New friend

Rubix Cube

Morning came but for me it felt like I’m still inside a dim cage with my heart no longer beats. After the incident with Mr. Jerk I chose not to go to school the next day and then the day after, the thought of meeting him brightens my day but just seeing him from afar and knowing that he won’t even acknowledge your existence breaks me. My mom started to suspect me as to why I kept on hiding behind the doors of the most sacred place for me, my room. I don’t want someone to see me so fragile and weak; I’d rather hide in my closet than be mocked by my appearance.

I blinked all the tears that formed without my will. It has been days; I know I should move on and apologize. But every time I look back at the memories, it brings me confusion. So… I was the one who was fooled, we were never friends if that’s what he is stating but the fact is, it wasn’t friendship but there was more, something that I couldn’t describe. And that is what I’m sure to find out. But as of now, I should start all over again maybe he would accept me, not just someone but a friend he can hold on too.

A friend who can make you smile even with little things..

A friend…

I lift myself on a sitting position and rub my swollen eyes.  It’s time to start a new day!




Luhan’s P.o.v

Flashback after he left Jeongsa in front of his house

I wanted to scream and hit everything! Why can’t she just look at me for a brief second and realize all the feelings I want to show her, all the things I want to let her know. But I received nothing. It hurts; my head hurts although my heart felt like dying. I was nothing… just like my parents… I’m nothing to them.

I run pass through the living room and up to the stairs but a voice boomed just below me and ordered me to stop. I held the railing tightly as I felt my feet get weaker and weaker. I don’t want to look at the person calling for me but I have no choice but to obey her wishes.

“Yes mother?” I turned around and face my cold hearted mother. Her glare was fierce that I felt myself shudder in her presence. She was irked and I already knew what she was going to say and it scares me. I’m not fund of this kind of lifestyle but we must…

“We’re moving.. moving back to China, we are not safe here anymore, pack your bags immediately..” She turned around and about to retreat on their room but I won’t let that happen. Move again? I’m already happy here, maybe before me and Jeongsa’s fight but still… I want to live here and be normal just like the other kids at my age. I run and tugged her arm.

“Please! Let’s live here… I don’t want to go back to China…” I pleaded with teary eyes. I know it was useless because she has no mercy even for her own son. I can already see her response but I still hoped.

“You know that you’re not just a normal kid, you’re a son of an a**hole. If I say we move… we move! UNDERSTAND??!” She forcedly removed my hand off her arm.

My knees collided onto the floor. My body felt heavy for me to carry so I let myself carelessly hit the floor. I don’t know why we have to live this way, all I wanted was time to go slower, even if there was no reason to stay here or is there?

My mother turns around and walked slowly. I tried to stand up but my feet failed me so I raised my hand and grab her wrist; stopping her from heading back to her room. She faced me with blazing eyes. She was met by my teary eyes, pleading for some attention. Maybe she has a soft spot somewhere in her heart; does she even have a heart?

“What is it again brat?!” She spits the last word with venom. I squeezed her wrist tighter. I’m still afraid to protest but I don’t have a choice but to beg her.

“P-Please… Let me just finish this school year! I-I’m b-begging you!!” I shake her hand with both hands asking her approval. Her eyes grew big and I knew she was shocked with my behavior. Sometimes I don’t even know if I belong here co’z all I can see in their eyes was irritancy. She is still my mother though, maybe she can think of me even for a brief second maybe, just maybe I wouldn’t have doubts that she wasn’t the one who brought me into this world. I wished she can be a mother to me this time, I hope she can do the favor.

I can sense her being reluctant, I can tell with her eyes that kept on moving from side to side as she bit her lip softly. She rolled her eyes and shook my hands off. “Fine… but I can only give you two months. your father will burst if we stay here much longer, two months is enough, be thankful that I even  let you do as you please so stand up… I don’t want to see you kneeling ever again!” She turns around and left completely.

