Winter Lights (Seungho)

Sad Memories

note: fluff, not really a "you" scenario though, but sort of.

All the excitement felt warm over his cheeks and he jumped, finger pointed straight at a pile of stuffed animals.

"I want this one!"

Snatching his father's hand, he mustered all the strength he could to drag Seungho through the market. That one over there--the reflection of it wormed over your son's eyes and he immediately released his hand, shooting himself right at the shelf. He snatched the bear, turned around and quickly smothered it against Seungho's waist, his tiny hands holding tightly against its pelt with an eager smile ballooning his cheeks. 

"This one! He looks like daddy! He has appa's eyes!"

Kneeling down, Seungho watched as your son affectionately patted the stuffed animal's head, and when he took a closer look at what it was, he couldn't help but to laugh. Black panda eyes.  Appa's eyes. 

"You want this one?" he finally asked with a warm smile. Your son didn't hesitate before hopping two inches off the floor once and twice, coiling the bear into his small fingers and arms. He was begging for it and it took everything Seungho had to not carry him up into his arms.

It was heavily priced, but without hesitation, he bought it.

Hand-in-hand, your son and husband walked out of the market and into the winter-cold streets of Seoul. It smelled of crisp snow and looked like untouched purity, and your son bit down on his sugar cane with the panda nestled to his chest for added warmth. Seungho's car was parked at the sidewalk but they both ignored it for the simple pleasures; they wanted to feel the winter salt crack from beneath their shoes, to see the late holiday lights shame the stars at night and to laugh at who's nose and ears turned redder. And, when they both finally felt the comforting heat of a nearby restaurant, they both went in.

Together, they sat at the table floor and warmed themselves up with hot rice. Only once did Seungho tell your son to slow down. Four times would your son tell your husband he was eating too fast. They laughed on occasion as the panda joined your family right between them and listened quietly to the music when their mouths were full.

"Isn't appa hungry, too?"

Seungho wasn't paying attention but caught the question anyway. "Well, yes, that's why appa is still--" 

And before he could finish, he frowned.

Your son was pressing his chopsticks against the panda's sewn mouth again and again and again, failing miserably as more rice rained over his lap before dropping onto the floor. Pouting, he still had a fierce look of determination set in his eyes, and was just about to brace himself at another attempt to care for his animal before Seungho cut in.

"Okay, okay. I think he's full now," he said with half a mouthful of rice, lightly patting the panda's round stomach. Your son only looked at his dad for a second before beaming. So he did feed his panda. Joyed, he put his chopsticks down then quickly enveloped the animal with his tiny arms, head pressed tightly against its soft belly with closed eyes. In seconds, he forgot about his food. In minutes, he fell asleep on the cushioned floor.

At 10:00 P.M., you heard the rustling of keys and the door open. There, you found Seungho lightly brushed in fresh snow holding your son and a panda. You didn't even have time to ask before he answered in a hushed voice.

"He has appa's eyes."

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