Chapter 2

Pay Me Love


Chapter 2


5 years later…


“Are you sure, you’re ready for this, Yuri-yah?” Yuri’s attorney, Sooyoung asked as they stepped out of the car.


Looking at the familiar residence, Yuri gave Sooyoung a faint smile, fixing her suit in the process. “I am.”


“Didn’t you tell your mother that you won’t do this anymore?”


“I’m here for a different reason.”


“And that is?”




Sooyoung was about to say something else when the main door opens, revealing a middle aged woman, welcoming them.


Entering the house, the two were guided towards the living room, where two figures were waiting for them. A man in his mid-fifties welcomes them with a smile.


“Ms. Kwon, Ms. Choi.” He stretches his hand for them to shake. “I’m so glad you two could come.”


Sooyoung accepted the handshake first with a smile, giving the man a court nod of acknowledgement.


“We’re glad to be here, Mr. Lee.” Yuri smiled as she shook the man’s hand.


“Anyway, why don’t I introduce the both of you to Tiffany?” Mr. Lee then turned his attention to Tiffany, who was sitting down on the sofa, looking at them uninterestingly. “Tiffany, I would like you to meet Ms. Choi and Ms. Kwo—”


“I know her, Mr. Lee.” Tiffany smirked, eyes focused on Yuri. “She’s my ex-girlfriend.”


Yuri had to bite down her tongue before she can lash out on Tiffany, holding herself back. Looking intently at Tiffany, Yuri wanted to smack her younger self for falling for her, but she knew she couldn’t blame herself; Tiffany was just too good of an actress for her to see the truth before, but now, she can see everything clearly.


“Really?” Mr. Lee asked in surprise, turning his attention to Yuri.


“It’s true.” Tiffany answered for Yuri, eyes still on the latter. “My, my have you changed Yuri.”


“Sorry for waiting.”


A woman’s voice coming from the stairs grabbed their attention, except for Tiffany, who just scoffs before rolling her eyes.


Yuri’s eyes went wide as she gapes at the woman wearing a short floral dress just right above her knees, walking ever so gracefully down the stairs.


“Yuri, stop staring and close your mouth.” Sooyoung whispered harshly. “Don’t embarrass the two of us.”


Hearing Sooyoung’s words Yuri immediately follows, yet she couldn’t stop staring, she could sense a bit of familiarity, she just couldn’t put her finger on it.


“Jessica” Mr. Lee called. “Finally you can join us.”


Yuri couldn’t believe her ears upon hearing Jessica’s name, disbelieving the truth in front of her. Jessica was far different now from the Jessica she knew before; she wasn’t wearing her thick rimmed glasses anymore, her hair flowing until her shoulders, even her fashion sense has changed drastically. She knew even before that Jessica was pretty but looking at her now just left Yuri speechless.


“What are you doing here, Tiffany?” Jessica asked, obviously displeased of her sister’s presence.


“Last time I checked I live here.” Tiffany rolled her eyes at Jessica, “And I have a right to be here, I’m part of the company.”


“Since when did you care about the company?” Jessica grits her teeth, wanting to hit her sister in the process.


Jessica could still remember everything clearly; they wouldn’t even be in the predicament that they were in now if it wasn’t for Tiffany. When their mother gave Tiffany control of the company due to their father’s death, hoping that her sister would learn her responsibilities, but instead, all she did was gamble and spend their money on senseless things almost sending their company in bankruptcy, until she took over; barely keeping their company afloat.


Their mother couldn’t keep up with the pressure of what was happening to the company, constantly blaming herself for what happened and due to Tiffany’s reckless actions, she was constantly hospitalized until her body couldn’t keep up no more and gave up, leaving everything for Jessica to handle.


“Anyway…” Mr. Lee cleared his throat, cutting the brewing tension between Jessica and Tiffany. “We should probably start.”


Jessica sat down beside Mr. Lee before turning her attention towards their two guests.


“Here’s the investment proposal that we made.” Sooyoung began as she passed a folder towards Mr. Lee, the Jung family’s attorney.


“By the way, Jessi, you remember Yuri, right?” Tiffany spoke out of nowhere; a hint of mockery could be sense in her voice.


“What are you talking about Tiffany?” Jessica asked feigning innocence. Focusing on the person in front of her, she could see the resemblance; she just didn’t want to believe it.


“Yuri, remember? Boa’s daughter, my ex-girlfriend?” Tiffany pressed on, shamelessly winking at Yuri in the process.


“I think this proposal could work for both company.” Mr. Lee nodded his head, cutting between the two once again; he then turned his attention to Jessica. “Take a look at this, Jessica. I’m sure we can all make an agreement.”


Not even bothering to look at the papers, Jessica stood up. “I already made my decision, I’m sorry but I don’t think I want to push through with this. Good day to the two of you.”


“J-jessica…” Mr. Lee stammered, surprised by Jessica’s sudden decision. “You can’t be serious, this proposal is a great help to the company.”


“My decision is final.” Jessica looked down at him. “Now, if you’d excuse m---”


“--We want to help.” Yuri spoke, cutting Jessica off. “We see great potential in your company that will benefit all of us.”


