We Are ∞

We Are Infinite ∞

(I apologize in advance for the possible mistakes and my horrible punctuation.)


When Myungsoo tugs at Sungyeol's shirt in the dead of the night, Sungyeol opens his eyes almost immediately.

It takes the older three seconds to gain some of his consciousness, two seconds to squint and adjust his sleepy eyes to the dim light, and only one second to scoot over and make some room for Myungsoo to lie down beside him. On Sungyeol's own bed.

He doesn't question the younger because he's awesome like that.

And maybe because he knows from the urgency of Myungsoo's tug at his shirt; it's almost violent and uncontrolled. Maybe he can tell from Myungsoo's shaking hands, or from his haggard, unsteady breath. It could be the frantic glint in Myungsoo's eyes, which Sungyeol can barely make out in the dim light, but it's there nonetheless. Maybe it's the beads of sweat that shine on Myungsoo's forehead, reflecting the silver rays of the pale moon that seep from the open window. Or maybe, maybe it's Myungsoo's insecurities and nightmares haunting him. Again.

And maybe it's all of the things above.

Sungyeol knows and so he doesn't question Myungsoo. Instead he makes more space for Myungsoo and says lightly, "If Gyu-hyung comes home early, I'm so kicking you out of bed." (They both know it's a shallow threat. Sunggyu won't come early, and even if he did, Sungyeol won't kick Myungsoo out of his bed. Never).

 Sungyeol lets Myungsoo warp his arms around his waist. He tries not to stiffen (when Myungsoo presses closer to him), but it's not like he even has to try because he's so tired, and Myungsoo is chuckling against his neck. And this is not fanservice. This is not for the fans.

This is him and his bestfriend.

This is him and Myungsoo.

So he relaxes in the embrace.



 It's still dark outside and Sunggyu hadn't returned yet, when Sungyeol feels something wet on his neck. His heart sinks when he realizes what it is. Myungsoo is crying.

He brings the younger closer and pats his back in a calming manner, his other hand tenderly caressing Myungsoo's scalp.

"What is it, Myungsoo?" He asks softly, afraid that if he speaks any louder Myungsoo might break.

"I'm scared, hyung."

"Of what?"

"I'm afraid things might change." That we might change.

Myungsoo tightens his grip around Sungyeol.

Sungyeol understands.

"It doesn't have to be a bad thing, though," Sungyeol offers.


"Things can change for the better, you know." Sungyeol knows Myungsoo is grinning widely, he can feel his lips stretch against the expanse of the skin on his neck, and he smiles too.



 It's late and so dark that the night seems to have stretched its black claws over the sky, when Myungsoo whispers again, "Hyung, I'm scared.''

Sungyeol isn't quite sure if he has slept or not, but he's not tired at all and the heat of Myungsoo's body and his steady breath is calming. He supposes it's the same thing for the younger.

"Of what?" He questions in a whisper.

"Of everything. Of losing myself, of losing the others" Of losing you.

Sungyeol ponders a little over Myungsoo's words; he can feel the intensity of the unspoken, of the implicit.

Sungyeol can hear the weariness and insecurities in Myungsoo's voice. He knows the depth of the younger's words. He can feel the heavy weight of it, and can tell it suffocates Myungsoo that he can't speak them out loud.

Sungyeol knows it all.

So he hurries to assure Myungsoo, pulling him closer and embracing him tightly, securely, while whispering soothingly in his ears, "We are Infinite, remember?" Will always be.

And that's all the assurance Myungsoo ever needs.


Myungsoo thinks they don't need to define their relationship; why put boundaries to something endless? Why limit what is Infinite?

Sungyeol said they're Infinite, and in that Myungsoo believes.

We Are Infinite. ∞


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 1: 🫶🏻
Chapter 1: A little piece if my heart just breaks off after reading this
Chapter 1: I love how you mixed in tiny details about the "real" Sungyeol and Myungsoo, such as how Sungyeol is a light sleeper and was so easily awoken whenever something was up Myungsoo. Or maybe he just woke up because they're so in tune to each other, hehe.

Honestly, though, their communication here has less to do with speaking and more to do with Sungyeol being absolutely fluent in Myungsoo and vice versa. Myungsoo doesn't need to say much for Sungyeol to understand, and neither does Sungyeol for Myungsoo to feel safe again.


Do you understand what feelings you've scooped on to me with this one-shot wonder? ~[ >_<]~
writerofthistory #4
Chapter 1: One word . Perfection.♡
Chapter 1: Truthfully, I didn't really know what was going on until I read a few comments lol. This could use some editing though. I like your writing style, it's simple and easy to follow. You have potential. Keep up the good work :)
Sohhiem #6
Chapter 1: This was beautifully written!! It was pretty realistic like sometimes I think myungsoo can feel insecure..how people thinks he's just a pretty face without any talent (not true!) And so he really needs someone to anchore him. That someone will be yeol! They just complement each other so well and even if i wasn't their shipper, their friendship is hard to deny. Great job!! It tugged on my heart strings. ♥
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 1: This is beautiful^^
myung-yeollipop #8
Chapter 1: aww, Myungsoo was crying due to his insecurities. :( but Yeol will always be by his side. :D