At the Hill Where Cherry Blossoms Full



Chapter 1: At the Hill Where Cherry Blossoms Full

Luhan’s POV:
As I was walking to the dorm of my friend, Sehun, I heard a strange noise outside. It’s happening again, just when will this stop.
“Have you learned your lesson now, Sehun?!”
“What do you think you’re doing playing your CD so loud every day?” A rugby team member complained.
“But if I don’t listen to it, I don’t get rolling.” Sehun responded. What an idiot….
“Scrum!” Then they started beating him up.
“They don’t get tired of doing that every day, do they?” I said as I reveal myself in front of that idiotic Sehun. As usual, he would beg for me to help him.
“Luhan! Stop watching and help me!”
“I’ll get infected by your idiocy, so no.” I replied, definitely teasing him.
“You’re so heartless!” The guy holding Sehun, throws him to the floor then he roll and roll until a feet weighs up in his face and kicks him, making him face the floor. Actually, seeing him beaten up is fun. On the next move another guy throws him, this time upward then kicks him making Sehun fly off the ceiling. What a sight, I’m obviously amused to this. Then they started passing him to each member.
“TRY!!” they screamed as Sehun reached the floor, dizzy because of the beatings.
“Shut up!!!” too bad, the dorm mother arrived. “Break it up already!” She made her entrance holding a mop in her hand, spinning it which made the bunch of guys went out the building.
“For crying out loud! I’m the one that has to deal with the complaints from the neighbors.”
“Dorm mother sounds like a tough job.” I indicated.
“Miss Shin… Come save me earlier, please…” Sehun butted in, muttering so hopelessly. Such an idiot.
“You’re the one at fault, aren’t you? Why don’t you learn your lesson?” Miss Shin pointed out. Well she’s right. Sehun has always been an idiot.


“Damn that rugby club…” Sehun mumbled.
“They’ll never hear you if you mumble. Damn that rugby club!!!” I screamed hoping the other side of the room will hear it. Right now I’m in Sehun’s dorm while next door is the rugby club’s room. What an unlucky guy!
“Who just said that?!” a guy yelled kicking the wall, making the clock fall.
 Sehun trembles in fear as he went to me grabbing me on the shoulder. “Are you trying to kill me?!”
“You’re wimping out.” I implied.
“I wouldn’t be backing out if it was one-on-one. But there’s too many of them.” He stands up from his position then continued, standing so proud. “Just you watch. When graduation comes around, I’ll pay them back in full. When the time comes, Luhan, I trust you to watch my back.” He shows an “OK” sign, while I do the same.
“Lucky! I’ll be sure to stab you well.”
“Don’t come after me! Go after them!”
“But I’m on the rugby club’s side.”
“Since when?!”
“Only on that occasion.”
“Keep it down!” Then again, another voice can be heard on the other side, sending volts down to Sehun’s spine.
I made a kicking position on the wall, “Should I kick back?” and show a sarcastic face. Sehun shrieked from the action. Like that, another same-old-day ends.
“Hey, tea?”
“We don’t serve that here.”
It’s not like I have a goal or something to devote my passion towards a bland day.
“I’ll pray to you.”
“Praying won’t change things!”

Your POV:
This is a world that has ended. Nothing is born; nothing dies. Even time does not exist. If I were to search for a place to be born, then I realized it should not be here. There was a person in a world like this. Could she see me? I was not born to this world. The girl who lives alone in the world that ended. The girl who lives in a vacant, unmoving world. For some reason, she interested me.

Luhan’s POV:

