Dazzling Stars

Starry Night

Groups of twinkling, dazzling stars hang up far above Miyoung's head as she walked along the ocean's shore line with Luhan by her side. They had just left from eating at their favorite ramyun shop, and decided to take a stroll along the beach. The sun had already set, leaving the moon for its time to shine in the vast, night sky.


They listened to the gentle waves as they continuously rolled up against the shore. Then Leaving footprints with every step they took, only to have them fade away, returning the sand to its original state. They watched as the moon's reflection glistened upon the never ending tides of water.


"It's nice out here isn't it?" Luhan asked


"It really is." she replied as she glanced back at the ocean.






"You still got a little ice cream on your face from earlier."


"Wai- WHAT!" Miyoung shouted as she started to rub her entire face furiously. Earlier the couple had gone to an ice cream parlor to start off their day together. As they were about to leave with their treats, Miyoung failed to notice the newly made puddle of ice cream on the floor. As she stepped forward, she felt her foot slip right under her. Causing her to fall face first on to the floor, and on her beloved ice cream.


Luhan came to her rescue though and helped rid of the ice cream off her face. Ever since the incident Miyoung would be on high alert and eyeing every square inch of the ground below her.


"I was only kidding, don't worry. But you should've seen the look on your face!" Luhan laughed as he clutched his stomach. Miyoung stopped walking and just stood there, glaring at him. "That wasn't funny!"


"Oh but it was."


Oh how badly she wanted to comeback with a sly remark, but instead got a better, evil idea. "You know, it would be a shame if..." Miyoung started as she slowly walked closer to him.


Luhan became aware of her sudden change in behavior and stopped laughing, "A shame if what?" he asked cautiously.


"Oh you know, if your pretty little face got.." now Luhan was even more puzzled than before, getting the hunch that Miyoung was up to no good.


"Got... What?" He said supiciously, trying to get her to continue what she was saying. Miyoung then took the moment to crouch down and put her hand on the grainy, cool sand.


"Smeared dirty with sand!" She replied as she took a handful of it and smeared it across his face. Miyoung then took off, fearing Luhan's wrath. As she scurried off like a frightened child, he was still a little taken aback by her actions. "She did not just do that." Luhan muttered as he tried to wipe off the sand from his face. Oh she will not get away with this.


Luhan then took off as well, racing until he caught her. He was now highly amused by this, since he knew he was going to catch her easily. The perks of being the lead dancer in EXO M.


As Miyoung turned her head, she found Luhan running faster towards her. By the sight of him, her heart began to pump faster, and excitement rushed through her entire body. She knew he was going to get her.


"Miyoung!" Luhan shouted as he was getting dangerously close to her. Only a few inches closer, and he caught her from behind, Lifting Miyoung off the ground and spinning her around.


"You freaking deer boy, let me down!" she sqealed as Luhan's grip on her waist tightened.


"Nope, I got you now." He whispered in her ear and smirked. His voice alone sent chills down her spine. As the said deer boy continued to spin her around, he tripped over his own foot and toppled over Miyoung.


"Oof!" they both groaned in pain as they landed harshly on the sand. Luhan rolled off Miyoung and laid there next to her. They stayed quiet for a while, trying to calm their racing hearts.


"I guess we're even now huh?" Miyoung muttered under her breath, turning her body to see Luhan.


"I guess so." he chuckled softly as he turned to face her as well.


He slowly moved his hand towards Miyoung's face and brushed the misplaced strands of hair away from her eyes. Her eyes twinkled against the moon's soft light. His hand then travelled down to her hand, intwining his fingers with hers.


Miyoung flushed at the small action, she too reached for Luhan's face and gently wiped away the little remaining sand from his cheek. Her hand travelled up to his soft, blonde hair and ruffled it.


He inched closer to her, with his eyes still locked on hers. "I'm so sorry that you have to put up with all of this." he knew all too well the sacrifices she's made to stay with him. The guilt slowly started to build in him again today. They had talked about this several times.


"Luhan, it's alright. This is your dream, and we all know that sacrifices are bound to be made in order to reach them." she mumbled quietly, "Besides, I will always be supporting you from wherever I am." Even though some days didn't go as planned, they still try to enjoy every moment with each other.


Luhan smiled at Miyoung's sincere words. There were times in the company that he felt like he couldn't go on anymore. Times where he was unsure if he had made the right decision. But all that doubt went away as he found out he would debut with EXO. Now as he's starting to live his dream, he can't help but feel guilty that he can't spend enough quality time with Miyoung. But efforts will be made from both to stay together.


Luhan's eyes then trailed down to her lips, and slowly leaned in for them. Oh how much craved for those sweet, plump lips to be against his again. Their hearts started beating like crazy, and Miyoung was already soaring high on cloud nine. He's always had that effect on her when they would kiss. Their lips moved slowly, softly, and longingly against each other.


As they pulled away, breathless, Luhan leaned his forehead on hers. They really did miss their time alone together, but they would cherish every chance and moment they get it, even if it doesn't go the way they plan.


"I love you Mimi."


"I love you too Lulu." she giggled as they continued to gaze into each others twinkling eyes.


Yayyyyy I finally finished typing it!!!!!! Yeah I have a thing for fluff, but anyways I hope I did okay! ={D

Thank you for reading!!!!



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Chapter 1: Omg this has got me smiling like an idiot <3 <3 It's really beautiful ^O^ <3
cathyokrane #2
Chapter 1: that was really cute :)