I trust you....

Those Without Courage
Baekhyun itched his head staring at the sheet of questions before him. Not only him but Chanyeol,D.O and Kai were all looking a bit puzzled. They had only just arrived in this school and when the words test were brought up they all new they were in trouble. 
"Kurai" Kai whispered, he was seated behind the girl.
"What?" She mouthed looking behind her. 
"What is this test even about?" He whispered frowning
"Something about science" Kurai whispered "Now leave me alone i'm gonna get in trouble"
"That doesn't help me" Kai whispered "Baekhyuns pulling faces at me" 
"What am i supposed to do about that?" Kurai sighed 
"Its because we don't know what we are doing" Kai pressed 
"You think i do?" Kurai frowned looking down at her sheet. Kai laughed as quietly as he could when he saw the pretty much empty sheet in front of the girl. Kurai mouthed a 'shut up' in his direction before turning back to stare blankly at her sheet. Her brain was fuzzy, she was tired and hungry and nothing would come to mind. 
The bell was her savior and by the looks of the Exo boys in the room it was theirs too. Everyone got to their feet dumping their sheets on the teachers desk before dashing out the door. 
"Jeez is it always like that" D.O muttered rubbing his head "I think i got a headache" 
It took Kurai a few moments to realize they were talking to her, again. 
"Its just a test" Kurai muttered "Work isn't always like that" 
"You should have seen what she said in there" Kai laughed pulling D.O under his arm.
"What?" Baekhyun asked excited
"I asked her if-" Kai began
"Alright! I'm going" Kurai said in defeat
"Your gonna miss the story" Kai poked his tongue out
"I think i can do without it" Kurai hummed as she walked away from the group. She suddenly widened her eyes when the familiar sounds of Tani and her followers grew closer. She immediately ducked behind the edge of a locker pressing her back against it. 
Sure enough the girls walked past, the boys were surprised she could hear them coming. 
"Ah, newbies have you seen my dog anywhere?" Tani asked 
"You mean Kurai?" Baekhyun narrowed his eyes
"Yeah whatever you want to call her, she ran off at lunch after the ramyeon incident" 
"What incident?" Suho asked as he arrived, Sehun  wasn't far behind. 
Kurai shot them a wide eyed look shaking her head, it was the end of the day and if the girls found her she new she would probably be in for hell. 
"Wow you guys really don't get around much" Sumi started to smirk. 
"We crushed her ramyeon, big deal" Tani yawned 
Kurai cringed when the girls almost turned around, they would see her not even 5 feet from behind them. 
"Well we will let her know you are looking for her if we see her" Suho frowned 
"That girl is driving me insane" Tani ignored the boys and pushed right through them followed by the others. 
Kurai sighed in relief sliding down the side of the locker until she was on the ground. She thought they would find her for sure. 
"Thank you..." Kurai whispered 
"Those aren't what you call friends" Suho knelt down followed by Kai. 
"What was that ramyeon incident about?" Sehun asked 
"Hmm? Oh that was nothing, just Tani trying to have some fun" Kurai threw a fake smile out "So many people laughed" She added a fake laugh as well, like she was trying to trick herself. 
"You shouldn't make excuses for her" Suho gave a caring smile. Kurai stared back at him, butterflies dancing around her stomach. Suho didn't look away either, he kept that reassuring smile up until they finally broke away. 
"Schools over now anyways, i better get to work" Kurai got to her feet coughing awkwardly. 
"Work?" Suho asked 
"Yeah, i work down at a cafe" She answered "The one with all the kpop merchandise" 
"Really" D.O looked at the other members "Your a kpop fan?" 
"Yeah, I auditioned as a dancer awhile back at one of the company's" Kurai pulled her bag over her shoulder.
"What one?" Baekhyun asked 
"SM" Kurai muttered "Now really i have to go" 
"Ok, i guess we will see you tomorrow?" Suho asked.
Kurai stopped and looked back at the boy, her heart soured and she wondered why she felt happy with them. She felt like she was normal, they were the only ones to bring out a smile on her face. Well a real one, and Suho was giving her all these weird feelings. 
"M..Maybe...." Kurai said turning and leaving the school building. 
Suho felt satisfaction in that, after all this time she didn't say "Leave me alone", with that the boys left the school as well. 
