1~how it all begain

RUN!!! they are coming

It all started way back before minhee was bornto were my father was onkly 20 years old and a famouse sceentist, but not any scientist a scientist who is in the medical department.He wanted to make money so he could provide a home for his preagnet wifenamed min-sun to have a happy life with his family. Sadly that changed one day in his lab he made the most horrafiying discovery ecver to be made.He wrote down all his ingredeants on how it was made in a notebook for no one evr to see.He hid the notebook in his lab somewere.His lab was in the basment of his manshion he had one just had to pay more money till it was his.Some say the notebook is in plain site others say it is in a secret compartment no one knows excacly were it is but the scientist.The government soon found out about the scientist and his discovery.the governmet went broke into the scientistes home found his lab demanding for the discovery. the scientsit would not give it up he said"i dont know what you are talking about" the leader whos name is unclassifided said"you know well right what we are talking about now give it up"

"never, it dose not belong to you guys" with those words he injected his discovery in his arm. he diyed with that discovey in him and left the government shocked at what they saw this day they would never forget it ever. the most biggest question still lyied in peoples thoughts still unanswered "were did he put the dicovery notes and what was the discovery sopose to be"

Later htat year his baby girl was bornnamed minhee.Days months passed the government found no trace of the discovery they gave up put the case as unsolved and left it to be brought up again in the future.min-sun the wife of the scientist and the mother of there daughter minhee kept minhees father a secret to minhee.she never talked about her husband to her daughter.min-sun told a lie to her daughter saying her father died in a crash when she was born.

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really sorry for the short chapter


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