Forever Our Coffee Shop - FINAL

Forever Our Coffee Shop (Sequel to Our Coffee Shop)

Its already been 2 years since Gukkie passed on.

I went to pay a visit to his grave.

"Gukkie, I wish you were here. I missed you..." I said.

As I let out a long sigh, I heard his voice saying, "Channie... don't worry... You will be with me soon."

I turned around... and I saw him.

"Gukkie! I don't want to wait. I want to be with you today!"

"As you wish Channie." As he said this, he slowly faded into the air.


I got back to the coffe shop that I met him. After he passed on, I continued working there. As I walked in, I saw Daehyun and Youngjae cuddling and kissing in the kitchen. I walked qiuetly, avoiding making any noise, i made my way to the staff changing room to change into my uniform.

'Aish... this Daejae couple, ' I said to myself. 'They can make out anywhere and anytime. I wish I could do this with Gukkie again... '

I let out a long heavy sigh.

When I went out to start working, I saw Jongup and Zelo playing around behind the counter.

'Aish.. this Uplo couple..' I said to myself. As I see them playing, I missed the time when Gukkie always plays around and jokes with me. And also his gigantic gummy smile and deep dry laugh.

"Oh, hyung... You're here." Daehyun said to me,his voice coming from behind me. I turned around and sawhim with Youngjae. His right hand wrapped Youngjae's hip protectively. 'Aish... Daehyun is really protective over Youngjae. This couple can never seperate.' 

"Daehyun, is there anything you want me to help you to do?" i asked him.

"Well, today it's your turn to be the waiter." he replied.

"huh? me? Alone?" I aksed back.

"Erm... well... Zelo and Jongup will prepare the food and drinks in the kitchen. Me and Jae.. we erm... have... erm... ah... some errands to run. Gotta go..." After that he pulled Youngjae out of the shop.

After they left, a group of guys came in. I got ready to start my boring day... Everyday is uneventful... After gukkie is gone...


"may I take your order?" I asked the guy seated at the table that Gukkie always sits at. He didn't reply. I noticed he had his headphones in his ears. I tapped him on the shoulders to gain his attention.

The guy turned to me and pulled his headphones out.

"Oh... Sorry..." he appologized and flashed me a gummy smile. He reminds me of Gukkie's smile, except his lips are thicker than Gukkie's lips. 

"May I take your order, sir?" I repeated again.

"Oh...Erm...A cup of iced americano." He replied.

His words shocked me. "Is there anything else that I can help you?" I replied, keeping my cool.

"Erm... Yes... Extra cream please, for the americano. And I want you to make it."  he flashed his gigantic gummy smile and replaced his headphones into his ears. 

I was frozen to the spot. He reminds me so much of Gukkie. The gummy smile, the same drink, the place that he sits and also his love for music.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I went to the kitchen and said, 

"Jongup, Zelo, I'm going..."

I stopped mid sentence and saw Daehyun and Youngjae making out. I couldn't stand it, I'm missing Gukkie too much. I collected my car keys and stormed out of the back door. i was raining heavily when I got out, the perfect weather for my mood now. I went quickly to my car which was parked behind the coffee shop. I started the engine and drove furiously. When I passed the front of the coffee shop, a cement lorry lost control of his lorry and slammed into my car. The impact of the hit was so strong, that it made me close my eyes. As soon as I closed my eyes... everything turned black....


When I opened my eyes again, I was in a place where everything was white. i looked further away and i saw.... gukkie!

I ran to him, hoping that he was not only an illusion. 

"Gukkie, you're finally here!" I explained as I hugged him tightly, positeve that he was not an illusion.

"No, Channie, you're finally here," he replied me, hugging me back.


Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo saw the incident from the window in the coffe shop. They quickly went out to see Himchan.

"Oh... No..." Youngjae said when he found out that Himchan was dead.

"Jae...." Daehyun pulled his loover in a hug.

"Hyung, Himchan hyung is happy because he gets to see his lover again." Zelo said.

"neh.. He's right hyung..." Jongup agreed.




Boyfriend of Bang Yong Guk"

Next to it was another tombstone, written,



Boyfriend of kim Him Chan"

Both of their tombstones laid next to each other, their bodies are also buried undergroung together.

Forever... Together...

Until death....

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Chapter 1: walao why so sad /shed tears/ stop making me cry even more man ㅠ____ㅠ
marlimacha21 #2
Update soon, neh? =}