Chapter 9

The Badboy's Muse
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“You remember?”

Kai’s face lighted up in excitement as he heard Sooyooung’s words.

Sooyoung only nodded her head, still tyring to digest all the puzzle pieces of her memories of her little friend back then,


“Um, i guess so?”

“Do you really remember me?”


She answered shortly as she started to feel irritated to this guy in front of her. How can one second he be all tough and cool and the second later he’s pestering her like a child?

“I mean, do you really remem-“

“Oh my gosh, yes, Kim Jongin i do remember you as my friend back then when we were child and i remembered everything, every single thing now. So what?!”

Sooyoung finally cut his words as he seems can’t believe that she remembered him that fast.

“So what? Its good then, it will be easier for us!”

And this is the first time for Sooyoung and probably for all of the citizens od South Korea and the rest of the world, witnessing Kai, the bad boy of the town, beaming happily with his perfect white teeth showing as he smile. But that doesn’t melt Sooyoung, even though she admit there’s a lingering feeling around her stomach upon seeing those smile. Probably just because he’ handsome as hell, she thought.

“Easier for what? You think that because we’re childhood friends, you can stalk me whenever and wherever i go? No. Freaking. Way.” She scoffed lightly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Kai chuckled a bit, and he lifed  his hand to patted her head slightly.

“Yah!!” Sooyoung’s eyes widened as she shrieked and push his hand away, feeling her body jolted up because of a mere touched.

“What? You’re cute when you act like that.” He said with tease glistened his eyes.

“Can you stop all of this and just let me go home?” Sooyoung sighed, tired of all of this confuseness, and just wanted to go home so bad right now.

“Oh, you want to go home? Let’s go then, i’ll drive you there.”

Kai step closer to her and grab her arm, but she raise her hand in front of his face immediately.

“No. Not with you.”

“Whyy?” Seriously. Did he just whined at me? She thought.

“Noooo, i can go home by myself. Thanks tho for the offer.”

Sooyoung said as she started to walk away, but Kai, this guy, will never be called Kai if he’s not stubborn as hell. He catched up with her the seconnd after that and put his arm around her neck, and practically just dragged her from the garden to his car in the parking lot.




Kai glanced to his right and greeted with furious Sooyoung that burning holes to his head from her menacing glares as soon as she entered the car.


“Why are you dragging me all the way here?! I’ve told you i can go home by myself!”

“Why? Is it wrong if i drive my muse home?” Sooyoung rolled her eyes and just want to punch him on the face once she heard that word again. Muse.

“Can you stop with the muse thingy?”

“Okay then, is it wrong if i drive my friend home?”

He asked her while emphasizing the word friend. She opened her mouh ready to answered him again as she realized that this crazy bad boy driving beside her is indeed her friend. At least he was her childhood friend. And that’s hit the bullseye, since she can’t find out what the hell is wrong by giving a drive home for a friend. She was fidgeting on her seat, before she rolled her eyes and uncrossed her arms, as if she give up to him, for today.




The rest of the drive filled with awkward silence, as you didn’t know - or more like didn’t wantto know- how to start a conversation with him and he looks like he’s 100% fixed his eyes on the road. Fortunately the distance between your campus and your building aren’t really far so you finally got your self out of his car in no time. You awkwardly released your seat belt and glance to your left,

“Uh, thank you for the ride, i guess?”

You said as you move your hand to the door and ready to leave the car when a hand grasp your wrist.

“Really? That’s it? You won’t take me to your house?” Kai asked casually.

You kept silence for a couple of seconds before you blinked twice and shrugged your hand off his grabs.

“Wh-what? Hell no.”

“Whyyy?” And for the second time today, you saw him whined like a child, and you tried so hard not to fall over his trap even this time.

“No.” You only shooked your head.

“Don’t you want some nostalgic time with your childhood friend?”

And you mentally cursed hearing this question. , , .

“Err.. we could do that some other time.” You answered lamely.

But surprisingly he buying it as he agered with it the next second. Little did you know he had another blow for you and he make sure this time you will never refuse.

“Okay then, hmm so, what time is your first class start tomorrow?” He asked you but his attention was shifted towards a piece of paper which he just pulled out from his jeans’s pocket. You did not believe your eyes.

“Hmm, International Economics at 9 AM. I’ll pick you up at 08.30 alright? Now you can get off.”

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of my writing like.. cut off from the page. i still didnt know what is wrong with my acc, but im still figure It out now. i'm so sorry ×(


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mmseoul #1
hope u will updates♥
mmseoul #2
hope will updates♥
roonmau #3
Chapter 2: Not bad..
Inspired by Shut up flower boyband, don't you?
roonmau #4
Chapter 2: Not bad..
Inspired by Shut up flower boyband, don't you?
Chapter 10: Awww ~ i love this chappie . Please update it ASAP author-nim . Hwaiting !!
Chapter 10: Update please author-nim! I really love this so far! :D
Chapter 10: Omg ...i love your story ...and Kai is just hdjxjxbxjsk...well i am waiting for the next chapter....
TheGiantPicasso #9
Chapter 9: Love it ! ! ! Update soon authornim ~