“Thank you for the offer, but, like I said, I already made a decision.” Jessica spoke with finality, before walking away.


“I’m really sorry about Jessica.” Mr. Lee sighed. “But I’ll try to talk to her again about this. Again, I’m sorry; we have probably wasted your time.”


“It’s not a waste of time at all, Mr. Lee.” Yuri assured the man, her eyes trailing on Jessica’s retreating figure. “Our offer still stands, just call us if she changes her mind.”


“It’ll be a miracle if you can change Jessica’s mind. Anyway, it’s nice to see you again Yuri.” Tiffany smirked. “Call me.”




All throughout the car ride back to Kwon Enterprise; Yuri was silent, while staring outside the window as her thoughts wanders off.


“That self-proclaimed ex-girlfriend of yours was really something, not to mention her sister was just downright scary.” Sooyoung stated, shaking her head in the process.


Turning her attention to Sooyoung, Yuri sighed. “Well…they’re the Jungs, what do you expect?”


“You know what I don’t get?” Sooyoung began, “How could Jessica turn down our proposal just like that without even seeing them. I mean, everything was going to be on their advantage.”


“Isn’t it obvious? It’s because of me.” Yuri explained, still in disbelief of Jessica’s drastic transformation. “She thinks that I came back for revenge.”


“Well…did you?”


“I told you, no. All I wanted was closure.” Yuri answered.


“If you say so,” Sooyoung shrugged. “But I still think its best you don’t go associating yourself with them again.”


Yuri didn’t say anything, and just went back to staring out the window, not wanting to continue their conversation.




“You’re drinking,” Boa pointed out as she saw her daughter leaning by the library’s balcony railings with a drink in her hand. “Is something bothering you? Or should I say someone?”


“Sooyoung told you, huh?” Yuri gave her mother a weak smile as she took a sip of her drink.


Letting out a long sigh, Boa walks towards her daughter, placing a hand on her shoulder. “It’s best to stay away from them, Yuri. I don’t want to see you get hurt again and if you’re doing this for revenge…please, just let it go. It won’t do you any good.”


Grabbing her mother’s hand, Yuri gave it a gentle squeeze. “Don’t worry, mom. I’m not seeking for revenge or anything like that, I just want closure.”


“Well…did you?”


“I…did.” Yuri answered with doubt; the sudden thought of Jessica entered her mind.


“I trust you; I just hope that you know what you’re doing.”


“Thanks, mom.”


Looking back, Yuri could still remember everything clearly. How Mrs. Jung fired her mother without remorse, how she had to drop out of school just so she could her mother with their expenses, and how her father suddenly showed up outside their door asking for their forgiveness that has changed their lives for the better.




Slumping down on her seat, Jessica felt frustrated; she has been waiting for almost an hour now inside a restaurant for a potential client until he canceled for the last minute.




Jessica smiled upon seeing Taeyeon, her sister’s fiancée.


“What are you doing here?” Taeyeon asked as she took a seat in front of Jessica.


“Well…I was supposed to meet a client right now but he canceled at the last minute, you?”


“I just finished a meeting actually.”


“Are you going to meet Tiffany later?” Jessica asked.


“Nope, she said that she was busy, anyway, why don’t you join me for dinner?” Taeyeon offered.


Just then, out of the corner of Jessica’s eyes she spotted another two familiar figures taking a seat just two tables away from them. Cursing under her breath, she reluctantly agrees, hoping for Taeyeon not to spot them but it seems luck wasn’t on her side.


“Tiffany?” Taeyeon stood up from her spot to get a good look at Tiffany and her companion. “Jessica, isn’t that Tiffany and…Kwon Yuri?”


Jessica didn’t get a chance to answer when Taeyeon began to move towards their direction.


“…” Jessica murmured as she follows Taeyeon.




“So…what business proposals do you honestly got for me, Tiffany that you had to drag me here with you?” Yuri asked, obviously unhappy.


Hearing Yuri’s words, Tiffany couldn’t help but smirk. “Five years really did wonders to you, Yuri.”


“I’m not here to reminisce, Tiffany.” Yuri sighed, her irritation starting to build up. “I’m here for business.”


“What’s wrong about reminiscing, Yuri?” Tiffanys taunts. “We did have great days didn’t we? And we can rekindle that if you want.”


“You really are unbelievable!” Yuri exclaimed. “You’re already engaged to someone, and like I told you, I’m here for business but if you have nothing to offer me then I’m leaving.”


“I can always cancel my engagement.” Tiffany shrugged. “It was sort of an arrange marriage anyway, on my part that is.”


“What?!” Yuri asked in disbelief.


“Well…my dear sister made it happen, she said it would be a great help for our company.”




Tiffany and Yuri turned their attention towards Taeyeon, who was just a couple of steps away from them with Jessica in tow, making Yuri stand up upon seeing her.


“I thought you were busy?” Taeyeon asked Tiffany, a hint of jealousy could be heard from her voice.