Two months is enough for me… for me to fix things that was once a happy friendship…




Jeongsa’s P.o.v

I looked around cautiously. I don’t want to see the reason for my absence these past few days although I really want to talk to him I still feel the need to avoid him and give space for the both of us. I hugged my books against my chest as I let out a sigh, this is going to be tough. I’m in front of my locker just getting some stuff for first period. My ears perked up with the mention of his name from someone I don’t really care to know next to me.

“Yah.. Lu Han was no show yesterday and the day before! What happened?” she slapped the girl next to her who is currently next to me which causes her to stumble into me. The girl apologetically bows and I bowed in response telling her that it’s okay. I proceed to my busyness but I kept hearing his name and I can’t help but eavesdrop on their conversation.

“There was this rumor that he is going back to ch—“ She was cut by her friends hand. I didn't hear her words clearly, I decided to shrugged it off thinking that it was nonesense.

They stood there frozen and their eyes were wide as if they saw a ghost. They were looking at something; I followed the reason of their reaction.

I quickly glance away as I saw what they were looking. I hid my face behind the door of my locker. I didn’t expect him to attend class today. Mr. Jerk walks with his body straight and his face so plain, there was no even a trail of sadness from the argument we had days ago as if it wasn’t such a big deal. Well it was a big deal for me, I don’t know if it was for him but from the looks of it, I think he doesn’t even care about it anymore. He passed by, I sighed. I can finally breathe now; I didn’t know that I held my breath awhile ago. Maybe it is over…

I close my locker with a soft sigh escaping my mouth.




It has been exactly weeks and still… nothing good happened. The walls between me and Mr. Jerk kept building. We were both avoiding each other for a few days but I was getting tired of this fight even though we didn’t declared that we are in one but it felt like we were, so I assumed, anyway that’s not the point… I tried to make a conversation but every time I get a chance it just suddenly get swept away, like the time our teacher asked me to give his notebook. I know I have to talk to him back then but his new found friends pulled him after I gave his notebook. I went home feeling down that day. It was an exhausting week for me. Maybe I should just give up on befriending him? Yeah… I should give up.

I opened the front door of our house. Our teacher let us out a bit late after she found out that my classmate wasn’t paying attention to her boring lessons, tsss… lessons these days are so tiresome, it doesn’t even excite me anymore. Everyday  is a normal boring day for me now.

“Yah!! Pan Jeongsa, get ready! We are going for some dance lesson!” My mom pulled me up stairs after I closed the front door and shove me into my room. What is in her today? I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind us. I gave her a questioning look as to why she’s acting giddily.

“My friend gave me a coupon for free dance lessons for two people. So I thought that we could groove a little to release some stress. You could need some help releasing some of those griefs! I know that there’s a problem goin’on and I won’t ask so don’t worry. And the dance instructor is so HANDSOME!!!!”

I knew it, she was after some guy again.. I facepalmed myself. I really need to take my mother to a doctor. I can’t understand her highperness. Handsome or not I don’t want to. Dancing is the last thing I wanted to do.

“Yah! You don’t have to say no… because I already enrolled you! It’s for the best! So…. See you later!!” She left hopping towards the door while squeaking excitingly. Maybe I got a rabbit for a mother.

I heard the door close but was opened again by the same person. My mom popped her head at the side of the door.

“And… better get ready. I’m sure you don’t want to dance with your uniform on..” she points me. I stare confusingly on my uniform and rolled my eyes. I’m not that dumb to wear my uniform during a dance lesson.  With her little reminders she left.

I dusted invisible dust on my skirt and headed to my closet. I learned to dance when I was five, actually. I stopped because of some kid embarrassing me by pushing me off stage during our recital since then I never thought of dancing it is also why I distance myself from others.

I came with a decision of wearing a grey hoody together with my black leggings and black snickers that I barely use. I lack in fashion nevertheless I would never ask my mom what fashion means or else I’ll turn into a fashion terrorist like her.

My mom knocked on the door. I told her that I was almost done. I grabbed my bag and looked at the mirror for a last minute check. I nod, satisfied on how I look.

