Light and Dark

Those Without Courage
* Sorry in advance for mistakes *
You know those awkward situations where everyone seems to be talking with their eyes. When they look like they want to say something so bad that they move their lips ever so slightly but nothing comes out. Well thats what Kurai just walked into.
The girl took a seat next to Suho, glancing at the empty pizza boxes scattered around the living room. The boy seemed happy to see her, however the other boys....well they were pulling weird faces. 
"If this is about the pizza thing its ok, Sehun asked me for it" She guessed it was a possible reason. 
"No its not that" D.O shrugged
"Why does it have to be anything? We aren't doing anything at all...really....honestly..." Sehun played with his hands as he spoke. 
Alright somethings definitely up She thought, getting to her feet. 
"I totally forgot i left in the kitchen" Kurai said turning toward the other room. 
"EEHHHHHHH WELL! HANG ON!" Baekhyun got to his feet and leaping across the room so he was blocking her way. 
"Isn't it ready?" Chanyeol asked
"I forgot the...." Baekhyun's words drifted off
"Oh...." He replied looking at Suho
"Hurry!" Suho said with a grin taking hold of Kurai's arm and pulling her back down on the couch. She ungracefully landed in his lap with a "thud" while D.O and Baekhyun ran into the kitchen. 
"What are you doing" Kurai giggled, blushing at how close Suho was. 
"Its for the good of all that is delicious!" Suho said slipping his hand from her arm to her hand. 
"Ah gross" Kai and Chanyeol got up and left the room while Sehun was fast asleep. 
"Does he..." Kurai began
"Always fall asleep like this? Not really but its like waking a dead person when he does" Suho replied, both of them were getting rather comfortable seated the way they were. 
"I know you didn't eat anything..." Suho said staring at her, as if on Que Baekhyun shouted from the kitchen. 
"Its ready" He sang
"Thats why i made a backup plan whether you ate dinner or not" Suho said getting to his feet and offering his hand to the girl. Kurai stared at him questioningly for a few moments before a smile spread on her face. 
Suho lead her into the next room where the 4 other boys were gathered in a circle. He cleared his throat and the group split like the red sea. 
"TADA!" Everyone said waving their hands like it was a magic trick. 
There on the table stood a chocolate cake, it had a small candle and a few lollies scattered around it.
"W-Whats this?" Kurai asked as Suho pulled her to the table side. 
"Desert" Suho replied 
"A lot of desert" Kurai stared at everything
"Don't worry, i'm sure this lot will finish anything" Suho pointed to the hungry members.
Baekhyun made a grab for the cake but immediately Suho stopped him. 
"Hey! Kurai first, she didn't have any pizza" He said turning to the girl. 
Kurai looked from one person to the next until her eyes settled in Suho's. 
"Alright..." She said taking the piece of cake Baekhyun offered up to her. She new this would probably make her fatter, make her feel worse rather then good but everything in Suho's eyes made her think it was worth it. 
She swallowed the creamy substance letting out a content sigh as the hunger pains drifted away. The other members seemed content as well and went on to practically destroy both the desert and the table. D.O made sure to clean up even the smallest of crumbs by the end of the evening to Kurai's relief. 
Everyone, full and tired were now settled down in the living room staring at a patch of mold. For all Kurai knew it could probably get up and walk with how healthy it looked and all.  Everyones eyes wouldn't leave the patch of lumpy green fuzz, it was almost hypnotic. One pair of eyes however was staring elsewhere instead. Kurai looked to her side to find Suho staring at her, the boy looked away as soon as she noticed. 
"Well, not that this isn't fun...." Kai yawned 
"Oh come on 5 more minutes" Chanyeol whined as he stared at the mold. 
"No, hes right its late and we need to get some sleep" Suho said "Kurai needs rest too" 
"Yeah, i'm going to have to get some sleep if i want to join you at school tomorrow" She said 
"Your coming to school? You sure your ready?" Suho asked 
"Seems that desert did the trick, thank you for coming over" Kurai said smiling at Suho in particular. 
"It was no problem, i trust we will meet you where we saw you last time?" Suho asked
"Sure, ill meet you there" Kurai grinned 
"Alright then, lets get going" Kai yanked the practically unconscious Sehun off the couch. The boy flopped over the dancers shoulders without waking up and he carried him to the door. D.O followed making sure the maknae's head didn't bang into anything. 
"Thank you for having us over" D.O said, Kai dipped his head and naturally Sehuns head went with it along with half of his body. Luckily Chanyeol was there to push him back onto Kai's shoulder before he fell off. 
"The food was fantastic" He joked 
"Well i am a master chef" Kurai pulled a "professional face" and put on a slight accent. 
