Why DID I Fall In Love With You?


You (Hana) wake up in a hospital one day and can't seem to remember anything that has happened in the past 3 years.

Turns out, you're working for SM and are in directly in charge of SHINee.
You even live with them!
Oh, and you're dating Choi Minho.

You can't believe it though. Is this really your life?
Were you really in love with Minho?
And if you were then why can't you seem to fall in love with him again? 

You try your level best to remember your past but perhaps somethings are best left forgotten?


The muffled sound of a sneeze wakes me up. I blink, my eyes trying to adjust to the darkness that surrounds me.

“Where am I?” Just as I think that, a sharp pain sears through my head.

“Okay, hold that thought for later then, just go back to sleep.”

But wait, what was it that had woken me up in the first place? I shift in my bed and glance towards the couch under the window. A masculine figure lies on it; someone who is far too tall to fit on it but who has still managed to fall asleep on it. I can see the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes; one leg gently hanging off the couch. Moonlight streaks through the curtains, highlighting his handsome face. I squint, trying to get a better look. His side profile looks so peaceful as he sleeps. So beautiful. So.. familiar. I've seen that perfect jaw line somewhere before; that sharp nose; that dark hair. Can it be.. but of course it can’t.. but it is!

There, on the couch, lying right next to me is Minho. MINHO.

“No, no, no, you babo, he doesn’t even know you EXIST, just go back to bed, this is just a dream. A very nice dream, but a dream no doubt.” I feel another pang racing through my brain. Thinking is tiring me out.
I take one last look at my hallucination and close my eyes.


I was walking out of the concert venue holding all the goodies I’d bought, tears in my eyes.

“That was just..” said my friend.



We jumped around and did a little fan-dance, still crying with happiness.
“I’m starving, let’s go to that cafe across the street and grab a quick bite?” suggested my friend.

“Good idea, I really need a drink after all that screaming,” I said as we crossed the street together.

There was a blinding flash of light and then everything was dark.


“How is she doing hyung?”

“I’m not sure. The doctors say she should come around today, she’s been unconscious for a week already.”

“Key and I have to run right now, we’ll pick up those medicines on the way back.”

“Thanks Jonghyun hyung.”

“Go get some rest Minho, you’ve been here all night.”

I lie semi conscious on my bed, listening to these hushed voices. I can’t catch most of it but I’m sure I heard someone say Jonghyun hyung. Which is crazy. Why would he be here? Wait, where is here anyway?

I open my eyes, slowly taking in my surroundings. Light blue walls, a tiny window to the left, an IV drip stuck in my vein. Wait, what? IV drip? So I’m in a hospital. But why?

“Minho hyung, she’s awake!”

And before I know it, there are five flawless faces staring down at me, wide-eyed.



This is my first fanfic so please subscribe, comment, critisize, spaz, suggest, anything :D

Hope you like it ^^


© Copyright; 2011, lemondrop All Rights Reserved.

No printing or redistribution allowed.

Do not post anywhere else. Do not plagiarize.


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dalacapar #1
Chapter 24: pleasee update !!!
shawol03 #2
New reader~ i love your fic! And more minho and hana moments please!:"> i ship minho and hanaaaa!~ i wonder what happened during the night of her accident? Were they fighting because of joon or maybe krystal? Update soon please!!:<<<
Update Soon!!
lovelyblu722 #4
i know how crazy college life is so i understand why you haven't been updating. whenever you find time try to update though!
shiningstarr #5
new reader here! <br />
i actually liked joon together with hana! :D
Simran #6
Awhh, this is so sad! Minho! But Hana can't help it, right? Anyways, great chapter, I am loving the constant build in conflict! Thank you for writing this chapter! You should focus on your school work also :D Good luck!!!