Work was work and Kurai was used to it. It wasn't anything weird and nothing really happened much to Kurai's relief. 
However on the way home she ran into some very unhappy girls who had been waiting for her. She wished she hadn't told Sumi where she had lived but that was months ago when the girl had been nicer.
"There you are" Tani roared grabbing hold of Kurai's ponytail "I have been looking for you"
"I-I uh i had things to do" Kurai shuddered
"Selfish! So selfish! What did you go and pig out on food again?" Tani teased
I'm fat, i know i am..... Kurai winced in pain and Tani tugged at her hair. 
"She doesn't care about us, shes just fluttering around after those idiot boys" Sumi hissed
"T-Thats not true, really they are in the same class as me, they walk the same route as me that all- AHHHHH" Kurai tried to protest but was cut off by a rather harmful fist to the stomach. She new it wasn't Tani or Sumi's it was one of her larger followers. 
Kurai put her hand to her stomach clutching it in pain, she was too tired to do anything but take the hit. Not that she would do anything anyways. 
"God you annoy me, look at all we have done for you" Tani threw her to the ground glaring at her with a disappointed gaze. 
"I-I'm sorry, i'm better then this i shouldn't have-talked to those boys at all" Kurai sat clutching her stomach. She hated what she was about to say, because she didn't want to say it. 
"I never liked them anyways" She bit her lip, she was so selfish. Just because she didn't want to get hit she lied to them. Kurai didn't hate the boys, in fact one boy in particular gave her feelings she couldn't ignore. 
"Whatever, don't talk to them again or else" Tani threatened 
"I understand" Kurai winced 
"Good" And with that the girls walked off leaving Kurai, at night on the ground like a crippled person. She wondered if it would be easier to just sleep there, float away in the cold night like some poetic story. Maybe it was better to just end the suffering of herself and those around her, finally becoming free. 
All this death talk after a punch to the stomach really did make her think she was crazy. Then again it wasn't unreasonable. 
"Hey? girl why are you out here?" A voice broke her from her thoughts. 
"I..I uh nothing" Kurai cut the conversation pulling herself off the ground with a small cry.
"You sure your ok?" That voice, it was...it was so familiar.
"I-I'm fine" At that moment he realized it too.
"Kurai?" The boy asked
"Suho?" Kurai looked over to find the boys silhouette moving closer.
"What happened?" Suho asked putting a hesitant hand on her shoulder. 
"I..I just stopped to rest for a moment" Kurai tried to stand straight up and take a step but it ended with another cry of pain. 
"Hey!, take it easy" Suho moved his hand until his arm was rapped around her shoulders holding her close to him "Tell me the truth" He said. 
"I'm just a bit hurt thats all, nothing to worry about" She muttered, every breath Suho let out sent shivers down her spine. His body was so warm, she wanted to fall into it.
"Kurai, i live with 5 other members i know when someone is covering something up" He said gently he hugged her a little tighter.
"You shouldn't be here" Kurai coughed, her body wouldnt listen to her however and when she tried to move her hands unconsciously grabbed on his other arm for support. Her legs were shaking, she thought she must have looked like a idiot. 
"Kurai your hurt, anyone can see that...Please tell me what happened" Suho said in that soothing voice. If it was anyone else she would have probably left by now however painful it may have been. 
"Tani was just punishing me, i did wrong again" Kurai felt helpless and weak the moment she finally told him what had happened. Suho took her sudden loss of fighting as his advantage and he turned her to face him before hugging her. 
Kurai was so close to his heart she could hear its nervous beats, she wondered if Suho would feel hers too. His embrace was so warm, she thought she would melt in his arms. 
"You don't deserve to be punished" He whispered pressing her head into his chest just enough so she couldn't escape.
It was the first time someone had said those words to her, it was the first time she had felt time stop. Kurai  hadn't felt this way about someone before, someone who she had just met days before. 
The pain in her stomach hurt but the pain didn't matter when she was in his arms. 
Suho rubbed her back slowly for a few moments staying this way before finally breaking the hug to look at her. Tears were slowly falling from her eyes, silent without sobs or hiccups.
"Why am i crying" Kurai asked nobody in particular, she used her hands to wipe the tears away.
"I'm sorry did i hurt you?" Suho asked shakily
"No...Its just...." Finally she realized something, it felt so good to be with Suho. 
