Chapter 5

The Stranger And The Fan Girl


The morning arose quickly. L.Joe was the first to wake up. He staggered out of his bed while yawning. He walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. He then walked into the kitchen and put on an aprom. L.Joe began making breakfast. 
A simple breakfast of eggs and bacon. Once he finished, he set the table and walked into the living room. He kicked Chunji. "Get up," He stirred in his sleep. "Chunji, get up," L.Joe kicked him harder. Chunji woke up while rubbing his eyes. He then smelt food. "Breakfast is ready, wake up the others," L.Joe walked into his room to wake up CAP. Chunji smacked Niel's and Changjo's cheeks. "Food is ready," They automatically jumped up and ran to the kitchen. 
Chunji laughed lightly and walk to the catch. He stared at Ricky and Sung Mi. "Ricky?" He shook him. Ricky tightened his grip on Sung Mi and buried his face into the top of her head. Niel walked in from the kitchen. "L.Joe hyung said we can't eat until everyone is up," he pouted. His gaze traveled from Chunji to Ricky and Sung Mi. He then got a devious smile. He took out his iPhone and took a few shots of them. Chunji grinned at this. 
"Help me wake them up," he told Niel. They both surrounded the couch. "Sung Mi/Ricky!!!" They both shouted in their ears. Both Ricky and Sung Mi's eyes opened wide as they jumped. Ricky clinged to her. Their could feel each other's heartbeats. They saw Chunji and Niel laughing their socks off. Sung Mi looked at Ricky, Ricky looked at Sung Mi. Their hair was a complete mess. "UWAHH!" Sung Mi jumped back and fell off the side of the couch, on to the floor. She groaned as she was tangled in the blanket. "Sung Mi-ssi, are you okay?" Ricky got off the couch and kneeled down to her. Her eyes widened. 
"What time is it?" Niel looked at her. "It's nine in the morning, why?" She screamed and stood up, which resulted in her falling to the floor again due to the blanket. Ricky untangled the blanket as fast as he could and pulled her up. "What's wrong?" He was worried. "I-I was suppose to go home last night!" She patted her pockets, looking for her phone. 
She freaked out when she couldn't find it. "Are you looking for this?" Chunji pulled a phone out of the couch. Sung Mi grabbed it. "Yes! Thank you! I must go now," She bowed and ran to the door. "Sung Mi-ssi, wait! Don't leave," Ricky frowned. Sung Mi had already left.
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nenestar #1
aubnoiawer D'AWWWWW! c: This FF had me like GRR FLIP LE TABLES. But aoaer YAY the ending! :)
camerielai #2
Luv it
This will be my favorite fanfic of all keep it a good work....
ThePowerChaserToYou #4
Great FF!!!!!!
NO COMMENTS?!?!?! Ridiculous! Ahh I loved it btw! :DDD