The Dream

Doojoon's Lap

Although we've met and talked before, I'd never really gotten acquainted to them properly. It was more like a fan-idol kind of relationship between us.

I'd always had a thing for Lee Gikwang. He's just the epitome of "great things come in small packages" - that fit body, those awesome moves, that beautiful smile, the quirky personality, the signature uneven eyelids, the gaze, the lips, the hair, the raspiness in his voice, that talent .... honestly, I can go on and on and on.

Don't get me wrong - I love all the members of Beast! I love Yoseob's awesome vocals, Junhyung's rapping and acting, Dongwoon's shamelessness and his handsome face, Hyunseung's 4-D personality, and Doojoon's leadership qualities. Not to mention, they each have their unique looks that are secretly attractive in their own ways.

And don't get me started on how much better they look up-close.

Anyway, that night, I'd fallen asleep after yet another disappointing result. 2NE1, f(x) and Exo had bagged the last 3 awards and I was pissed.

I fell asleep.



I was walking into my loft, when I saw that my day bed had a bunch of bags on them that I hadn't recognized. I stay alone in the loft, which is located on a little island off of Hong Kong. It takes me about 30 minutes to get to the main land, thanks to waiting-times for the ferrys. And I felt a little pang of exhaustion and annoyance.

I'd thought my friends had decided to pop over and stay the night.... again. Without my permission...again.

"Oi. At least you could've bothered to text me and tell me you're coming over right? Just because I gave you the password to my door doesn't mean it's okay to just pop by!!"

There was no response - just some rustling in my room.

"Oi.. which one of y..."

I stopped short right at the entrance of my room.

On my bed, on my floor and on my computer were Gikwang, Dujun and Junhyung, just casually laying around with their earphones in, and Junhyung already nodding off on my bed.

My jaw slacked and my mouth hung open.

I tried to take it all in - I looked at each of them over and over again, rubbed my eyes and stared again.

When I realized what was happening, I don't know why, but I screamed.

A blood-wretching, toe-curling, murderer-induced kind of scream.

All three of them shouted back in shock and stared at me like I was insane. Junhyung even had an annoyed expression on his face,irritated that I'd disturbed his sleep - on MY bed.

Dujun casually said in Korean, "Sorry we didn't tell you we were coming. The hotel was tiny. Stifling. "

Gikwang just got up and gave me a tiny hug with the friendly pat on my back while Junhyung just rolled back to sleep after giving me a tiny wave hello.

All, while I was still staring at them in disbelief.

I stammered in Korean, "Wh..what What did you say?"

Dujun said "Take care of us well!" before walking past me casually prancing into my kitchen, yelling behind him, "anything to eat? We're starved. Jintaek hyung will be here only at night. We're stuck here until then," then adding, "Heard you're flying to Korea on the same flight as us!"

I gathered myself and went to the kitchen going, "Wait, I don't understand - you don't even have my number. I don't even have your Kakao talk! The last time I spoke to Jintaek oppa, I don't recall telling him my password to my door, nor my address." I took out three bowls, scooped rice into them, "Also, I didn't think you guys would even remember me amongst all the other trainees I was with when we met," I took out some leftover food I had from lunch and started heating them up on the stove, while preparing some cold green tea, "I hope you guys don't mind. I'm vegetarian. If you'd like I could order some food but that'll take at least 2 hours at this hour - the ferrys run at odd intervals at this time of the day. Anyway, what brings you here? How did this happen?" I continued asking, hands shaking a little at the prospect of these boys being in my loft.

Dujun placed a hand on mine and slowly took the jug out of my hands and placed it on the table. "Why are you shaking so much?"


He rubbed my hands, "I'll help you. Slow down. We're not dying. Just.. hungry. Anyway, we're doing two shows here before flying back to Seoul for M Countdown. The management at the hotel messed up and we got just one room for all of us, and we couldn't take it. So the three of us decided to stay elsewhere. Jintaek hyung was the one who called management to ask for your address, and your mom for your door password. He tried calling you but you didn't pick up." He busied himself while putting the warm food on the counter-top, while pulling the bowls from the rack, and searching for cups.

I walked over to the cupboard above the sink, laid out the cups, while Dujun poured the green tea. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. 6 missed calls.... Oh.