While I’m about to enter the classroom, I heard my name also Sehun’s from a voice inside. My face fell.
“Luhan and Sehun aren’ here yet?”
“What are they thinking? They’re seniors, so don’t they have exams and their futures to worry about?”
“Forget about them. We don’t have time to worry about others, do we?”
“Hey.” A guy alarmed his friend when I make my entrance. Talking behind someone’s back, eh? I’m kind of used to this.
I made my way to my seat slamming my bag on the desk, hearing the guy from earlier smirk. Every day is always like this, so I included myself as a loner who doesn’t care about anything in this world.
“U-um, Luhan-sshi.” I looked up, seeing the class representative, Sooyoung.
“Huh? What, Sooyoung?”
“You came in late today, too.” She replied with a smile.
“Um, I think you should come to school properly every day.”
“So you speak like a class representative, eh?” I rested my head on my palm acting coolly.
“Not just “like”, I am the class representative.” She stuttered. As usual, still a crybaby.
“Hey Luhan. Don’t make the class rep cry.” A guy warned.
“Her Sis is gonna come running in here.” Followed by another.
“I’m fine. I’m not crying.” Sooyoung insisted.
“Fine. Let’s just say it’ll depend on tomorrow’s mood.” I responded then face the window.
“Th-then um… I’ll read your fortune for tomorrow.” She rummages cards from her pocket. “Since fortune-telling is my hobby.” She shuffles the cards but all of it clutters to the floor.
“Come on… “I then decide to lend a hand.
“Luhan-sshi, you’ll be late tomorrow.” Her remark makes me fall from my seat.
“Are you picking a fight with me?!” I wailed.
She shook her head and said, “That’s how the cards came out. I think this is how this sort of fortune-telling works.”
“On the way to school, you’ll have a romantic meeting with a kind girl, forget about the time passing by, and therefore be late.”
“It’s really detailed, isn’t it?”
“A-a maiden’s inspiration.”
“Hey! Luhan Xi!” A voice suddenly startled us both. Before I knew it, a book came flying towards us, obviously directed at me. Good thing I dodged it and it went through the window, straight to the tree.
“You’ve got some nerve to pick on my sister.” She grabs my tie then continued with her nagging. “You loser!”
“I was only talking to her!”
“Yeah, Unnie, he wasn’t picking on me or anything.” Sooyoung exclaimed. Phew! I’m so thankful to her right now. But still, Seohyun doesn’t fully believe as she looks at me with suspicious eyes, “Then fine.” And let go of my tie.
“You had Sooyoung read your fortune?” She asked after looking to the floor.
“Yeah. Apparently I’m going to have a romantic meeting with a kind girl tomorrow.” She then gives another suspicious smile.
“What’s with the grin?”
“Nothing. Well, good luck.” She patted my shoulders then exited the room, laughing like a witch. Well, she is a witch to me. Scarier than one.