"Are you ok to walk?" He asked pulling her arm over his shoulder allowing her to lean on him. 
"Yes, i'm ok now....Why are you even out here?" Kurai asked
"I like to take a walk at night sometimes" Suho replied "Its surprising how much it can clear your head" He began walking Kurai despite her attempts to get free. 
"Hmmph" Kurai huffed as another wave a pain burned through her stomach. She put a hand out and grabbed Suhos other arm again to stop herself falling. 
"Is it your stomach?" Suho looked at her seeing she was favoring it. 
"One of them hit me in the stomach, its nothing really...i'm just not used to being hit there" 
Suho got increasingly concerned, she wasn't used to being hit there but what about how often she was hit anywhere else. 
"Is your vision ok? You don't feel like your going to pass out?" He asked knowing that a hit to the stomach sometimes caused such cases.
"I'm ok, don't worry about it" Kurai waved her hand letting go of the boy. They had finally arrived at her apartment building. 
"You live..here?" Suho asked staring questioningly at the building. 
"Yes" Kurai replied hobbling awkwardly up the stairs. 
"With your parents?" He asked
"No, just by myself" Kurai muttered 
"This place really looks like a dump, you sure your gonna be alright?" Suho asked
"Ill be fine" She said leaning against the wall. 
As much as Suho didn't want to leave Kurai in such a state, he did have to get back to his own dorm. Kurai seemed to look better now at least, but it wasn't only her pain making it hard for him to leave her. 
The two stared at one another like they were daydreaming. 
"OH! I almost forgot" Suho said pulling out his phone "If you ever get in a situation like that text me" He said running up the stairs. Kurai nodded taking out her phone and adding his number. He also gave her the other members numbers in case he was busy. 
"I know you guys are trainees by the way" Kurai smiled "I did hear you on the way to school"
"I new you could" Suho put his phone away with a grin "The others and I took bets to tell you the truth" 
"Really? On me hearing you guys...." Kurai shook her head "Who won then?" 
"Nobody, everyone guessed you heard" Suho laughed, Kurai couldn't help but giggle with him. 
"But...Suho" Kurai turned serious "I don't know if its a good idea for us to hang out" 
Suho's smile turned into a frown, concern again written on his features. 
"Are they hurting you because of us?" Suho asked seriously 
"No! Its not just because of you...They would hurt me anyways, i just don't want you guys getting hurt either" She whispered leaning her back against the wall. 
Suho shook his head moving his hand forward taking hers. He stood silently looking at the fingers intertwined for a few moments before looking up at her. 
"Don't worry about those girls anymore, be with us instead....be with me" Suho said
"Suho i cant just leave them like that, they will come after not only me but you too" Kurai whispered "I cant let you take a fall for me, its all my fault anyways"  
"I wont stand by and let anything happen to you anymore" Suho said pulling her into another hug. Kurai felt her body become weightless in his arms, she felt safer with him then anyone. 
"But you have to" Kurai whimpered into his shirt finally realizing that he had the same feelings as her. 
"Kurai just stay with me, ill keep you safe and you wont have to worry about those girls again" He said in a soft yet authoritative tone. Kurai couldn't hug him any tighter then she was right now, her arms wrapped around his waist. 
"Please stay with me then....Everyone leaves me, they change and suddenly hate me" Kurai whispered "I know i'm a terrible person, that i'm so many bad things but-" 
"Your nothing bad" Suho cut her off "And you don't deserve anything that they are doing to you, none of it" He said almost angry by the thought. 
Kurai didn't believe him but she gave a subtle nod to show she heard. She pushed herself off his chest breaking the hug only to stare into his eyes. 
"I trust you..." She said shakily 
"I promise you" He stared right into her eyes "I wont let them hurt you again" 

Heres the 3rd chapter, comments are appreciated it helps me know if im writing anything good XD anyways enjoy 

The selfharm stuff is still coming prob next chap or one after :)

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Chapter 8: Update soon , author-nim 🙂
Crayon_ #2
Chapter 8: That feeling i understand so well...
kittyheehee #3
I want an update. ._.
yuki-girl #4
Chapter 5: Yay! Its an update :D
Chapter 3: this story is perfect, update~~
Ajtequilla #6
Chapter 3: I reaalllyy like this story
Gwvsjsgwkbd feels :p