I unlocked my door and my mom suddenly attacked me with a bear hug. She squeezed the air out of me. I patted her shoulders asking for air but I only heard her whisper.

“I know it has been years since you stopped but please try, I want to see my daughter happy again. Dancing is one of the things that makes you smile so I thought this would help out. Please don’t be mad at your mother…” She released me and held my shoulders. Her concerned face hit me. OK. Maybe I should at least try, dancing is one of my strongest points but one of the things I’m totally scared to do, if it wasn’t for that stupid kid I should’ve been dancing until now.

After some drama and who knows what my mother did, we sped walk our way towards a small building that shouts out ‘This is a Gym’ with a big glowing arrow pointing it. if it wasn’t obvious already I swore I could’ve mistaken it as a club with all the music blaring and some lights burning holes in my eyes.

Guards bowed to us and let us enter. My eyes wander around the gym. The color was nicely covered with baby blue paint. The place was huge, it wasn’t pack with people yet as the clock said it was only 5 in the evening. My mom pulled me and told me to sit beside her so called friends at the bench against the wall. I obeyed her since I don’t have any options. The ladies I guess in their 80s are talking too loud. I dislike loud people it only reminds me of him.

I stood up and searched for another available seat. I noticed a boy maybe at the same age as me was alone on the wooden floor, he was surprisingly quiet. I didn’t think anymore as I make my way beside him. His eyes never left the floor. I tried to see what was so interesting but there was nothing to be amaze about. I ignored him and diverted my attention at the old people dancing to gentlemen.

“Okay everybody!! Dance lesson is about to start! Find a partner for today!!” I heard the dance instructor clasp his hands that made everybody busy finding their partner. I saw my mom dashing towards me.

Oh no!

 I can sense that a bad thing will happen. She stopped in front of me while catching her breath. I gestured my hand, motioning to take her time. As her breath evens, she stood straight. I knew she brought me here to be her partner but my jaw dropped from what she said.

“Go find another partner. My friend and I already talked last week to be partners for today. She said she can let you use her nephew as a practice dummy or something... if you want.” She pats my shoulder and turns around only to look at me again “And he is right over there… I forgot his name… why don’t you go and find out yourself…” He points the boy who has been my seatmate awhile ago. I sighed in relief. Good thing he was quiet or else I’ll punch the noise out of his living body.  Mom waved goodbye and ran to her supposedly partner for today.

Well… what do I do now? I heaved a sigh and walked to my partner. He was still sitting on the floor the way I left him before. He was so focused on the floor I think he didn’t even notice me on the first place. I sat next to him, our arms brushed slightly. I felt him froze from the contact. He moved his head to look at me for the first time. I peeked behind the strands of my hair and saw him observing me. Now that I can see his face clearly, he has a sharp nose and sleepy eyes, he also has a fine jawline and when you observe him more intently He has a silky white skin and has long legs. He is very handsome indeed. I hide behind my hair that almost covered my whole face from the starting staring contest. Good thing he chose to look on the ground again.

“I guess we’re partners for today…” I whispered and I know he heard me because he nodded back.

The dance instructor asks each and every one of us to dance in front especially the new students including me and my partner. As time passes it was my turn to dance. I was so nervous. It was years since I danced my heart out and I don’t really know what to do. The music played and it was an upbeat music. Everybody clapped and cheered with the beat.

I felt the adrenaline inside me and the fire that ran through my veins, I know I’m ready. I started where I’m best at. I waved my body gracefully together with my hands as I point my hand at my partner who stared wide eyed back then he looked away, his blush can be slightly seen. I chuckled a little ‘how cute’. I moved to cramping. Everybody clapped at my greatness. Ha! I’m really that great. I finished with my left hand on my waist and my other pointing at my partner. I curled my finger signaling for him to come. Everyone went oooohhs and ahhhs… I glanced at my mother and saw her and her friend slapping each other in excitement.

