
Temporary Lover
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BigBang: Café


You continue to meet up with Taeyang, and the tension between you and him started to give out more sparks.

It felt good to know he also loved you.

But it all came down to that same thing.

The report you were waiting for in December.

The one that would change your life.

So, for now, you could only cross your fingers.

Things continued to flow well, until one day......

T.O.P. called for you to meet him at the coffee shop.

He sent you a text message that read:

"I need to talk to you for some serious issues. About us. and Taeyang."

You gave a knowing smile. He's finally got the idea.

Then, you quickly got dress.


Choosing a leopard print dress that you were satisfied with, you enter the coffe shop with a confident smile.

As T.O.P. saw you, he got up.

As you took a seat across from T.O.P., T.O.P. also took a seat across from you.

T.O.P. massaged the temple on his forehead and sighed. "Subin, where have you been everytime I couldn't find you?"

You fluttered your eyelashes 2 or 3 times. "Off for some errands." You say crossing your arms in front of your chest.

"At Taeyang's?" T.O.P.'s gaze hardened.

You raised an eyebrow and gazed at him cooly. "Even if I did, why does it matter?"

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Chapter 4: O.o omigerd... I love Taeyangie... But I feel so bad for Topsshi. What are you doing to me?!! >.<
Chapter 4: What is this the end???? Damn that's so final. And shocking! Good chapter though :)
Chapter 4: Well... I feel bad for TOP and happy for Taeyang and Her.. LOL... What's wrong with me... Aishhh... LOL... Update soon~~!!
kpopj3 #4
Chapter 4: aw i feel bad for top :(
This is good. I you keep writing this fic for a while XD I am excited to find out if it goes wrong or not. Eep
Chapter 2: Because she love ur friend.. Aishhh... Love is complicated~~!! Update soon please~~!! Hwaiting!!~~~
Chapter 1: Pleasseeee~~!!! U gotta make a sequel... But take ur time... hWAITING~~!!!