

Chanyeol sighed, making sure no one was around before slipping into a bedroom that was clearly not his own and shutting the door behind him. It wasn’t his fault that Kris’ room had a better view than his, and it wasn’t his fault that he liked natural light when he was relaxing. Besides, only a few people were home at the moment so he was sure he would be fine.

Armed with a magazine, Chanyeol settled on Kris’ bed, the rain outside hitting the window in a steady rhythm as he skimmed through the few articles he was interested in, mainly focusing on the pictures once he’d finished. After a while, though, the window was what caught his attention and he turned, sitting cross-legged on the bed and watching the raindrops race on the glass.

He let the magazine sit forgotten beside him on the covers, humming a soft tune as he leaned back on his hands and relaxed on the plush covers.

“What’re you doing in my room?”

Chanyeol blinked, focus immediately pulled from the window as he looked to the clearly not amused face of Kris standing in the doorway, arms crossed. For a good minute Chanyeol sat there, mouth open to speak but not sure what to say. Kris raised his brow.

“I… I was… Reading?” Chanyeol stuttered out, turning on the bed so that he was facing the door but still not getting up. Kris let out a sigh, shaking his head.

“In my room? Why?” he asked, and Chanyeol looked down, twiddling his thumbs and shrugging.

“I don’t know. I’m comfy in here.” Kris just nodded, watching Chanyeol for a moment before pushing himself up off the doorframe and sitting down next to Chanyeol on the edge of the bed.

“Comfy?” Chanyeol nodded.

“Mm, I like your view. It’s nice when the windows are open and the sun is out.”

“Chanyeol, it’s raining.”

Chanyeol nodded suddenly, looking at Kris with a smile and a soft laugh.

“I know. I got distracted by the rain and stopped reading. And your bed is comfortable so I was just going to spend a bit in here. Until you came back.” He looked Kris up and down once before chuckling awkwardly, nodding to himself and standing. “But now you’re back, so I’ll go back to my room.” He stood, smoothing his clothes out and starting to walk away before Kris reached out to grab a soft hold of his wrist, stopping him.

“You just had to ask if you could stay. It’s cool.” When Kris gave him a little smile Chanyeol smiled back, taking a second to nod and laugh almost awkwardly as he stared at the other man. Kris narrowed his eyes at him, hand still wrapped around his wrist as he cleared his throat. All of a sudden Chanyeol snapped back into reality, nodding again as he sat back down on the bed, curling up a bit as he pulled his knees to his chin and continued looking out the window.

For a few moments Kris just watched him, eventually standing up and starting to change clothes, Chanyeol being too entranced by the rain and his humming to look over at him. By the time he was done Chanyeol had picked up the magazine again, flipping through for a second time. He didn’t move when Kris sat down, just kept reading, sighing every once in a while.

“You don’t have to sneak into my room anymore, you know. I’m okay with you being in here.” Chanyeol looked up at Kris with wide eyes, blinking before smiling softly.

“Thanks.” Kris caught himself staring at Chanyeol even when the other man went back to reading, smile perking the corner of his lips.

“No problem.”

There was a long silence, Chanyeol reading an article and bobbing his head to the rhythm of the rain, and Kris reading over Chanyeol’s shoulder, trying to deny the fact that he was paying more attention to Chanyeol than he was the article. Blinking, he looked to Chanyeol, starting to speak but only managing a comfortable sigh before he closed his mouth. Chanyeol looked up anyway, blinking and catching Kris’ gaze before smiling happily.

There was a moment when Kris noticed how one eye closed a bit more than the other when Chanyeol smiled, how his expression was kind of lopsided and a bit odd in a way. But there was a sparkle in Chanyeol’s eyes that made Kris stop where he was, a bit closer than he would have expected as they sat next to each other.

“I’m… glad. That you’re comfortable in here,” he mumbled, exhaling in a gentle laugh as Chanyeol nodded in agreement.

“I’m always comfortable with y-… In here. I’m always comfortable in here.” Chanyeol bit his lip, looking down at the magazine in his lap as an awkward blush spread across his cheeks. He sank down into the bed slightly, lips pursed and brows furrowed. Kris watched in silence, pushing the magazine from in front of the other man’s face and turning his chin so that they were looking at each other.

“… With me? That’s what you were going to say.” Kris’ words were no more than a mumble and when he stopped the two were thrown into an awkward silence, Chanyeol hesitantly nodding, even managing a soft smile before looking away.

It left Kris staring at his profile for a moment before he leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to the other man’s cheek. Kris pulled away, noticing the soft blush on Chanyeol’s cheeks as he turned to look at Kris again.

“Are you… still comfortable?” Kris asked, chuckling softly and not expecting the nod that Chanyeol gave him in response.

“Yeah. I’m… I’m still comfortable.”

There was a long pause before Kris leaned forward again, pressing his lips to Chanyeol’s firmly, almost awkwardly fitting them together for a moment before they both parted their lips and all of a sudden the awkwardness melted away. Kris watched Chanyeol’s eyes close, his closing a minute later, one brow quirked and lips working softly with the other man’s.

When he pulled away, Kris let his eyes flick open, starting to talk but not knowing  what to say before Chanyeol simply smiled and nodded, patting Kris’ cheek softly a couple of times.

“Yes. Don't worry, I’m still comfortable.”

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grayscale #1
Chapter 1: this is so cute and light! i miss krisyeol sfm so thank you for this! ^^
ChanBaek69614 #2
Chapter 1: oh my gosh
therealkerpelli #3
Chapter 1: This is so beyond adorable! I loved it ^-^
Looking forward to more of your stories! :] ♡
Chapter 1: I died omfg
Chapter 1: cute as chanyeol aaaaaaa. i wanna pinch both of them >___< keep writing! :D
Chapter 1: This is adorable :) I really hope more Kris/Chanyeol plot bunnies pop up for you because you're great at writing them ^^
LE DIIIIIIIEEEEE /jumps off a cliff
Chapter 1: gah it's so cuuuuuute <3 please write more KrisYeol juseyo~