He stood up and walked slowly towards me. He’s a bit shy when we were now facing each other. I put on my tippy toes and whisper in his ears. “It’s your turn to show off now.” I pat him on the shoulder and sat on the floor where we were minutes ago.

He gulped and started to dance. He was off beat sometimes and a bit stiff but he’s good to go. He went to his usual sit beside me on the floor. He was back on staring at the floor again and it’s getting on my nerves.

“You’re doin’ great back there…” I coughed and looked at everywhere but him. I tried to start a conversation but I only got a bow in reply. After that short gesture we didn’t talk. We were both shy to even touch one another, not that in a y way. Skinship is needed when dancing in duos since you need cooperation in order to do a right lifting or even some simple dance steps that includes team ups.

The dance instructor decided to call it a night. We were all worn out and craving for water. I went to my mom and saw her gulping the last liquid that I walked for. I was literally pissed off. Now… where am I suppose to get water now? I stumped my way back beside my partner.

I bit my lip as I slowly felt my throat dry. I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I move my head to the right and a water bottle welcomed me. I my lip. I was about to pounce on the bottle when I heard a voice.

“You can have it” The voice sounds familiar but I don’t remember where I’ve heard it. My eyes looked up and saw my partner with his poker face holding the bottle right in front of my face. I took it and bowed, thanking him for his offer. I drank all the liquid inside, leaving the bottle empty. I feel so refreshed thanks to him.

We sat in an awkward silence, the whole night was awkward. None of us took the courage to talk; I guess he’s a shy type.

People started to leave. My mom already made her way to the door and so do I. Her friend already left. I searched for my partner but noticed he wasn’t there anymore. Maybe he went off with his aunt.




We are at some side walk, spending our time on the gravel floor. I love how thee night was silent without any slight of awkwardness in the air. Me and my mom are walking side by side without spilling words. Her hand held mine and tugged me slightly. I looked at her brown orbs, now I know where I inherit such beautiful eyes.

 My mom asked me if I want to eat dinner at some Chinese restaurant, I shook my head. I don’t have the appetite for tonight. All I want is to jump inside my covers and sleep the rest of the night. She nodded in understandment. We proceed walking on the pavement. It was once again silent. We can’t help but ravish the solemn night but the once solemn night came to a hold when my mom started to panic.

‘OMyGosh.. I think I left my hair clip at the gym!!” She screamed. She ransacked her little bag and found no improvement and added more nervousness. “It’s a family clip given by your great grandmother! I was suppose to give you that today!” She almost cry but kept herself strong.

I clicked my tongue and held her shaky hands. She looked at me with glassy eyes. “Tsk Tsk… My mom is so sensitive… I’ll go back to the Gym and look for it… Go home and rest…” I smiled while patting the back of her hands.

“O-Okay just… just be safe okay?”

I nodded and turned her so her back was facing me and pushed her to the direction on our way to our house. “Alright… bye!” I waved her off. I can see that she is still worried. I smiled to make her a little ease, I watched her leave and a flashback of some dream I had almost everyday spars inside my head. I shook my head and looked at where I saw my mom not long ago.

When there was no more presence of another person I walked back to the gym.




Light are still up as I arrive but it was lesser as the night grew darker. I can sense that there is only an hour left before closing time. I lift my fit and started to run.

There were no guards welcoming this time but a plain twin doors. The lights are almost out so I hurried my pace.

I pushed the door of the dance studio slightly. I can hear some music in its minimized volume. Who could be using this gym at this time? I walked in and saw the cause of my amazement right now.

Right timing, full force and graceful steps; every wave of what it seem to be a body of an angel lighten the dimly lit room. My mouth went dry and I totally forgot what my business here was.