It’s finally break time. I wander around the school carrying my food. “So, where shall I go eat?”
“A ghost?!”
“Yeah, I heard it appears.”
“The ghost of the girl that got in a car accident.”
“I bet it’s something else.”
“I’m not kidding! And I heard she’s cute, too.”
A ghost, eh? I look through the window then saw a girl eating by herself outside. It’s a good place to eat so I decided to interrupt and join her.
“Hey, you alone? Why not eat in class with your friends?” She doesn’t respond but continue on nibbling her bread. Sweet bean bread?
“Hey, are you listening?”
This time, she responded, “I’m sorry. I’m eating right now.”
“Okay.” I walk near her and sat beside her under the shade of the tree.
We ate together in awkward silence. Only the crumpling of the wrapper of our food and the noise when slurping our juice can be heard. But after a few minutes, she broke the silence. “Um, how can I help you?”
“Wanted to ask why you’re eating lunch out here alone.”
“Do you like this school?” She asked such an absurd question which stops me from eating.
“Not particularly.”
“I really, really love it. I used to have friends and teachers I got along with, but now…”
“Did something happen?”
“Last year, I was away from school for a long period of time. So I’m…” She explained, hesitating to say the last phrase.
“You’re repeating.” So I say it for her.
“Yes, I’m repeating.” She flashes a smile which I hadn’t expected at a time like this. “All the people I knew graduated and only people I don’t know fill the school. I feel like Urashima Tarou.” (A/N: Urashima Tarou is a story in which the protagonist jumps forward in time and finds no one he knew alive) She suddenly looks at me in mistrust, “I’m sorry. What am I saying to a person I just met…”
“So that’s why you were mumbling that. You weren’t involved in any club?”
“No. I originally wanted to join the theater club, but I have a weak body, so I don’t think I can properly participate in the activities.” She admitted.
“Participate to the extent you can. Why not go to the theater club after school?” I suggested.
“Hey, look over there. They’re looking over at us.” I pointed to the rooftop where two students are at. “If you always look so sad, you won’t make any friends. Smile and wave your hand.” She turned to me in disbelief. “Come on, with a big smile.”
She then started to wave with a smile, but too much disappointment the students turned away then leaves. “I guess they didn’t notice.” I said, trying my best to cheer her up.
“I don’t have much of a presence in class, either.”
Just then, an eerie sound can be heard. “What is that sound?” She asked. I myself don’t know too. So we decided to follow students running to the field. Two motor bikes wheels around the field with the sight of many. “Wow, so cool! They’re wheeling around!” With dismay on my face, I saw Sehun and approached him and ride on his back like a group of cheerleader.
“Sehun, what’s going on?”
“I think they’re here for a fight.” He said with a conceited look then looks up to me. “Guys from another school are here on bikes….. Hey, what are you doing on top of my head?!”
We suddenly heard a squealing of girls from afar. We turned our attention to them and saw a girl walking to the guys in motor bikes.
“Is she going to give them a lecture?” Sehun asked.
The two riders skidded their way to the girl then she stops on her tracks.
“Why did this happen?” The girl I eat with earlier questioned.
“This is, after all, the best school in the city. So there are guys who don’t like that idea.” I replied then start to make my way through the commotion.
“You’re going to help?” Sehun asked.
“I can’t sit and watch.” I said taking off my jacket.
“You don’t have to worry about Tiffany.” A girl exclaimed in admiration.
“You don’t know her? She transferred in as a junior starting this spring. Tiffany Hwang!”
“She’s really strong. If you go out, you might just get in her way.” A girl with long hair boasts.
“But…” then, that Tiffany girl’s voice can be heard from our position.
“I don’t want to cause an unnecessary disturbance. Get lost before you get hurt. If you do, I’ll let all of you go. You don’t want to deliberately ask for pain, do you?”
“Don’t screw with us!” the guy with super long hair on the front exclaimed and skids his way to Tiffany, so does the other two guys. But before they could reach her, she jumps and kicks them like she was from a video game or something. Such superhuman strength doesn’t exist. Still, victory is hers.
“So cool!”
“Yay!” The spectators cheered.
“What is she?” Sehun asked with that idiotic face of his.


“So she’s a transfer student…”
“She’s in a similar situation as you, and yet she’s so popular. So everything depends on the individual.” I emphasized.
“Maybe you are right.” She replied.


Who do I think I am? I’m in no position to lecture others. Not me.


“I’ll be going now.” I said standing up from my position.
“Ah, yes.” She also did the same. “Um… Thank you very much.” She bowed. I’m not used to this kind of formality but I just let it slide.
“I’m Xi Luhan from Class D.” I introduced myself.
“I’m Kim Taeyeon from Class B.”
“Nice to meet you.” I flash a smile.
“Yes, nice to meet you, too, Xi Luhan-sshi.”

“Ey, Luhan.” Sehun’s whisper takes me back to the present. He spit some paper balls to my head and I looked at him in annoyance.
“Tag along later.” He said in whispers.


“A setup?” Tiffany asked, tilting her head.
“Yeah. There’s no way a girl can beat guys. You paid them or something asking them to lose, right? To get popular. If it’s not money would it be the other something? Girls are unlucky, since stupid guys will listen to that.” Sehun, the idiot, demanded. I shouldn’t have tag along with him to his another idiotic act.
“Who are they?”
“They’re the gang from the senior class. I think they’re Sehun and Luhan.” Whispers from certain students filled the atmosphere. Then it suddenly get intense when Tiffany spoke up, ”Be happy. I was thinking I wouldn’t hurt those in the same school, but I will make an exception and specially fight you.”
I decided to back off, but the idiot didn’t, instead, “You’re so cute acting tough. I bet your knees are shaking.” He then started dancing like a girl.
“I would like to make this self-defense. So you come at me.” Tiffany raises her fist up. Still, the idiot is as idiotic as ever.
“Don’t be so full of yourself.” Sehun replied haughtily. Then makes his attack, “DIE!”
“That’s when I remembered. In this city there used to be a really strong, beautiful girl, who went around beating up people who troubled ordinary folks. So the rumor goes.” I explained while Sehun gets assault.
“Tell me earlier.” He answered weakly.
“She is so cool.”
“The guy’s so lame.”
“Please don’t come again.” Tiffany warned as she walks off the battleground, leaving the idiot, Sehun on the floor; beaten up for the second time of the day.
“Damn it!” He cursed.


