every man’s lustful and every girl’s jealousy thoughts, he already knew who that person was. The person he dislike –more like despise—the most: Bae Suzy.

“YAH! SEHUN-AH! DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME?!” Again with the shouting. It’s already deafening enough with the thoughts around him. In a split of a second, the girl was already at his side. “Annyeong, Sehun-ah~” she cooed. And he still continued to ignore the girl. The girl he himself didn’t know why he abhorred her so much. “Hello? Earth to Oh Sehun? Is anybody there?”

Sehun heaved a deep sigh and stopped his pace. He turned to the annoying girl and flashed a fake smile, just to make her happy before hasting to class. Suzy hissed at his cold behaviour –although she had already been treated like that every time she met him—and followed suit.


It was a free period for the first period and there was no where better than the garden roof top for Sehun. Why? There was barely a person there and silence was really golden for him anytime.

The spring breeze: blowing here and there, caressing his pale skin. His dark brown locks gracefully swayed in the wind. The sun poured a nice tinge of light onto him, making the view of the boy was a to-die-for for every girl, young or adult. Birds were chanting, creating an apt ambiance for sleeping. He did not get enough sleep last night due to ‘that’ dream.

Just when he started to doze off, he heard footsteps. He sighed and tried to ignore the intruder. Then there was silence. But not for long. He could hear the intruder’s thoughts and he immediately knew who that was. “Kai.”

“Aww! I hate you. Curse your stupid gift.” Yes, Kai knew about Sehun’s special gift. He needed to tell someone and there was no one better than his childhood buddy. “I thought of sneaking up on you, but what the heck. Stupid gift.” He hissed.

“You know you can’t outsmart me, Jongin.” Kim Jongin. Kai’s real name. Kai was what Sehun and only Sehun called him by that name. “I know you’re gonna sneak up on me and tickle me.”

“Tch. You’re just lucky you have that power,” he growled. Power. More like a pain in the neck. “Here.” Kai handed him noodle bread and a cup of bubble tea. Chocolate bubble tea.

“Than—What?! OMG Kai. You really are my best bud!” He hugged Kai making him gasping for air. Noodle bread was Sehun’s favourite snack, but chocolate bubble tea. That was like one thing he could not live without.

“Okay, enough with the unwanted skinship. The girls will kill me,” he joked. Sehun and Kai were quite popular in the college. Sehun, for his pale skin and handsome eye-smile face, with a hint of coolness in his attitude when he’s with anyone, excluding Kai. Well Kai, his tanned skin and y lips, not to mention he always likes to show some skin, especially his chocolate abs, making every girl melts at the sight of it.

Two hunks become friends. Ain’t that a heaven on earth?

“Hey, did you hear that there’s a new transfer student from China coming to our class?” Kai questioned with a mild neutral face.

“Heard it from everyone’s thoughts.” He said it naturally. Kai had almost forgotten about Sehun’s power. “Everyone’s been talking, I meant thinking about the guy.”

“Yeah, and I heard that he’s like a flower boy or something. I think we might have competition here,” growled Kai. He hated having competition in the popularity area. He always liked being in the spotlight, unlike Sehun being an outcast or some sort. “He’s coming tomorrow,” he added.

“Whatever. As if I have nothing better to do than being a busybody,” smirking lightly, as if trying to mock Kai.

“Hey. I’m not a busybody. I’m just worried about our reputation,” Kai exclaimed. Being narcissistic as always, Kai.

Just when Kai was going to open his mouth, it was already time for the next period. Math. “Well, see you in class, Sehun-ah~ I’m gonna reject a girl first then I’ll be in class.” Kai had always been a playboy and a heartbreaker.

Sehun shook his head at his friends and sipped the last drop of bubble tea before off to class. ‘I guess things will be different from now on, huh...’



Hope you guys like it.

Who's the transfer student you might say?

Well, stay tune and pray that I have time to write the next one. huhuu~

Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 3: Been so long! I missed this update~
HunZy, still waiting, update soon.

Chapter 3: Hi there. Just want to say that your fanfic is quite interesting. Oh and a word of advice - put suzy in your tag instead of baesuzy. The tag is more popular. Thank you and update soon. HunZy please~! <3
suho_S2_suzy #3
Chapter 3: i love hunzy and it made me sad but kaizy is ok, but plz be hunhan, not hun-iu
Haeysoo #4
I hope that IU will be sehun partner..hoho.or maybe
Someone else.
Haeysoo #5
Chapter 2: Update soon
Chapter 2: omo! whats happen? i'm nervous... hehe. will wait for your update.