Part 3

Love on Air

"Goodmorning" Yixing greeted you with a smile on his face. You were startled when you saw him sitting beside you..


"Were you there the whole time?" you asked, blushing.


"No.. Its time for breakfast" he said.


"Uhm, i think you've helped me enough.. I should go now.. Really" you refused and went to change back to your clothes. Its so early but you're wearing a black silhouette dress.


"Are you sure you don't want to eat first?" he asked again hoping that you'd change your mind.


"No, im good. I just have to go home now because.. I have a radio show to do later" you said. By that, he didn't insist of you having  a breakfast at their house. He took his car and drove you home. You can already tell that he's a nice person.


"Thank you" you said and you went off his car holding a pair of shoes in your other hand. He just smiled and waved his hand and flew off.


"Who was that?" your friend, Minra asked. Her arms were crossed and her eyebrows are raised. "Where did you go last night? I've been searching for you all night. I left coz i thought you went home without telling me.." she further asked. You cant think of any excuse. She might feel bad if you'll tell her that you were with Yixing all night.


"Uhm, i.. I met a friend there, i got my ankle sprained so he helped me out." you said trying to avoid an eye contact with her.


"Who's that? Yixing disappeared too last night.." she sighed. You're feeling guilty now. You should tell her that you were with Yixing last night.


"Maybe he's.. uhm.. Busy? Or something.." you faked a laugh..


"Yeah, i thought he'd notice me but.. I think im gonna have to give up now.." she sounded really really really sad.


"Lets talk about that again, later. I have to clean myself first. Imma go to the office, you wanna come?" you changed the topic. You dont want to hear anymore.


"Okay.. Im gonna wash up too" she nodded.


You immediately entered your apartment. You looked at your foot. It swells pretty bad but its not that painful anymore. You washed yourself up and soaked your swollen foot in a warm water to ease the swelling. After that, you dressed up and went to the office with Minra.


While having the meeting with all the other dj's and your boss. Yixing made a surprise entrance, carrying in his hands are few boxes of pizza. Minra was delighted when she saw Yixing.


"Wow.. Pizza!" they were all excited to have a bite.


"So, as i was saying" your boss continued.. "Yixing will be working here as a new DJ" he said. I choked when i heard that while every single one of them was clapping their hands and smiling. Yixing just bowed down and smiled.


"You" your boss pointed at you and you pointed at yourself. "Stay after the meeting" he said and stuffed a pizza in his mouth. You got nervous.


After eating the pizza, all of them went out, including Minra who cant keep her eyes from Yixing. You of course stayed.


"So, i asked you to stay because.." your boss started. Yixing was sitting just near you, looking at you, smiling. "Yixing will join your evening radio show, Love on Air" he finally spill it out.


"What? Is that for real?" you asked, Yixing and his dad nodded.


"Why do you want to be a radio dj?" you looked at Yixing, confused. He finished journalism in US yet he want to be a radio DJ. Is he nuts? You said to yourself.


"Its not as if im gonna stay forever, i just want to experience working under my father and since i already know you, i asked him if i can just join your show. You see, im pretty good at giving advices" he raised a brow and smiled.


"Oh.. Its just that" you hesitated to say..


"You dont wanna work with me?"


"No, no. Of course i want.. Its just that, my friend Minra, is really looking forward to working with you.." you said.


"But i've decided already. I want to work with you" Yixing said with finality.


"Alright, now its decided. You'll start tonight" your boss said and then you left the room.

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singingapes #1
Chapter 6: Update soon! I'm looking forward to it! ♡ ♡
Chapter 5: Girl don't worry bout us, you focus on passing that exam, we'll just be anticipating but we'll still be here!!! Fighting!!!
Chapter 5: Update more...can't wait for kevin to appear...
I'm soo excited....
Anavin #4
Chapter 5: Reading this just before going to high school made me happy, even if its short !
yuki_cross #5
Chapter 4: Kevin!!!!! yay its like right there and on the side and at the top PICTURES OF KEVIN CX can't wait
ukisscoco99 #6
Chapter 1: I supposed tgat guy in chap4 is Kevin ~<3
Whimsical_Princess #7
Chapter 4: Yay kevin Will be here soon right ??!!!??
Anavin #8
Chapter 4: OMFG, Kevin will be here sooooon! I'm so excited, thanks you so much for this amazing fanfic. I can't wait anymore !I'm crazy about your makes my heart beating everytime I read it :3
Chapter 4: I really love it...Good Job....