I woke up from my trance as the music came to an end and my existence was noticed by an angel. He wore a mouth mask that made his eyes more noticeable since it was the only part seen in his beautiful face. He slowly walked in front of me causing me to step back everytime he advance. I really want to run but I still need to find that stupid clip. He lifts his hand and I got scared. I guess I’ll go back tomorrow instead. I was about to run for my life as I turned but he grabbed my arm in a flash and turned me back to face him, His face was so close I can hear his breathing. I pushed him with all my might but it was no use he is much stronger than I think.

“Don’t be scared…” his hold on my arm slowly loosens. His voice was familiar yet again I don’t know where I’ve heard it.

‘I-I’m sorry, I-I’ll just go..” I bowed apologetically and turned around.

“wait!” He held my hand that gave me shivers along my spine. this was the first time someone held my hand and it worries me since it was from a person I barely know. I moved my head and was surprise to see him so near me. He pulled me onto his chest unintentionally. And the room was more awkward than I thought. This boy really like skinship. He pushed me slightly away from him and bowed embarrassingly.

I looked at the corner of my eye to avoid looking at him. Good thing my bangs covered my face so he wasn’t able to see the blush forming on my cheeks.

“Ahem…” He coughed through the air in an awkward state. He is worried just like me but none of us seem to know how to escape this kind of scene we brought to each other.

“W-what is your business here anyway? It must be really important that made you come here at this hour.” he was staring at the floor shyly. Why do people choose to look on the floor these days? We surely have eyes that spoke sincerely well than a wooden dance floor.

“I left an important thing here so… do you mind? But I think I thought wrongly for looking at this place first… so I’ll just leave, you can continue your own business… I’m sorry for disturbing you…”  I bowed for l think the second time. My mom must be worried by now. I glanced at the clock and was shot in shock. ‘10:00 p.m’

“I really must be going…. Thanks for even bothering to ask.” I bowed again and smiled. I didn’t know by simply curving your lips can work thousands of magic. He quit staring on the floor and searched for my face that was smiling awhile ago and was facing the door where an exit can be seen just above the door frame. He worked his way and was able to catch my hand. I hopped in shock. It almost gave me a heart attack.


I simply turn with my head stoop low. My hair almost covered my sight of him but his voice was clearly heard. I can see his hands moving slowly, I’m not sure since the tint on my cheeks was burning, distracting me, and the strands of my hair wasn’t really helping.

He reached for my chin and tilted it. We started an eye battle but it was stopped as soon his eyes shines in joy.  Now I’m starting to doubt if this boy just like skinship or even more than that but his eye smile is blinding. Why am I like this? Maybe I’m hallucinating as I see stars dancing around his head. The light from the exit acted as a spot light when the building starts to shutdown. This is really not good. My heart spoke loudly as it jumps rapidly against my ribcage looking for the sought of freedom.

His other hand is still embracing mine and wasn’t thinking of letting go of me. My eyes followed his free hand in every movement. He fished something inside his pants. I didn’t get the chance to see what he was holding, his eyes is so distracting, his beautiful orbs didn’t left mine even when he took that mysterious object my mind is not aware of.

He tucked my hair with his fingers and put something that held my hair in place. His eyes got brighter. He giggled and made me slightly insecure. Am I that ugly? As if he heard my thought. “You’re more beautiful than I thought. You should clip your hair like that…” He didn’t answer my thoughts directly but it made me contented. All my insecurities were shooed away as he giggled and whispered against my ears. “So pretty…” My eyes widen its size. e alert!

“A deer on the headlights, you sure look like one right now.” He chuckled. “Where did your fierce attitude go? Did danc—“ He was soon cut off when an old lady interrupted us.

“Didn’t I tell you to go home… tsk tsk, you even brought a friend. Since you two are so caught up in each other, I shall punish both of you.”

I didn’t expect this. I was just thinking of finding an important clip awhile ago and now I found myself kneeling on a cold tiled floor outside the dance studio with both of my arms stretched above my head with my hands perfectly fisted. Never in my life did someone punish me like this, I only saw this kind of treatment when I’m passing by the hallways, and unruly students were punished by pissing the teacher to the brim.

