No Turns Left


Minho never takes the left turn.


After checking out my Onew-focused study Sound of Silence , a reader (Lilacnjade) made a suggestion that I do character studies of each of the members.  I thought it a brilliant idea.  This one is Minho.  Hey- LilacnJade, hope you like this one too :)

Here is Key's : Fairest of Them All


Disclaimer: For all my Minho-fans (and those who secretly love him but won't admit it) I don't even presume to know what this gorgeous man thinks, but this is one possible scenario in the land of maybe. 


Disclaimer #2: This picture is HUGE and not mine, its up on tumblr from a while ago-->Note the hair. And natural beauty, of course. sorry again for the hugeness. lol.



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Chapter 1: so well written ^^ love it ♥