Visiting Memories

Pieces of Me

I'm sorry for any mistake ahead of time!


          “No…” Her words slurred. “Stoopp…” She couldn’t see straight and the pain that was just there a few minutes ago was gone. “Pleeasssse… Juusst… Just let me… let me go.” She begged. She didn’t want any more of this sweet painless torture. She knew too well how she would wake up the next morning; writhing in pain and lustful thoughts of wanting more. “Plllleeaaassee… I don’t… Stop…” She didn’t want to feel like this anymore.

          But to her dismay, the young boy that was manhandling her was way too strong for her small body frame. Even though she was heavily dosed with whatever they had just given her, she could still feel the bone shattering grip he had on her arms. She could feel another sharp pinch at the inside curve of her elbow. And within seconds she couldn’t even comprehend what the heck was happening to her. All she could think about was the pure pleasure that had taken her over. The urge to want to just lay there and laugh at what the hell was funny, or cry her eyes out, or even just have random with anyone. She wanted to fight this pleasurable sensation though.

          Her world was now spinning and she wasn’t even sure where she was anymore, but another pinch on the other arm forced her to come to for just a split second. This gave her enough strength and clarity of mind to shift her arm and cause the needle to be thrown somewhere in the dark room.

          With the amount of clarity she just summoned, she finally understood what was happening to her. They were trying to overdose her purposefully. They wanted to kill her. They wanted to end her life and then just let her be remembered as a druggy on the streets. They wanted her to be broken in the mortal life and after life. And these thoughts scared her to death. Why were they trying to kill her? Who were they? And who sent them?

          She didn’t know whether it was her thoughts that made her heart start racing, or whether it was the drugs that she had in her system. But she quickly broke out into a heavy sweat and her breathing become abnormal. She started seeing different shapes and formations that she knew wasn’t there. She wanted to scream, but was caught and she could feel her body slowly shut down from exhaustion. Soon all she could see was a dark black canvas. Nothing but black. She was sure she was dead now.

          The sun shone brightly through the thin curtains that hung in the spare room; the room that Hwa Mi was residing in. The sun beat through the curtains and took her tired and moistened face as the next victim. Being victorious in the effortless fight, the sun successfully awoke the sleeping mess who was now hyperventilating. She opened her eyes to greet the bright summer sun and felt her heart jump a beat as she didn’t recognize where she was. She quickly sat up and looked around the room.

          There were plenty of stuffed animals, cards and gift boxes stacked against the wall opposite of where the bed was placed. Pictures of random things hung on the wall and shelves and shelves of certificates and awards decorated the wall that the window was on.

          She rubbed her eyes and as though she was suddenly knocked on the head and remembered everything; she realized that she was in the spare room of B.A.P.’s dorm. She also finally started hearing the hectic shuffling in the other parts of the dorm. They must be up and getting ready for the day she thought inwardly. Not wanting to bother them when they were already busy enough, Hwa Mi sat up in the bed with her back against the wall. She retraced her dream and soon regretted it as the feeling of overwhelming fear came back and shook her from the inside out. She was ripped from it though when a soft knock came from the door.

          After a few seconds, Yong Guk entered cautiously. Realizing that she was already up, he comfortably walked in and sat on the edge of the bed looking at her. He noticed the small amount of remaining sweat beads on her forehead and the paleness in her face color.

          “You okay?” He asked casually.

          “Yeah. I’m fine.” She said scratching her head. “Umm… Just a bad dream I guess.”

          He just hummed in response.

          “Are you guys going somewhere?”

          “Yeah… We have a few broadcasts today so we have to leave soon. Are you going to be able to stay here by yourself? There isn’t much to do around here.”

          “Ummm…” she thought quickly of something to do. “Actually, I want to visit Natasha. Is she at home?”

          “Yeah. She should be. If not she’s at the work, or the shop.”

          “Okay. Umm… So I guess I have to leave before you guys right?”

          “I can just give you my key for the day.” He smirked. “No one has to know.”

          “Yah! I’m already on the edge with Himchan and the others… Do you want me to live on the streets?” Hwa Mi hits Yong Guk on the arm teasingly.

          “Then how are you going to get ready by the time we leave? We’re gone in 20 minutes.” Yong Guk stated.

          And with that Hwa Mi was up and gathering her toiletries and a change of clothes and dashed out of the room leaving Yong Guk smiling widely at her foolishness.

          “Hyung! Whose cheesecake is this?” Dae Hyun yelled from the kitchen.

          Yong Guk quickly stood up and made his way into the living room continuing with what he was doing earlier. “It’s yours now.”






          Barely making it out of the house before the boys left, Hwa Mi rushed to find her bus. After getting on and impatiently squirming around for half an hour, she finally arrived at her bus stop and made her way to her destination. She took mental notes of how this neighborhood had changed since she had last been here. The use-to-be broken windows and doors that told the story of the streets were covered and boarded up. The graffiti that use to cover the bright red brick walls that expressed the feelings of the socially-ousted were painted over with a soul black color. The streets were still loitered with random newspaper and trash, but was now free of homeless people sleeping around. Sure, there were still a few here and there but they were tucked away under old run-down, unused entrance ways.

          Hwa Mi was surprised that there were even any businesses that still ran around here. When she was last here, these businesses were constantly broken into and stolen from. There were no safe place.

          She found herself stopping in front of an almost too familiar entrance way. The door was covered in old record covers ranging from hard metal rock, to Sinatra. The “open-for-business” sign was crooked but still hanging on the small white hook that extended from the top of the door. Nothing had changed much about this shop. It still had everything the way it was before she escaped. It even had the burn marks from oh-so-long ago.

