


You wake today, again, with a smile on your face. Your eyes shine as you ready for another day and I remember the warmth your gaze holds. I see the love waiting to be lavished on the person with whom you'll spend the rest of your life.

Hearing your voice is a joy. For the moment it belongs only to me, 'How was your day' for now is my phrase even if you can't hear me.

I hear the fond tone of your voice as you talk of little events that to others appear unimportant but to you are precious.

I have helped to guide you, to make certain you don't lose your way. I look at you again and I doubt my place in your life, you rarely need me anymore.

I have seen your life, been present for every moment. In my mind all these memories will remain. I know what comes next and I know I can do nothing to stop it. This is my duty with these angels that have dedicated their lives to create light in this darkening world...

The truck strikes your car and I realize I care for you more than I should. It tumbles to a stop upside down, I feel helpless.

You still live when the ambulance arrives to help. I see how they try to revive you. The cuts on your face dripping blood as I hear your heart stutter to a stop. The other angels mourn your loss, grieving for the human I have lost. I walk to you, the paramedics have declared you gone. A tear slips out as I stand above you I cannot let you go. There were so many things you wanted to do. So many things I wanted to see you experience. I can't let you die.

My hand on your chest is cold. I push my power into you. I feel the others watching me, denying what they see. But your eyes open, they see again. They shine again like they did when you awoke this moment. For a glorious moment you see me. You reach out to me. The others pull me away but it's too late, you live. I see you sit up, and I smile. I fall regretting nothing, I would give my immortal life for you again.

I love you.

*Author's note: It didn't turn out as I wanted but I still like it. Comments are welcomed. ^^

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nunmuri08 #1
Chapter 1: that is love.. Giving up your immortal life just to give that person a second chance...