What you dont know


"What's going on?" Hyomin asked really confused. Why would Jiyong adress her that way? She wasnt royal. "Come in Jiyong" Hyera invited Jiyong. Jiyong walked hin slowly. The enviroment was tensed. "There are somethings you should know about me Hyomin, things that I havnt told anyone in a very long time" Hyera paused. "Please Jiyong, stop staring like that and sit. You both" Hyera was already sitted. "Hyomin the reason why I always asked you to be carefull was because I knew vampires exits" she paused. "I was a mate for over 200 years not before-" "-hyung was killed" Jiyong finished. Hyera nodded. Hyomin was shocked. She wanted to say something but nothing came out of . She began stuttering. "H..ho-how is that even possible to have lived over 200 years and not be one of them??" "Hyomin there are some things you should know Since you're joining into this kind of world" Hyera explained. "You see when you are a mate, you share life with your vampire, you become one, causing the human to stop ageing. Now you're having a baby, when its born it might choose to compensate you" "-meaning it could leave you with some of its powers" Jiyong explained more. "But the negative effects is that once you have your baby you must protect yourself from harms way at all cost. Cause now you have a link between you and your child" Hyera took in breathes before she continued "Cause if you die..." she paused "-the baby dies with you" Jiyong tends to be finishing the conversation. "Wait you say if I die, my baby dies" Hyomin wasnt sure. They both nodded. "Then what happens when the father dies?" "When the vampire dies, the bond between the human and vampire breaks,in other words, the human is no longer linked to the vampire causing the human to co.tinue to breath, thats if you know what I mean. In other cases thats what happened to me. Its been so long I dont remember the year" Hyera laughed at her dull memory. "Your vampire was killed?" Hyera nodded. "Jaejoong" she smiled as she called his name. Hyomin walked to her and hugged her. "He knew how to rule. He was the oldeat amongst the rest of the vampire and because of that, people would go to him for advice, just like a real king, he would solve problems and..." she paused "we didnt even know people had given him a title. And as I was his mate I always stay by his side. He was happy when ha found out people adressed him as a king and I as his queen. It was ao unfortunate I hadnt been able to bear him a child before he was killed by hunters. Thats why you have to be carefull" she warned "What would have happen to the child?" Hyomi asked "stunt growth" Hyomin look confused "The child will stop ageing" Jiyong explained "I thought the child would be a vampire? You guys dont age" she was refering to Jiyong. "When a child is born into the vampire world, he or ahe would grow until they reach the age of their mothers. So if the father is to die before they reach that age, they remain the way they are" "-meaning 'hey are incomplete and they would have half of their powers" Jiyong added Hyomin waw thinking she didnt want stuff like this to happen "You better not die!" She told Jiyong Jiyong let out a chuckle. "You do well in dying your hair" Hyera interuppted the two. "Owh ehh it beat fit in the style nowadays" "Your hair is dyed?" Hyomin disnt even know qhy she's asking. "Yes" he answered her "Whats the real colour?" "Uhhh its kinda weired" he laughed "Cmon tell me" she insisted "Its lightening and flame colour" Hyomins face was Huh?? "I told you it was weired" "Vampires possesses different element, and their just shows it off" "O-" "Jiyong come with me to the kitchen" Hyera was already heading towards there. "You control lightening?" Hyomin asked Jiyong nodded "Hot" it was suppose to be a whisper, but Jiyong heard it. When he got to the kitchen Hyera was rummaging through some drawers. "Now that my baby is going to be staying with you, I dont want you comi.g here telling me you cant sence her when she's gone." Hyera looked over at him smiling. "Here I dot you this" Hyera gave him a small box. Jiyong opened it. There was a ring with a topaz cut in the middle. "Its not for you to wear, its for Hyomin. I put a spell on it ao only you can sence her, but its not yet complete." "What's left?" Jiyong asked "Your blood?" Jiyong didnt waste anytime. He gave Hyera his hand "take as much as you want" Hyera looked at him. She admired him for a reason. He was just like Jaejoong always wanted to do stuff for the o.e he care about. She took a pin a pricked his skin, it took long before signs of red liquid poured out slowly, not much though. Hyera only needed a drop. She collected the ring from Jiyong and pressed his blood on the stone. It turned green for a while before it turnes back to its noemal colour. "All done." Hyera chimed "Where did you learn to do that?" Jiyong asked "From Sapphire" Jiyong eyes widened. Hyera smiled. "Hyomin!" She called Hyomin rushed into the kitchen "Yes?" "Here put this on, from Jiyong" Hyera winked at him and handed the ring to her. Jiyong smiled "take off that old thing" "Really?" "Yes" Hyomin removed her necklace and Jiyong immediately started to feel her presence. Her smell occupied his nostrils and it was like he was breathing again. "I can sence you" Jiyong just said it. "Yeahh?" "Yeahh" Jiyong was still drowned by Hyomina scent he wanted to have a taste of her. All along he's been around her was like seeing without feeling. This was good, he thought ---------------------------------------------------------------------------—------------------------------------------------ Hi eveyone. How did you enjoy this chapter? Comment your views. Am sorry if there was any mistakes, no edition. I've been ill now for a while, but am getting better, so pleaae comment i really like reading them thankyou. So we all know grandma's secret. Now you k.ow whats go.na happen to vampire when they die and stuff. Its diff frm others I hope Am not sure of it. Any way i started writing a new fic featuring Bang Yongguk and oc, its called What you've done to me. You guys should check it out. Okay. See you next time.

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I edited the chaps, they are more longer now. :-) expect more updates. love you all


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pilyangsweet #1
Is this abondoned already?
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 24: I'm exited to find out what happens in the future.
twinklelittleme #3
I'm proud of u sister
lucky9606 #4
Chapter 23: Hope u get better
its alright ur health is important ^^
Lovelyy_April21 #5
Chapter 22: Nice update ^^*
I like that they are getting close and a new story I'll check it out
BYG is one of Bias's
pilyangsweet #6
Chapter 22: Its getting better every update authornim....

Hyerin have a sad history....i wonder what could possible happen if jaejoong wasnt killed....

I can sense jiyong is going to be very protective and possesive of hyomin...oh im excited for it....i hope there will be sweet moment soon between them...

Thanks for the update authornim....it was nice to read and i like ur own version about vampire stuff....
Lovelyy_April21 #7
Chapter 21: What royalty
Update soon, that was kinda evil Cx
pilyangsweet #8
Chapter 21: Ur killing me with soooo much anticipation........update soooooonnnnn!!!!!!!....PLEASE!!!!!!!!!


if her grandma sa somewhat a royal then what make hyorin...a princess.....oh yah she‘s rhe princess that jiyong looking for in the beginning right?....wait am i?...i need to read the 1st few chapter again.....

I think there will be some good revelation.....ahhhhhh!!!!!!!....update sooon....!!!!.....PLEASE..!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now how am i going to sleep.......ur bad authornim....
lovis89 #9
Chapter 20: oh daddy kkk
Lovelyy_April21 #10
Chapter 20: I knew she would have to back to him, lol who could resist XD
Nice update ^^