          Hwa Mi pushed the door open and was welcomed by a smell of old records and books. The room was pretty dusty from the oldness of everything in there, but Hwa Mi loved it. She was hoping that the organization of records were still the same as they were before, and to fortunately for her, they were. She scanned through the assortments of records and memories came flooding back.

          Hwa Mi had spent about every living second in this place when she was younger. She spent hours listening to music while she danced around and avoided her homework. On hot summer days she would throw in a nice relaxing acoustic record while she laid on the floorboard by the steps to cool down. During autumn nights, she would open up one of the high windows to let the smell of freshly turned leaves come in and sweep out the dust smell. Winter late-nights were her favorite time to spend here though. She would cuddle up next to the small old fireplace tucked behind a small shelf of miscellaneous books, and read all the crime and mystery novels.

          She was slowly driven out of her reminiscing state when she heard a small buzzing sound come on. She followed the sound and found herself making her way upstairs. She knew exactly what the sound was, and wasn’t surprised when she was met with a young lady bent over a built guys arm. Her hands moved slowly engraving her art onto his body part. Her movement was so smooth and detailed at the same time. Even though the man stayed very still, Hwa Mi knew that it hurt, for she had a few markings of her own.

          Hwa Mi waited patiently at the landing, leaning up against the rather strong railing for the artist to stop her magic before finally making her presence known.

          “Still leaving your mark on everyone I see.” The female artist spun around in surprise and stared at her in utter shock. All Hwa Mi did was smile brightly. Before Hwa Mi could even register what was happening into her mind, she felt arms wrapped around her shoulders and strongly gripping her into suffocation.

          “You ing ! What the hell are you doing here?” The artist exclaimed still holding on Hwa Mi, and tightened her grip even more if that was even possible anymore.


          “Shut up! Just shut up!” The artist didn’t let go. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” She finally pulled away after a very long time of embracing. “Why are you back? How did you get back? Do they know? Why did you come here? Oh my god! DUDE~! They could be following you! You shouldn’t be-

          “Damn Tash! SHUT UP!” Hwa Mi said loudly. “That’s a great way to greet a friend after such a long time of not seeing her.” This only caused Natasha, the artist, to pull her pierced lips into a beautiful wide smile.

          “! I’m just glad you’re back!” Natasha said before hugging Hwa Mi again.

          “Ummm…” The man finally spoke up. “Hey, Bang, do you want me to pay or what?”

          Without thinking, she simply waved him off. “I’m in a good mood today. It’ll be free. Just keep it clean.”

And without hesitating, he stood up and grabbed his belongings and made his way towards the stairs. But not without saying “Hey little girl. You should visit more often. I like it when she’s in a good mood. I get free stuff.” Which pulled a small chuckle from everyone.


Natasha had closed down the shop and spent the whole day with Hwa Mi, just lounging around and catching up with each other. They talked about Hwa Mi’s travels and adventures, and Natasha’s ever-so-successful job and business. They talked about everything, and not leaving anything out; except for one. Relationships.

“Are you still with your boyfriend?” Hwa Mi asked curiously.

“Nah. We broke up a few years back. I’m with someone else right now.” She said shyly looking down at her fingers.

“Damn Tash! Why are you all suddenly so shy?” Hwa Mi said teasingly shoving Natasha.

“I’m not! Shut up!” They both broke into laughter. After recovering, Natasha carefully asked what was tugging at her mind the whole time. “Have you seen Yong Guk yet?”

“Yeah. I did.” Hwa Mi replied softly; laughter gone. “I actually crashed at his place last night.”

“How the hell did you-

“It kind of happened on accident. I met him at the airport since they were flying from somewhere… and I was just getting in also… so… it kind of just fitted in perfectly. And he forced me to go… since I didn’t have a place to actually go to…”

Natasha sighed heavily. “You could’ve called me you know…”

“Tash… You know why I didn’t call you.” Hwa Mi stared intently at her.

“I know.” Natasha answered defeated. “I know…”

After a few more moments, Natasha asked another daring question.

“Do you still love him?” Natasha stared at Hwa Mi hoping that she would say something she wanted to hear. Natasha wanted to hear that Hwa Mi didn’t love him anymore. That she resented him for doing everything he did to her. She wanted Hwa Mi to despise him for leaving her in such state and still managed to live with himself. Sure she had forgiven her brother for doing that to her best friend, but only because Hwa Mi forced her to. Natasha had never forgotten how much Yong Guk had broken Hwa Mi. Never. And she wanted Hwa Mi to finally say that she hated him… But she didn’t.

“Yes…” Hwa Mi answered softly. “I do still love him…”


A tall man dressed in a fit black v-neck tee shirt, quickly ducks behind the brick wall as he watched the young girl walk out of the shop. He watched as she hugged the other girl and said her goodbyes. He then pulls the cellphone out of his jean pocket and dials a number he was too familiar with.

“What?” The other voice greeted roughly.

“Boss. She’s back.” He reported sternly. He flips his phone close as the street light hits his arm perfectly and reveals the freshly inked skin.




Yeah... so this chapter is really late and kind of blahhhh... but it gets better... I swear!!!!!!!!! keke. 

I've been really busy with things so I couldn't do anything with this story. keke. but yeah...

I'm a little less busy so I'll try to update a few times since its the weekends soon. hhehehehe. :DDD

Please subscribe and comment. I love comments!!!! PLEASE!!!!! Don't be a silent reader... I mean it's ok if you are...

But please leave me something to read.... It really does motivate me to work harder~~!!! kkekeke 

Hope you enjoyed it!

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joojoo6 #1
wahhh this fic is amazing! !! I'm so curious about what happened before! Please update soon! !!♡♡♡♡
Chapter 2: Update please~
glasskun #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^