Third floor of the old building. If I remember, this is where the liberal arts club rooms were. The moment I reach my destination, I saw Taeyeon standing in front of the theater club door. Looks like she’s up to it. She mumbled something before going in.
“Hamburger?” I asked to myself.
“Excuse me.” She opens the door to the room only finding no one and nothing but boxes. I saw her hopeless eyes and I rushed to her. Everything is in boxes and the room is quite a mess. I pat her head wanting her to cheer up for the nth time.
“Luhan-sshi. I didn’t know you were there.”
“What’s this hand for?” She looks up to her head.
“No real reason.”


 “I had forgotten. The theater club closed down in March. “I notified with so much guilt while looking at the orange color of the sky.
“I heard the number of members was small to begin with.” Taeyeon added.
“But since they’re only closed, once conditions are met, it can start up again.”
“Do you think so?” She asked with head hung low.
“Why not give it another try? I’ll help you too.”
“Um, Luhan-sshi. Why are you being so kind to me when we’ve just met?” She questioned looking at me with earnest eyes then looks down again.
“Why? I wonder why, too.” She gives a smile to me not minding my crappy answer. To be honest, I don’t really know why.


I walk around the city at night doing things other people don’t do. Like going to the convenience store just to drink, listening to people playing on the streets and sitting on the bench watching the sun sets and wait until it gets dark. My life is always like this, nothing exciting in particular.
“Sit when you eat.” A voice echoed from a bakery from afar.


“We’ll part here.” Taeyeon says as we reach the intersection of the road.
“Okay. Bye.”
“Um, Luhan-sshi. My house is the bakery further ahead, in front of the park. Please come when you feel like.”
“Yeah, when I feel like.”

I decide to went inside the bakery then open the door.
“Hello. What? No one’s here?” I roam around, looking at a certain kind of bread.
“That’s this week’s new release. Please try one if you’d like.” A girl said, maybe she’s Taeyeon’s older sister or mother?
“You don’t have to worry about paying. Since it’s a leftover. The concept for that is ‘soothing’.” She smiled.
“Soothing… Then I’ll take the offer.” I took a bite of the bread and a crack sound can be heard.
“There’s a rice cracker inside. It’s rice cracker bread.” She mumbled proudly.
“The naming sense is amazing, but your sense for making bread is amazing, too.” I lied.
“You think so, too? It’s a victory from an idea.” She said happily.
“Um, is there a problem?” She added.
“You want to hear it? To be frank, this is a failure.” She suddenly became alarmed of my sudden remark.
“It wasn’t good?” She muttered.
“There is a problem with the taste, but first of all, it’s too difficult to eat. It’s natural that you get leftovers.” I averted my gaze to her and she’s….crying?!
“So my… my bread is…” She said between her sobs.
“H-hey.” I’m in trouble, dammit!
“It was natural there would be leftovers?!” She went out of the store, crying. She’s so thin-skinned.
“Like mother, like daughter. I hope the father is sane.” I bubbled.
“Hey.” Someone suddenly kicks me from behind.
“What?” I turned my head and saw a guy holding a bat. Well, this .
“You said what you’re not supposed to say.” He pointed the bat in front of me. “You should have kept eating and said it’s good. That’s what duty is about. What mortality is about. The truth is always harsh. And to tell her that so straightforwardly would be… ….too brutal for her! Don’t criticize her bread. Don’t say it’s bad and don’t hurt her feelings. It’s a law! Obey it or else I’ll knock you down.” This man is insane.
“You’re wearing the same uniform as our daughter. Don’t tell me you’re Taeyeon’s friend?”