"Okay. Let's.. uhrm eat?"

Dujun shouted for the other guys while I pulled out some fruits I'd cut just this afternoon and sat next to Gikwang.

I wasn't hungry, so I didn't get a bowl for myself. I just sipped on the green tea while staring at them at a close range.

Gikwang - still as beautiful as I remember.

"So, uhrm... what's your schedule gonna be like? I can set up the extra mattresses here in the living room.  I'll just order some pre-order some food for the next few days for you guys, since I don't cook meat at all. I'm sure you guys need it. Oh.. You guys can use this bathroom, and do you need anything else?"

"Nope. just perfect. Sorry bout this though," Junhyung chimed.

"Yeah, thank you Noona!" Gikwang smiled. I smiled back.

The guys breathed in their food and very naturally got up to wash the bowls, plates, cups and utensils, while Dujun and I watched.

"I.. am a little surprised." I said to him, meeting his eyes for the first time since we began talking.

"I know, we're sorry. We will stay out of your way."

"No, no, don't. It's the good kind of surprise." I got up and pulled open the cabinet next to the TV screen to reveal all their albums and merchandise that I'd bought the past few years. "I mean, I'm no stalker or anything, I'm a genuine fan!" Noting that none of the stuff were personal photos or papparazi-taken ones. Just a few polaroids we'd taken before.

"Wow." Junhyung said as he peered from the sink "Psycho noona!" he joked. 

"Noona, would it be okay if I used the building's gym?" Gikwang changed the subject, as he saw a tiny photo of himself topless amongst he polaroids.

"Sure, just bring the door pass. It's right there on the counter next to the door. And don't walk around topless. It's Hong Kong, not Korea." I joked.

We sat in silence for a bit while the two guys joked around while doing the dishes.

I then awkwardly got up and prepared the living room for them. 

It's a huge living room - much bigger than my room. It is minimally decorated with one daybed, a small turquoise rug, a standing lamp and a big wide-screen hdtv mounted on the wall. The white marble flooring kept the room cool in the summer. I had carpets to roll out in winter. Above it, was a sitting area that overlooked it. It has huge glass doors, equipped with blinds, that lead to the balcony, overlooking the pool and gym. It's fully air conditioned. 

I brought out the mattresses and laid them out in silence. I turned to retreat into my room, but Junhyung was right behind me with a big smile. "Thank you so much Noona." He said, before jumping onto one of the mattresses, with his iPad in hand.

He the music and closed his eyes. I shook my head, smiled and walked back into my room.



I was Skyping with my mom, nagging at her for giving Jintaek oppa my door code, when someone knocked on the door. I told her good night and hung up.

I opened the door, it was Dujun. "Can I come in and talk?"


I let him in, and left the door open.

He sat on the bed.

I sat next to him, absent-mindedly playing with my fingers. Still a little awkward.

We started talking about his stresses. How he's tired, how the boys are tired and how a day like today was a welcome break from their usual schedule. He laid out his hopes and dreams of Beast - shared his nuances and at one point in time, even sang me a song called "I Am A Man" which Junhyung produced. We talked the awkwardness away and became closer. I told him I was only a year older and that he should treat me like a friend instead of a Noona. 

We talked the night away and I sad but I felt better at the same time. Soon, I found myself laying in his lap while he my hair. 

"Thank you for listening - I really needed someone to talk to."

"I was worried for you guys, I'm glad I was able to be a listening ear.."

We kept talking, and talking. And I felt myself falling for him...



Then, I woke up.

I smiled. I looked around my room and imagined what I'd seen in my dream just a couple of minutes ago. I rolled on the bed that Dujun and I talked on for "hours" and walked out into my living room, envisioning the mattress I'd laid out, with Junhyung dozing off on it, and Gikwang sitting on the dining table smiling at me, thanking me for the food.

I breathe in a huge breath, let it out and secretly wished that I could dream about the other three coming by too.

I walked over to my cabinet and opened it. I looked at all my merchandise and smiled again.

Needless to say, I spent the rest of my day in bliss.

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Chapter 1: Aww...This was so sweet and touching. It's sometimes hard to accept that this will never happen to me >.< But I loved this!
adryizumi #2
Is this based on a true story-your story-???!!!If it is,this is SO AWESOME!