Chanyeol laughed his way out the door following the other members. Suho was about to leave with them until Kurai grabbed his arm and turned him toward her. Kurai stared at him with alarmed eyes.
"Ill be a minute" Suho called shutting the door "What is it?" 
"I...Well...Tomorrow they are gonna come after me" Kurai whispered looking down at her hands "I'm sure those boys were already after you today" 
"Kurai..." Suho stepped forward when she stepped back "Its ok" 
"But what if you get hurt or something, it will just be because of stupid old-" She began putting her hands on her head. 
"Beautiful,funny and not to mention a chef" He grinned at the last part "You" He reached forward and held her hands in his. 
"Suho...I just..." She let out a long sigh full of worry. Suho took her chin with a soft hand and turned her head up to look at him. 
"Don't worry, I will keep you and the others safe" Suho said "I promised remember" 
"And what about you..." Kurai ran her hand up his arm until her hand was laying on his. 
"Your worth it" He breathed staring into her eyes, she couldn't look away even when his hand left her face. His fingers intertwined with hers and he leaned toward her, his eyes not leaving hers for a moment. 
"What are you doing?" Kurai whispered softly 
"Saying goodbye" He whispered, his breath danced on her lips as he got closer and closer. 
"HYUNG! YOUR TAKING AGES!" Baekhyun shouted through the door causing both Suho and Kurai to jump back from one another. Kurai laughed awkwardly seeing Suho's flustered face.
"I better go" Suho sighed straightening himself up 
"Yeah" Kurai muttered smiling down at her hands 
"See you tomorrow" Suho sang joyfully as he stepped out the door making sure to shut it behind him. 
Kurai was a blushing, flustered mess at that moment.
 What could have just happened? Did he really...try to kiss me? I mean....ME!, the weird girl who lives alone. The girl who isn't pretty, isn't smart, who is falling for him.....
With thoughts filled with either worry's for what was going to happen tomorrow or Suho she went to bed. Drifting in and out of a bad sleep she tried her best to at least get SOME rest. 
"Sehun...Get up" D.O whined unable to open his eyes himself. The boy had been woken up by Suho and sent to wake the younger. This was considered the worst part of the day seeing as Sehun could sleep through a typhoon. 
By some luck of the gods Sehun's eyes opened after the 50th shake. The younger mumbled something before turning over, D.O wasn't going to give up now. 
"so....sleepy...." Sehun mumbled 
"Sehun! Wake up we have to go" D.O mustered all the strength he could and gave the younger a massive shove. The boy just about fell off the bed if it wasn't for D.O's hand reaching out to grab his arm. 
"AHHHHH!!!" Sehun was hanging sideways off the bed, his eyes locked on the ground below him. 
"Well thats what you get for ignoring my wake up calls" D.O grinned seeing the younger slump onto the ground the moment he let go of his arm. 
"Ouch" Sehun frowned rubbing his head
D.O climbed over the bed and gently lifted Sehun's fringe to check if he had actually hurt the younger. 
"Your fine" He took hold of his arm and dragged him to his feet "Now hurry and get washed up" 
"Alright..." Sehun muttered as he was ushered out of the room. 
Suho was already seated at the table when everyone was done washing up. He was busy shoveling a spoon full of cereal down his throat when Baekhyun took the seat next to him. 
"Did you even shower hyung?" He asked shaking his head, water droplets flew from his hair and into Chanyeols bowl. 
"HEY! Don't flick shampoo hair water into my cereal" Chanyeol quickly made a barrier with his arm encase of more attacks. 
"Its just water you big baby" Baekhyun poked his tongue out with a grin
"Well here!" Chanyeol used his spoon to flick a fair amount of milk at Baekhyun. 
"AHHH!" Baekhyun shouted diving under the table, both the boys grinned before the war started. 
Suho simply sipped the last of his milk off his spoon before letting out a sigh. His bowl was sent sliding to the other side of the table thanks to Baekhyun and Chanyeols mini war. 
"Such a peaceful morning" Suho sighed pushing his chair out and taking action. 
"You asked for it!" Baekhyun shouted aiming a spoonful of cereal.
"Oh no you don't!" Suho said grabbing the boy and disarming him of his weapon. He dragged him out from under the table and his friend followed. 
"Hyung we were just having fun" Baekhyun whined
"Yeah! Lighten up" Chanyeol put his arm around his friend. 
"You say that now, but when you have to go to school with hair dripping with cereal you would come running to me begging me to help you. Then i would let you shower and we would arrive at school late where we would all get detention." Suho put his hands on his hips. 
"Oh...Erm...Sorry" Baekhyun muttered.
Seeing their sad faces, Suho knelt down putting a hand on Baekhyuns shoulder and looked at the boys with a warm smile. 
