A World I Wished For


Dreams contain wishes that can never come true. In my dreams, my wish was for everyone to love me. Reality seperated me from that. In reality, I was just a sad and lonely girl who only wishes for everyone to love me. I guess that it was too selfish of me to say so. That was until one day where everything changed. Things that I had wished for started coming true. Everything started getting more strange by the minute. That was when I had realized that I was in a world I wished for.


Hello, everyone~! I love romance stories since they are very similar to my life and it is very important to me. The reason why I made this story was to represent my life, I guess. Most of the story is impossible to happen in real life, so I just made things up. I guess some of these things are from the manga called "Alice in the Country of Hearts". I really love that manga and it's very cute. It's very mysterious and it's like my life. I wish for everyone to love me even though it makes me sound very selfish, which I am not. Anyway, I am a beginner for writing fanfics so please bear with me. I apologize for the flaws of this story. I don't really know if this story sounds like another one, but I apologize for it. I just think that it's just a coincidence. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Please subscribe and comment! I appreciate it! I love you all~! ^^

Hello, everyone! I appreciate everyone who continued reading! I am still currently trying my best in writing the first chapter! Please be patient! Updating soon


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mariamolekun #1
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
Isamost2012 #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^