❧ W O L V E S & W A R R I O R S ❧
"The moon has almost risen, almost risen,
Look at how the night sky brightens."
- Two Moons, EXO
❧  ❧  ❧ 
F O U R 

"Miss me already, Kris?"  

Yong Guk sneered at the other male, who I watched with interest. He was exceptionally tall - even though I barely reached Yong Guk's shoulders, next to the man he called Kris, I felt even smaller because of his huge frame. Along with his windswept hair and his strangely familiar eyes, he radiated a confident, intimidating presence. I also noticed how different he looked compared to Yong Guk - while Yong Guk seemed to have an easygoing style to him, this boy was already dressed as if he were ready for the stage. He must already be famous, I thought, noticing the mic he had strapped to his back and the plastic earpiece hidden behind his hair. Feeling shy again, I walked behind Yong Guk, trying to hide myself from him and hope that no attention would be diverted towards me.  

"Nothing to miss when the person's still here," Kris said, quickly glancing at me. "But since you look like you're packing, is that a feeling I can start getting used to?"   

"Don't be so bitter now that I'm gone and you've got no one to look up to," Yong Guk retorted, nodding towards the door as he motioned for me to follow him. "Let's go."  


I walked out, ducking my head again, but I felt the boy called Kris grab my arm.  


When he touched me, I didn't feel just small sparks or tingles - instead, I felt my heart nearly leap out of my chest. Unlike that calmness that I felt emanate from Yong Guk, Kris sent forward high-energy pulses, as if a shock of lightening had struck my body. I kept thinking that he seemed like someone I knew, even though there was no way I could have ever met him. Even though he felt familiar, however, I also felt like he was dangerous, and a person who I should be scared of. As his eyes tried to catch mine, I tried in vain to hide my face behind my hair again, trying to erect a shield between I and this strange person.  


 "Who's this?" He asked, bringing exactly what I'd hoped to avoid - unwanted attention.  


"Someone that obviously doesn't seem to like you," Yong Guk sneered. He walked towards the doorway, his back facing the intruder so that he was blocking Kris from coming near me. Glancing at me again, Kris ignored Yong Guk, directing his voice to me. "What's your name?" He asked, his voice surprisingly gentle considering his massive height and domineering appearance. "I'm Kris." Although the soft lull of his voice made me feel safe, I couldn't keep feeling as if I had heard it before - as if I had come across it in the past. And that was what made me worried the most, why I felt an internal reflex to try and avoid him as much as possible.  

These thoughts made me cower closer to Yong Guk, who frowned at Kris when he saw how I tried to hide behind him.  

"Not everyone has to know your name, and not everyone wants you to know theirs. Get out," He snarled, nudging Kris out of the way as we walked out into the hallway together. I heard footsteps following us, and I wondered why this boy called Kris was so insistent on talking to Yong Guk when it seemed as if they weren't on close terms. "I'm sorry about that - he should have a schedule today but I guess he's always got free time," he said with a bitter tinge of resentment in his voice. "You don't have to be afraid of him, he can't harm you when I'm around," He then added, giving me a small smile which warmed my heart, then ruffled my hair once again. "Aigoo - so cute. What's a girl like you doing here anyways?" He said, a puzzled look on his face as he gave me a deep look, almost as if he were reading something on my face. I just jammed my hands in my pockets, lowering my head once again because of my shyness. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me. I -"  


It was then that we were interrupted.  

"__________! Where are you?"  


Manager-nim was running towards me, his small frame dashing with surprising speed as he neared me and Yong Guk. Seeing the trainee, his steps slowed, his focus staying on me as he gestured for me to follow him. Yong Guk quickly made a small bow, and assessing the situation, he nodded to signal that he was leaving me and the man alone."See ya, __________," he said, as I gave him a small smile and shyly waved.  He waved one last time before jogging back up the hallway to get the rest of his stuff, and I watched him go before I turned to meet my boss. Running over to my manager, I smiled at him and thought he was going to say something to me, but he merely grabbed my arm tightly and walked briskly down the stairs, his fingers pressing tightly into my skin.  

It hurts! My mind said, but my mouth was closed shut.  

"You ," the manager suddenly said, as I was completely taken aback by his harsh tone.  




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Chapter 8: you have no idea how happy I was to get a notification that there was a story update and that it was your story. please, please, please update sooner, or if not sooner at least more at once. ^_^ thanks for the update!!
Chapter 4: Where did Suho go??