"We just cant be late today, your forgetting we have to meet up with Kurai" Suho said
"Oh yeah" Chanyeol grinned "Hyungs girlfriend" 
Sehun burst into laughter while D.O choked on his cereal. He slammed his hand on the table over and over his eyes 3X wider then usual (Is that even possible?). As soon as the food was free from his airway he began laughing along with everyone else in the room. 
Suho shifted uncomfortably before speaking. 
"Its not like that..." He said 
"You obviously want it to be hyung" Kai said almost biting his cheek in an attempt to eat and speak. 
"You know it cant be like that" Suho sighed 
"Well what were you two doing last night?" Baekhyun smirked
"I was saying goodbye" Suho shrunk into the wall.
"How?" Chanyeol pressed looking at the leader. 
"Lets get to school" Suho grabbed his bag and slipped out of the kitchen. The other members all grinned at one another before following him. 
Kurai almost shaking with worry stepped outside of her apartment building and into the street. She was expecting to see a group of angry girls outside, thats what normally happened. 
No...Don't think like that, Today is going to be different She thought tightening her hold on the strap of her bag. She began the long walk toward her school fully aware of every person around every corner. 
A loud bang made her body jolt upright and she stepped to the side watching a thin black cat make its escape from a rubbish bin. 
"Don't do that..." Kurai puffed putting a hand on her chest "You really freaked me out Fur ball" 
The cat sat down and looked at her questioningly, a white dot on the very edge of its mouth indicating it wasn't a pure black cat. His green eyes thinned to slits with each purr it let out. 
"Your thin aren't you" Kurai whispered bending down and reaching her hand out to the cat. He pressed his head into her palm letting out a croaky "rrrow".
"What the heck am i doing, your gonna follow me home if i keep patting you like this" Kurai laughed pushing herself to her feet "Bye Fur ball, Make sure you eat something ok?" She waved at the stray before walking away. At least the cat had calmed her nerves for a moment. 
With a steady pace she had almost made it to the meet up location, her heart was still fluttering from the night before. In the end she put it down to Suho having bad eyesight or something and having to lean closer to see her better. 
In the middle of her daydreaming a hand grabbed her arm and yanked her behind a wall littered with graffiti. Kurai was in a bit of a daze before she realized who had actually been the culprit. 
Oh darn it..... 
"You little brat!" Tani snarled, well it was a promotion from dog. 
"Tani, its erm...good to see you..." Kurai didn't mean for her words to sound harsh but she guessed Tani must have seen them that way. The girl immediately attacked her like bees protecting their hive. 
Tani took hold of Kurai's arm and pinned it above her head, digging her nails into it for effect. Thanks to the girls freakishly long, not to mention shiny nails her arm was bleeding in moments. 
"Tani, L-Listen I wanted to talk to you" Kurai didn't even make an attempt to move. Blood traveled from the crescents in her arm gathering to make a single drop. 
"Ditching school, leaving us to hang out with those idiot boys" Tani was a tad too hysterical
"Thats what i'm trying to say, I'm not going to hang out with you anymore" Kurai said wincing when she felt the other girls glare. 
"After everything I gave you? Your going to run off for some boys?!" Tani shouted
"You don't like me anyway....." Kurai's voice shrunk by the moment 
"After everything...your going to selfishly leave us....well fine!" Tani tour her nails from her arm and stood tall over Kurai. 
"I'm...S-Sorry" Kurai apologized 
"It doesn't matter anyway! We didn't need a fat, ugly idiot like you around anyway. You do nothing but drag down our image, you were nothing to us anyway." Tani spat
"I know...." Kurai whispered
"Thats all you ever are, your lower then us normal people. No wonder you didn't get into SM as a dancer" Kurai took in every word the girl threw at her, she owed her that. 
"It doesn't matter anymore...." Tani finally finished her rant and turned away sharply, Kurai stared at the girls back as she left a final comment "everything's always your fault".
Everything's always your fault...........
                                                        Everything's always your fault............
Kurai found tears blurring her vision as she tried to focus on the bloodied marks on her arm. She even had to pull a fake nail out of one of them. 
Why am I so upset, i had this coming eventually......Everything's always my fault.......
Kurai thought as she stared down at the curved cuts, they were so interesting....interesting enough to pull her focus off of what had just happened. Interesting enough for the blur in her vision to clear. A small smile appeared on her face out of the blue.
"Everything is always my fault" She whispered "And i deserved this"
The members had been waiting at the meeting point for around 3 minutes now but already everyone was getting restless. The word "Restless" was an understatement for Suho however. 
"Where is she?, Is she alright?,I wonder if she needs help....Maybe we should go find her" Words flowed like water out of the boys mouth as he marched circles around the dazed members. 