This wasn’t my fault and this guy beside me, sharing the same state, was just laughing by himself. He is starting to get on my nerves.

“Sorry about that…”

“Quiet! Who says you can talk comfortably while I’m here?” A voice boomed through the empty hallway. Can’t this lady stop yelling every time she talks? Sheesh… so noisy…

“Ok Fine! Can’t you stop yelling every time you talk? Sheesh… so noisy…” The guy right beside me spoke my thoughts. We’re actually thinking the same thing. Wow…

“You little brat!” The lady spat. “How can my own son talk to me like this? Let’s see if you can still put up that attitude when you reach home…” Her glare was followed by a painful hit on his head. That’ll definitely hurt.

The lady or should I call her, his mother walked away. Her steps faded every second, this kept me from breathing. Now I can finally breathe comfortably but this wincing pain on my arms is really holding me back from stretching it higher. Although the lady is not there to be seen, still… there’s that fear that she’ll comeback anytime sooner or later.

I felt my arms lower itself from tiredness but then, a warm hand encloses around my wrist and pulled my tired arm up. I flinched by the move and glanced on my right to see the masked guy eye smiling at me. I quickly diverted my eyes somewhere else. Those eyes are so familiar… then again, where is that familiarity came from?

The masked guy checked from left to right; checking if the coast is clear from an evil mother. Darkness clouds the empty hallway and silence is screaming through every edge of the thick walls. ‘Clear’

He stood up in a hurried way with me. I almost bumped into him good thing I have good reflexes.

“I hope you’re a good runner… You might as well use your dancing skills.. this might acquire a lot of speed if you know what I mean.” He warned me. I nodded and gulped. I’m not yet prepared but a scary noise screeched against the floor.

Long enough we heard a trembling vibrations of heels. “She’s here! Let’s go!!” He squeezed my wrist in a gentle way. “In a count of three… One”

“Brat! You’re doing something stupid again aren’t you?” The sound of footsteps got nearer.

“Two” We took a few steps, making our way to the main door.

“Yahhhhhh!!!!!!!! Where are you going?!!” And then there was us…

“Three!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!” He screamed the air out of him and ran with his hand tightly holding my hand, never letting go.

We heard shuffling of noise. Thank god those heels are high, it was enough for our escape to be more easier. We safely got out of that scary building and ran to somewhere I’m not fond of knowing.

Cold air reached my skin through the layers of my working clothes. I shivered at the cold breeze that pierced my flesh like knives. I forgot that the weather is grey today. I face palmed inwardly, can this day get any worse? And by the way, my feet are killing me. I felt the impact of the graveled side walk through my shoes. Tsk Tsk, I don’t have any spare shoes left to wear if this thing broke.

We slowly stop in front of a little street food stand. I noticed that it was near my house but this was the first time I saw this place. It took us long enough to realize that we were still holding each other’s hand. I abruptly pulled my hand from his grasp. I moved my head to my side, avoiding his stare. Because of embarrassment I didn’t notice that my face is burning.

“Uh-hehe I-I… Uhem… What do you want to eat?” He scratched his nape trying to ease the awkwardness earlier. I bit my lips nervously and glanced at my wallet inside my bag. Oh no. since I only walk to school almost everyday, my mom didn’t bother to give me money. What should I do? I’ll just reject him and runaway.. yeah… I can do that…

I nod to myself and about to utter my rejection but.. “Don’t worry… My treat…” I seriously want to scrape his mask out of his face to see his whole face but … of course I can’t do that so I’ll just focus more on his eyes; His eyes that are smiling brightly at me. I didn’t respond to his question not long ago. I stayed there looking at him like a stalker or something. I don’t know why I kept on spacing out, maybe because I’m just weird? No I’m just crazy. Maybe I’ll scare him out this way.

