Birthday Present#3

Birthday Presents --AFF Summer Fic Writing Contest entry
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Finally, as I should have done this days before~~~ :D

The last chapter.

I hope you enjoy reading! (this is the first chapter I finished in a day :D)




As no one expected, rain poured down out of blue just five minutes before Jinwoon’s practice was dismissed. It should be spring since it was still early May, so a rainy afternoon was strange. However, due to the big issue almost all countries were talking about—global warming—summer seemed to come faster.


Jinwoon ran a little along the stone path. His right hand tried to make a shield for his face. When he reached the green house, he wiped water dripping through his face from his hair and squeezed the edge of his shirt, which was no use. He pushed the door slowly and stepped in.


“Seulin?” his eyes wandered around, searching for the girl.


“Oh, you come!” Seulin’s head appeared between the pots of Carnations. She put off her gloves and approached Jinwoon. “Wow, you’re wet.” She pointed. “You ran through the rain?”


“Kind of.” Jinwoon grinned. He looked around, searching for a place to put his bag down but found nothing so he just carelessly put it down next to some pots. He rolled his sleeves. “What do I do now?”


“I have taken weeds out of the pots. We only have to water them, then sort out which are the best and going to be used for the event.” She walked to a corner and left his bag there, next to hers. “But before that, you need to dry yourself.” She handed him a towel.


“You did all these by yourself?” Jinwoon followed Seulin to where she was before he came. His hands were busy drying his hair.


“What? Taking care of the flowers? No, I suppose to work with that irritating friend of yours, but since he loves escaping his job so much, I’m so going to make President kick him out of Student Council.” She turned the tap and started watering the nearest pots. “Sometimes the others from Student Council would help me when Jooyeong escaped, but they all apparently are busy today.”


Both of them dealt with the pots for a long hour full of sweats. After an hour, the pots had been arranged and the Carnations section looked pleasantly neat. Seulin stared at their work in satisfaction.


“You really love flowers so much, don’t you?” Jinwoon said as he stretched his body. Seulin turned to look at his face. “Since we were young, you liked to help out at your mother’s florist.”


She chuckled. “It is my mother’s florist, how can I not help her?”


“But you are the only girl I ever know who has that much of interest in flowers.” Jinwoon turned around and looked outside. “Ah, the rain is getting harder. I don’t think we can even get out of here without getting drenched.” He sighed.


“Let’s wait for the rain to stop. You absolutely can’t run through the rain again or you will really catch a cold tomorrow.”


Jinwoon sighed again. “But there’s nothing we can do here.”


“Who says?” Seulin’s eyes sparkled. “We can celebrate your birthday here.”


He chuckled in instant. “You want to celebrate it again? Aren’t you bored?”


She signed him a ‘no, no’ finger. “I’m gonna celebrate it in a way the other had never done before.” She said confidently.


He got excited. “That sounds very promising.”


She took his arm and made him sat on the floor and leaned on the glass wall.


“Hey, the floor is—“


“It’s not like your clothes are clean, Jinwoon. Besides there is no chair here, so bare with it, okay?”


Seulin went to another corner. Jinwoon couldn’t see what she was doing because it’s already dark. She took quite a long time preparing things. He didn’t want to disturb her by asking things because he knew she hates being questioned while working with something she likes.


The atmosphere was very peaceful. The sound of rain dropping somehow calmed Jinwoon. Right in front of him was the white Carnations pots. He closed his eyes, enjoying the atmosphere. Unconsciously, his mind drifted to his childhood.


His mother often took him to the florist belonged to Seulin’s mother. She liked flowers so much—more than Seulin. She regularly bought flowers for decorations. She bought various flowers, but she bought pink Carnation the most often. He guessed it’s her favorite flower.


During their visits, he always saw Seulin taking care of the flowers. Either cutting or arranging them in a bouquet. Or sometimes watering those they planted at their backyard. ‘She was too diligent doing those works.’


“Happy birthday to you,” Jinwoon heard Seulin’s voice and a guitar being played. He opened his eyes.


Seulin walked slowly towards him. “Happy birthday to you,” she played the guitar again.


“Happy birthday dear Jinwoon,” she took another step forward.


“Happy birthday to you.” She stopped right in front of him. She squatted so their eyes were on the same level. “Happy birthday, Jinwoon.”


‘But she is very sweet and lovely.’“Thanks, Seulin.”


“You like my performance?” she sat down and hugged the guitar.


“It’s nice and sweet.”


“Ah, glad you like it.”


“Wait. Was that all?”


She blinked a few times. “What do you mean?”


“You said you wanted to celebrate my birthday, how can you celebrate it only by singing Happy Birthday song?”


“You play the guitar and I’ll sing along.” She suddenly put the guitar on his lap.


“H-hey Seulin, you know I h-haven’t played guitar again f-for years.” He stuttered.


“Yes, and I know you’re still able to play it. Come on, play a song you like and I’ll sing along—as long as I know the song.” She grinned cheekily.


“But I don’t know the chords.” He put it back to her lap.


“Then play a song we learned together.” She pushed the guitar to his arms.


“Which one?” He furrowed.


“Try to Remember. You remember that song?”


He shook his head and handed over the guitar again. “Play it first, I’ll play if I remember the song.”


She glared at him, but still took the guitar and played the song.


“Try to remember the kind of September

When life was slow and so mellow

Try to remember the kind of September

When grass was green and the grain was yellow


Try to remember the kind of September

When you were young and the callow fallow

Try to remember and if you remember

Then follow, follow…”


Seulin stopped playing. “You remember the song? The chords are all the same. It’s not difficult. Come on, give it a try.”


Jinwoon took the pick. He looked at her hesitantly.


“Come on, Jinwoon.” She gave him an encouraging look.


He finally started to play it slowly and began singing the next part. She sang along.


“Try to remember when life was so tender

When no one worked except the willow

Try to remember when life was so tender

When dreams were kept beside your pillow…”


Seulin shifted and sat next to him. She swayed her body following the melody.


“Try to remember when life was so tender

When love was an ember about to billow

Try to remember and if you remember

Then follow, follow…”


A smile crept on Jinwoon’s face. He had been more relaxed and seemed enjoy playing the guitar. Occasionally he closed his eyes, taking in the moment to his heart.


“Deep in December, it’s nice to remember

Although you know the snow will follow

Deep in December, it’s nice to remember

Without the hurt the heart will follow


Deep in December, it’s nice to remember

The fire of September that made you mellow

Deep in December our hearts should remember

Then follow, follow…”


Jinwoon stared at Seulin as he finished the song. She clapped her hands and praised him. “That was good, Jinwoon!”


He flashed his signature smile. “Thank you, Seulin-ah. This is the first time I play guitar again after a long time. It feels really good.”


“Yeah. Even though the so

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I love the ending where JinWoon said he haven't ready yet!
wooow, this is so good. i think is my favorite fanfic with JinWoon until now! love it!!!
Channie-bear #3
huh..this is soo sweet..i really like jinwoon but there are not many stories on him...anyway nice plot and storyline..kekeke make more stories on jinwoon
talorluvsyou #4
soo good can't wait for then next chapter <br />
update soon:)
nizzyool #5
@ ter_dj: I'll finish this very soon as the deadline is coming :D hehehe
ter_dj #6
i do..<br />
nizzyool #7
thank you for those who has subscribed! angelhoney, ter_dj, talorluvsyou, & Mishieru ;)<br />
please anticipate it!