“She is!” Jessica stated as she walks towards Yuri. “You see, Tiffany offered to talk to Yuri for me, since the two of us have been having quite a misunderstanding lately. So, Tiffany offered her help.”



“Yeah, it was just a petty love quarrel, you know?” Jessica smiled to sweetly as she wraps her arms around Yuri’s waist, who was too stunned to talk. “Right, Kwon Seobang?”


Tiffany, on the other hand doesn’t know if she wanted to laugh out loud or gag in as she watches her sister’s lame act.”


“Just play along!” Jessica hissed near Yuri’s ear as she gave the latter a hard pinch, oblivious to Taeyeon and Tiffany.


“Y-yeah.” Yuri winced due to Jessica’s hard pinch, playing along with Jessica’s act; she places one arm around Jessica’s shoulder. “My Sicababy here is quite the jealous type.”


“Wait! Hold up, you two are dating?!” Taeyeon asked in disbelief. “How come you never said anything, Jessica? Is Yuri the reason why you always turn down those guys that have been asking you out?”


“Of course, I’m the reason why. Sicababy here is way too head over heels for me.” Yuri brags with a smug look on her face, earning her another hard pinch from Jessica.


“I think we should excuse ourselves since Kwon Seobang here, is getting way over her head again. I’ll see you guys later back at home.” Jessica stated before she began dragging Yuri. “Come, Kwon Seobang we have a lot of things to discuss.”


Settling herself down in front of Tiffany, Taeyeon smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry for reacting like that, I thought you were…you know…”


“Don’t worry about it.” Tiffany answered uninterested.


“It was very sweet of you for helping your sister out with her problems.”


Tiffany forced a smile as she felt frustrated due to Jessica and Taeyeon’s interruption.




“So…we’re dating now, huh?” Yuri began as Jessica drags her towards the parking lot.


“There is no way in hell that I’m going to date someone like you.” Jessica harshly let go of Yuri’s arm. “I just did that to save my sister’s !”


“I think you mean to save your company, you did that because you don’t want Taeyeon to find out the truth!”


“And what truth do you even know, huh?” Jessica challenged.


“The truth that you’re using your sister for the benefit of your company by marrying her off to Taeyeon.”


“It’s none of your business, and it’s for her own good!”


“How could you honestly say that? Don’t you care about her and her feelings?!” Yuri asked, surprised with the words coming out of .


“I have nothing to explain to you, and just like what I told you before stay away from my sister!”


Jessica was about to walk away when Yuri suddenly grabs her hand.


“Where do you think you’re going? After using me back there, you’re just going to leave me here?”


“I’m leaving isn’t that obvious enough? Talking to you is just a waste of my time.” Jessica attempted to walk away again when Yuri held her hand tighter.


“So after you used me, you’re just gonna leave?” Yuri asked in disbelief. “How about I walk back in there and tell Taeyeon the truth?”


“What do you honestly want, Kwon Yuri?!”


“Like what I’ve told you before, I want to help.”


“Do you honestly want to help? If you do, then stay away from my sister that would be a great help!”


“You know that’s not what I meant; I want to help you and your company!” Yuri places her hands on her hips as she stared straight in Jessica’s eyes. “Why are you so hell bent in refusing my help?!”


“Because I don’t need your help!” Jessica glared at Yuri before she walks away from the latter.


“Oh…come on, Sicababy just get back here so we can talk it over.” Yuri teased as she watches Jessica’s retreating figure. “Sicababy…baby! Seriously, come back here, at least give me a good night kiss or something.”


Having enough of Yuri, Jessica turns around and screams. “Screw you, Kwon Yuri!”


“Awww…that’s like the sweetest thing you have ever said to me, Sicababy!” Yuri placed a hand on her left chest as she acted touched with Jessica’s words. “Good night, Sicababy, and sweet dreams. Dream of me, okay? Bye!”


Jessica didn’t say anything and just marches away from Yuri, as her face began to burn and her heart hammering inside her chest, a sensation she haven’t felt in a long while but she knew better to not feel such a thing for Yuri again, she knew the reason why Yuri came back to their lives is to seek revenge against her family. She won’t give her the satisfaction of breaking her heart that she promises to herself.



Here's an abrupt update

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Work has been taking all of my time and energy. Not sure if I'll get to update again anytime soon or if I'll even get to finish this story.

The fluff part will begin soon, if I'll ever update again, obviously.





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Soneisa #1
Chapter 3: Awww this story is promising and I know I’ll be disappointed coz I now it’s not finished yet 🥺🤧
Soneisa #2
Chapter 2: This is a cute story
mascott #3
Chapter 6: It's been years and here I am still waiting hahahahaha sad life
alam1612 #4
Chapter 6: Uh ya you should finish it authornim
Chapter 6: Its been 3 years almost 4years already. Please update author nim. I miss you and your best writing storys.
Chapter 6: please update soon author-nim
can't wait to read another chapter..
best story..
good job ..
Chapter 6: Should I???
Chapter 6: I was starting to love this story but is not going anywhere. No reason to stay here. Disappointed.
adelliew1919 #9
Chapter 6: This story is very interesting, hope you be back as soon