“Uhhh… okay… I’ll just order for you instead…” he was obviously appalled. Thank you creepiness for scaring him. I facepalmed and quickly let down my bangs from being clipped and yet again hid behind my bangs. He noticed my sudden actions and took it as a cute move. “Yah… don’t be shy! Stop hiding from your own shadow…” He ruffled my hair with his playful hands. I didn’t move a bit. As if my eyes have its own mind, it kept on staring at him like I was stunned which was half the truth, I just don’t want to admit it to myself. I’m too caught up from his words. Don’t hide from my own shadow? What does that mean?

After he ruffled my hair he bent down right in front of my face. I leaned back a little co’z his face was so close. He giggled again and teased me as he advanced more. Oh God! Just let me dissolve into a puddle so I could escape this moment. I closed my eyes quickly; this is not a goodtime to have my first kiss. I’m too young!

“So… “ He halted and noticed that I was expecting something to happen. He laughed at my cuteness, well at least for him it’s cute. “Pabo… what are you expecting from a masked man?” He flicked my forehead and chuckled. “you’re such a weird girl… yet cute and beautiful at the same time…” I opened my eyes at his remarks. I’m cute and beautiful? Well that’s a first and take note it was from a complete stranger.

“Uh… thank you?” I don’t know what to say. I can’t think properly, curse you embarrassment.

After that awkward praising we were left silent but the dead air didn’t last long as he opened another topic… well it was certainly not a topic but it’ll help cut down the slight awkwardness around us.

“It’ll be rude to bring someone for a meal without knowing their name… so uhm… can we start again?” He scratched his head. I saw a slight blush on his cheeks and giggled a little. Getting to know someone isn’t a big deal right? Maybe this way I can forget Him.

“Yeah… sure… why not…” I smiled and waited for his reply which didn’t come and another dead air surrounded us. I diverted my eyes anywhere but him and he gladly did the same. Ugh… this is so awkward… If he won’t speak in the mere three seconds I will literally walk back h—

 He walked towards the stall and bought cheap street foods “Here… sorry if I can’t hold a long conversation. As you can see this is my first time bringing a girl to my special hiding place wherever I want to be alone… I guess I’m not alone anymore…” He handed me a fish cake. It was still fresh from the grill and looks tasty and luring but… the problem is… My mind thinks the other way around. “Uh… It’s okay.. really… you don’t have to” I waved my hands to avert the thing away from me but he kept insisting. “Don’t worry it’s my treat and… It’s delicious!”

“Really? Then you can eat it by yourself…” Fish cakes aren’t my style.

“Come on! Just taste it!”

I intake some of the fresh air and faced him to reject his offer but instead, He pushed the fish cake straight inside my mouth that almost choke me. “See! It’s Delicious! Chew it! It’ll taste better..” He waved his hands and urged me to masticate the poor food.

“How was it?” He tilted his head waiting for my answer.

“G…G” I coughed and in instinct, he rubbed my back to soothe me. “I mean G-Good” I smiled in defeat.

“Waaah… Jinjja?” He pat my back with more force than he intended to and I flinched in pain but hid it by wearing a fake smile as I nod. “Therefore, you should eat more!”

Torture, that’s right.. it’s a complete torture for me and especially for my throat

“Ah… you forgot to tell me your name first…” He looked at me straight in my eyes. It was obvious he was focusing on me and it got me a little uncomfortable. I inched away from him and faced the ground.

“M-My name is J---“ A loud motorcycle passed by and blocked his hearing. “Ah… come again?”

I puffed some air out of my system and looked at him with confidence. “I said My name is Jeong---“ I screamed my name but a car with loud music passed by that pierced our ears swallowed my voice. “Ah… really… that’s a beautiful name.” He smiled but the truth is, he didn’t hear me completely but he was embarrassed to ask again.”Well… I think it’s my turn now.. My name is Se---..” This time we were interrupted by his phone. He answered it with a hello. After about 20 seconds he nods frantically and hangs up. He faced me with an apologetic smile. “I have to go somewhere and it’s really-really important so I think we have to part ways now… but thanks for your company…” He winked and turned his back.