"Hyung shes fine" Kai sighed "You should be more worried about the strain on your body with all this walking" He leaned on a post that was standing alone and rather crooked out of the pavement.
"I don't know...." Suho frowned looking at his feet
"I believe Kai" Sehun smiled brightly 
"What do you want?" Kai turned to him suspiciously 
"No really look shes over there" The youngest pointed to the approaching girl. 
"Kurai your finally here" Suho let out a sigh of relief and the group jogged to meet her.
The girl looked up at the boys in silence, her face pail and her eyes faded. In all the mess she forgot to put on that smile, that facade was the only thing she could control. 
"Hyung was freaking out while you weren't here" Sehun grinned and earned a small not to mention soft hit from Suho. 
Kurai shook whatever was left of her daydream away and her lips curled out into a smile. 
"Lets go to school then" She said hooking her arm around Suho's and leading the group toward what was sure to be an interesting day. 
"Where were you anyway?" Kai asked from somewhere behind Kurai. 
"Petting a cat" Kurai replied honestly, she tightened her grip on Suho's arm which certainly didn't go unnoticed by the older. He remained silent however pinning it down to the fact they had almost arrived at the building. 
"Well...This is it" Suho said trying to sound as confident as he could to support Kurai. It annoyed him that he was unable to predict what future events that may happen. 
"Its gonna be a mess....." Kurai whispered tightening her grip further on Suho's arm. 
"Don't worry about it" Baekhyun grinned making his way to the empty spot beside her and pushing the door open. Is he not aware he might get jumped by a bunch of angry guys?.
"Well lets go, class will start soon" Suho suggesting making the first move to step through the door, Kurai helplessly followed. 
What Kurai thought would be a disastrous day turned out to be almost peaceful. Well...peaceful as in she wasn't getting beaten up by a group of girls. The second break had yet to come however, she new she wasn't out of the woods yet. 
"Kurai!" Sehun waved his arms despite being about 2 feet from her. He had been waiting outside her room after the bell rang. 
"Sehun? What are you doing here?" She asked looking in every direction for danger, she looked almost as deer-like as Luhan. 
"Duh, i'm going to accompany you to where we are eating lunch" He grinned "My room is the closest so hyungs asked me to" 
"Thanks...but...i might have lunch alone today, i have some studying to catch up on" Kurai tried to get out of eating. She hadn't brought anything but an apple and she had eaten that this morning. 
"Hmmm, but Suho hyung told me to bring you to him no matter what" Sehun frowned "I feel like its my mission or something" He took hold of her arm and began guiding her through the sea of people. 
"Sehun let go i said i cant" Kurai tugged at her arm wincing in pain when he tightened his grip over the cuts from earlier. She thought they would be bleeding again for sure, and it wasn't the best thing to be wearing a white long sleeve shirt. 
"We have to protect you remember?" Sehun stopped in his tracks and turned to her. Kurai opened to say something but Sehun began dragging her again "So no buts" 
"At least loosen the grip" Kurai whined, she thankfully received a great deal of relief when he let go completely. 
"You have to follow me though" Sehun warned walking backwards as he talked. 
"Ok i got it" Kurai couldn't hide a genuine giggle
"Suho really likes you by the wa-" Sehun was cut off when he "moon walked" into a larger boy. 
The boy let out a grunt of frustrating and when he turned around Kurai immediately recognized both him and his friends. 
Kurai was in a panic, King Guma or whatever he saw himself as was shooting deathly glares at not only her but Sehun. She was glad however at least Tani wasn't around to make things worse.
"Oh its you little brats, finally i ran into you" Guma grinned 
"Or rather he ran into you" His friend pointed at Sehun. 
"Ahhahhh sorry Guma, we were just leaving" Kurai's eyes were wide with fear as she tried to make her escape with Sehun. She grabbed onto the younger boy and gave him a sharp tug. Guma grabbed Sehun's other arm and sharply overtook her strength dragging them both toward him. 
"Why are you running away?" He laughed "We have been looking for you and your new friends for a long time. Tani has been telling me a lot lately and what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn't listen to her request" 
"Request?" Kurai asked knowing full well she wouldnt like the answer.
"For payback" Guma replied grinning at Sehun.

Sorry for the long wait! OMG >.<' 

Anyways im more angst, and a bit of a cliff ending, i promise to update faster though. This story isnt as long as my other one.....and i feel bad for Sehun :'(
A fun fact for you that isnt really fun but im writing it because i just randomly am, the chapter name "Light and Dark" was named that because some of it is light and some of it is dark reading. 
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Chapter 8: Update soon , author-nim 🙂
Crayon_ #2
Chapter 8: That feeling i understand so well...
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I want an update. ._.
yuki-girl #4
Chapter 5: Yay! Its an update :D
Chapter 3: this story is perfect, update~~
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