"Don't let me."

Stay here, please?
Yongguk felt heavy as he saw the man that stole his love into the arms of some other guy, kissing at the bar Yongguk used to go. He felt lke punching, like snapping that man's neck as soon he met eyes wth that one.
"Are you crazy?" Yongguk asked with unshaken anger as he stared at the man, the other chuckled. "Go away, " he just said and turned to attack the boys lips again. Yongguk almost puked, not that he is homophobic, it looked like they were eating eachother faced and that wasn't a nice sight, so he went away.
Into the night, a beer bottle in his hand as he called his best friend, "Himchan, I saw Jongup today.." he started right off without even saying a greeting first. The man on the other line directly went to be angry, saying stuff he repeated, that hurted Yongguk directly. He stopped at a bridge, "Do you want me to be gone?" he asked as he stared at the busy dark water a few metres under him. "I don't..." himchan said, the other closed his eyes again. "Do you trust me?" himchan nodded, even if the other can't see him right now. The worry begins to raise, "What is your plan?" Himchan asked carefully, "Yongguk?" The other kept silence as he listened to the water and to himchans voice. "! Yongguk! Where are you?", himchan started to put his shoes on along. "Han river".
After an half hour, Yongguk sat on a bench next to two figures out of hardmaterial. One is wiping away the tears of the other, he chuckled alittle as he listened to the waves one more time. Soon someone hugged him from behind, this scent and the warmness that came from the other made him shiver once again.
"Don't do anything stupid.." Himchan whispered into Yongguk ear, the older just smiled alittle. Looking down at his hands before he stood up, making the other loose his arms. "Don't let me" He turned around to face the other, he knew it was cold. It just rained and the cold autumn makes you wear thicker clothes and as he looked at himchan. Wearing a coat with a red scarf, he smiled at how beautiful he looked in such simple clothes. He couldn't stop staring, so much that he didn't noticed the other talking. "Yongguk!" He whined as he repeated his words the third time, only then he somewhat woke up.
"Yes?" He smiled, his name sounds so pretty out of these lips. The other just reached his hand out to the other, "Let's go" he nodded, reaching after Yongguks hand as he dragged him away from the bench. Walking along the long way off the bridge, holding tightly to the others hand as he looked down. Just a few steps away, Yongguk suddenly stopped.
"Do you believe me?"himchan was confused at first but didn't let the hand of his best friend go. "Yongguk, just lets go home alright?", the other one took his hand away. "No..answer me!" He stared at himchan, himchan shook his head slowly. "I love him too much, now lets go home, you need rest" he nodded slowly and grabbed Yongguks hand again, dragging him with him.
After that night, they haven't seen eachother again.
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chanchanxx #1
cheesecakesoulmusic #2
Chapter 2: My Banghim feels! Yes Yongguk never leave him again and Himchan thank you for realizing how much Yongguk meant to you!
cheesecakesoulmusic #3
Chapter 1: Author -nim please update this soon! When will Himchan and Yongguk meet again?