He was almost out of my sight so I turn around and started to walk the opposite way. I was playing with the clip and memories clouded my mind, because of this I get to run 3 blocks, kneel on the cold floor with my arms raised, eat disgusting  fish cakes and especially meet a new friend. Speaking of new friend.

A force on my wrist held me from walking and spun me around. It was him again but this time, his eyes surprisingly appear more appealing and luminous with a slight concern. He slid his arm around my waist and placed it on my back to support me while his other hand is curled around my wrist. “Yah! You almost got yourself killed!”

I glanced at my shoulder and saw a deep hole where I could actually fit and fall. I was afraid to fall as my feet was inches from the scary hole so I unconsciously wrapped my arm around him with a shriek.

He froze on his feet in shock as red tinted his cheeks. I soon found our position uncomfortable and release him from my tight embrace. I slid my hand down his shoulders and stared at him wide eyes but thankfully my hair hid my flushed face. He chuckled and grabbed both of my hands off his shoulders. “Don’t worry I’m not a stalker… I just want to remind you something.” He grasps my occupied hand and opened my fisted hand. He smiles at the clip I’m holding and took it from me. “Maybe it’s good to use this to help you see more clearly than to let you die early.” He clipped my hair off of my face and nod in satisfaction. “There… I can see your eyes again… Always wear that… or else heaven will take you. And… I was making sure you will arrive at your house safely… that’s all… Goodnight…”

He turns his heels and started to walk. He waved his hands “by the way! You should smile often! It looks better on you! Night angel!” Then he was completely out of sight.

I touched my clip that perfectly held my bangs and smiled.

How can I feel so comfortably with someone I don’t even know it’s name?


Then I heard an old lady's voice just around the corner. My feet automatically searched where the voice is. I hid at a concrete wall and took a peek. I saw a boy but I couldn’t see his face since his back was facing me and an old lady from our neighborhood.

"Thank you son... if it wasn't for you I could've lost my whole salary..."

"You're welcome... You should go home a bit early; it’s so much safer than going home at this hour.” He bowed and gave the old lady’s bag

“You’re right… Thank you for your concern… Maybe you should return to your house now… your mom might be worried.” Her face was contorted with concern. “Maybe... see you Mrs. Park!” He chirped. “Goodbye to you too Lu Han…” She bowed and he gladly did the same.

Lu Han watched her as she walks away. “I wish you were right Mrs. Park…I she really was…” He whispered to the cold thin air and didn’t notice a tear escaped from his eye.

He was oblivious of my presence and saw the whole scene.


Maybe smiling isn’t just for a person like me but to other people as well.

“I’m sorry oppa…” I whispered to myself and looked at his retiring back until his whole being was swallowed by the darkness.






Hey guys... Do you like the story so far? I'm really timid these past few days and tired... -_-

please keep on commenting... As for the silent readers... keep on reading!

Love you all! hihihi


I didn't checked this yet and wasn't planning to so bear with it.. bleh :P I'll just edit it next time... Kaebsong~

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GeneAudrey26 #1
Chapter 8: Filipino ka po pala! By the way, nice story
sazuka #2
Chapter 10: Please update soon
sazuka #3
Chapter 9: author nim update soon... it's so sad... please I want read more
Chapter 7: OMG LUHAN'S FACE WILL BE EPIC IF HE SHOUTED but theyre so adorable i wanna pinch their cheeks!!!
sazuka #5
Chapter 7: Kyaaaaaa... so sweet... update soon author nim ^_^
sazuka #6
Chapter 5: oh he's her father.
hahaha... she's in trouble I think... kekeke

update soon
sazuka #7
Chapter 4: Who is he? author nim tell me please?

update soon!!!! can't wait
sazuka #8
Chapter 3: waaaaaaaa... sweet little couple.... kekeke ^^
sazuka #9
Chapter 2: no is not confusing me, it was a great... really great stories

update more...
Chapter 1: Yay! Filipina po kayo? I like how they seem to be total opposites ^^. Cute story, by the way! ^^.