“Should’ve told me earlier, idiot.” Mr.Kim said so cheerfully after we reached to living room. That’s a quick transformation of personality.
“I’m sorry I presented myself so shamefully before my daughter’s friend.” Mrs. Kim added.
“Don’t worry Ye-rim. He looks dumb, so I bet he forgot about it already. Right?” He patted my head in a non-playful way, more than mocking.
“You shouldn’t say that to our guest.” Why is it turning out like this?
“In any case, it’s great! Taeyeon brought a friend over as soon as the new semester started.”
“And a boy, too.” Mrs. Kim emphasized.
“What? A guy?”
“You just notice now?” I commented.
“Maybe he’s her boyfriend.”
“Tch! I can’t give Taeyeon away to a puny guy like him. Go home. Shoo.”
“Then excuse me.” I stand up from my seat preparing to leave. But Mr. Kim grabbed my arms.
“You really call yourself a man? If you’re a man, sweep away the woman you fell in love with even if it means using force. That said, I still won’t give her to you, though.” I just sigh by what said. Then Taeyeon arrived from the kitchen holding a tray of food.
“You’re all getting along already.” She said sitting at the table.
“Of course. We’d never mistreat our daughter’s friend.” Mr. Kim replied.
“Goo!” They all said in chorus. What’s with that anyway?
“What’s with that blank look?” He asked me.
“I was thinking that I probably shouldn’t get involved with this family.” Mr.Kim pats my shoulder again.
“As you can see, we can already fire slightly harsh jokes at each other.” Why brag?
“Oh right, we haven’t heard your name yet.” Mrs. Kim interrupted.
“He’s Luhan-sshi. Xi Luhan-sshi.” Taeyeon answered on my behalf.
But the old man just gives a superior look with crossed arms, “What a puny name. Make it like Luhan Galaxy!”
“That is nice. May I call you Galaxy-sshi?” You too Mrs. Kim? This family really is insane.
“While you’re at it, change your last name to Cosmos. Cosmos Galaxy. Great name isn’t it?”
“My name is Xi Luhan!” I exclaimed.
“What a picky brat. Ye-rim, do you have any good names?”
“Let’s see… How about adding something after the first name? Not only large, but to say that he’s a being that has surpassed the flow of time: Xi Luhan Eternal.” Ugh..What’s with the sentimental explanation?!
“That’s great! That’s your name now, Ethanol.”
“It’s changed, too…” I just replied in a non-agreeing way. Moments later, we began eating. Honestly, I feel happier when I’m at Taeyeon’s house. I felt like I’m part of their family and that I’m not lonely. For the first time in my life, I understand what family means.


“Thank you. I know the way back from here.” I said as we reached the pedestrian.
“Sorry we made you stay so late.”
“It was a strange experience. So there are families like that, too. You guys get along so well.”
“You think so? I think we’re normal.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yes. Good night.” She then wave goodbye at me as I walk off.
As I reached my house, I turned the lights on and saw my drunken father at the living room, out cold. He even left the television open.
“Pops, if you’re going to sleep, you should lie down.” I shook him to wake up. I can’t just leave my father in that position, right?
“Hey, Dad.”
“Oh, hi. I guess I caused Luhan-sshi some trouble again. ” He finally woke up then adjusted his glasses giving me a smile. I gritted my teeth. Those words make me mad. I stood up then ran off outside. I don’t even know why I did that. My mother died in a car accident when I was little. Possibly because of that, Pops fell into alcohol and gambling, and stopped working.
Before I knew it, I reached Taeyeon’s house panting, and then heard a voice, “If you wish.” I turned my head to the owner of the voice, it’s Tayeon. She’s standing outside and glimmering under the moonlight as if she’s an angel or something, or am I just hallucinating?
“Would you like me to take you? To a place in this city where wishes come true.” I was left speechless.

Chapter 2 preview: The First Step
“Luhan, let’s skip school today. It Saturday, so it’s half day anyway.”
“I’ll finish it right away, so please wait in the club room.
“All right. No dents. I’ll let you off without paying the repair fee.”
“I made my decision!”
“Nothing. Forget about it.”
“You’re alone?”


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Ulfa_ExoTaeng #1
Chapter 1: Oh poor luhan , he mother died
hahaha that is so fun
Luhan Galaxy , Luhan ethanol
hey Maybe that's right Taeyeon is angel for luhan
taeyeoppeo #2
Chapter 1: what's happening? lol....