Author's Note

Princess Lulu and the Little Bun

asdfghjkl; guys i'm sorry if i wasted your time, i had to make up a different story to tell my cousin and brother.

hopefully you guys could tell who everyone was (and all da ships haha)

thanks for reading!

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OMG i can't believe you guys like it^^ thanks for reading~!


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Chapter 1: This is amazing :'D MUST REREAD NONSTOP
Chapter 1: Very creative :) I loved this!!!
Toni-Song #3
Chapter 1: My sister said she liked your story.. *sweatdrop* She says it's better than Varsha's stories. LOL
viani24 #4
Chapter 1: wow author you are so talented,,,I'll tell this story to my nephew..this story are just suitable for kids, cute, & has moral value(most important)
loveaddiction #5
Chapter 2: AH NO! There's no way you wasted anyone's time! This was so sweet and original, aaaaah and you really captured the feeling of old-timey fairy tales very well. I loved your representations for all the characters and how easy, despite the vague details, it was to distinguish them. It's a very sweet story. ~
Chapter 1: This story was so cute!!! XD
Where's Sehunnnnnnnniiiieeeeee?????? ;n;
"Little Bun" xD I wonder if he ever got hungry during the trip.
"Princess Lulu" xDD Oh Luhannie, you are too girly, u r the only one with a female role
Lay as a unicorn and Kris as a cursed dragon OTL X'''DDDDD Why can I imagine them actually turning into one of those? o-o
There it is, the Shadow Walking Kai, and dear Owl Kyungsoo... D.O, how the hell did u end up in a net from an island Kai wasn't in? XD
Suho... as a merman... oh gawd abs... I wonder if he has abs... and his super cute smile... why is he so feared of??? xD Is it because he controls water??
Ahaha, Chanyeol immediately says yes when you offer him Baekhyun the Light Bug XDDD
Evil Panda King Tao... "and thats why all pandas have dark circles" x'DDD I wonder how he looked before he had them XD
A troll was there who could use lightening (I died at this point from laughing), and he was tricked by receiving a mirror to admire himself (and this is the point my spirit left my body xD)
Wait... hold on... is the parrot Sehun? Taking fancy on Kai? X"DD Oh okay, I see where this is going.

This was an epic bedtime story. I really think Disney should publish it XD