chapter 2

It was raining

Your (Sky) Pov.:

You woked up when you heard some cooking voices and singing. You looked around, you were in that same sofa where you falled asleep last night. In Soohyun’s house. You feel how you blushed and feeled embarassed thinking that you falled asleep while Soohyun were hugging you. And you were just friends, not so good yet, you just met him in train last night. You looked your clothes. Too big t-shirt and too big shorts. You blushed again.

”Heeey! Good morning! Or, should I say afternoon?” Soohyun suddenly came behind you and laughed.

”Oh, good morning”, you mumbled in tired tone. ”What time is it?”, You asked and rubbed your eyes.

” 1 pm! Come to eat some ”breakfast”!” Soohyun said and leave to the kitchen.

”1PM?!” You tought by yourself. You went to the kitchen. You were suprised that the kitchen were full of boxes and backs.

”What are all of these?” You asked while sitting to the table.

”Aaah! I went to the mall and bought you littlebit clothes, hope you like them!” Soohyun said and smiled to you. You were shocked, how did he know your sice?

”How did you know my sice?!” You allmost shouted to him. Soohyun looked you from head to toe and you feeled embarassed.

”I can look!”, he said and laughed. You blushed again.


When your breakfast were ready, you and Soohyun started to eat in Soohyun’s kitchen. Soohyun sitted right in front of you. There were embarassing silence. Then suddenly Soohyun started to cough like grazy.

”AAAAH!! Are you okay?!” You shouted and started to hit his back trying to help him swallow his food.

”I’m okay, I’m okay! Thanks!” He said embarassed. He were red like a tomato and his eyes were in tears becouse of coughing. He just continued eating and didn’t look at you. You feeled embarassed of that.

”Uhm… I heard singing in the morning… Was that you?” You suddenly asked.

”Oh, yes! It was me. In fact, I’m singer”, He said broudfully.

”Wooow!! How cool is that!” Your ex were singer too, but you didn’t ask lot of his career.

”Haha, now we are on break, couple of months, then we are doing comeback!” He continued.

”Oh, that sounds great! My ex were singer too, but I find it out recently, he’s croup were break at the same time. He didn’t tell me anything…” You said and you feeled anger in your head.

”Huh? He must be really bad guy!” He said angrily. ”I had a girlfriend about year ago too. She broke up with me, becouse of my career… He tought that I’m too busy with my conserts and stuff. I tought that I can’t get wife or family ever… It’s sad but true…” Soohyun said and looked away from you.

”No! I think, that girl who you dated, wasn’t just that right to you! You are so friendy and nice and handsome-” You stopped when Soohyun looked you.

”Am I really?”, He asked and looked really serious. You just looked him.

”Yes”, You nodded and looked him straight to his eyes. You spotted little tear falling down his cheek.

”Aaah!! I didn’t want to make you cry!” You become worried, and ran to hug him. You tried to pull out but he just hugged you tightly.

”Thanks Sky”, He whispered. You just tapped his back and pull back to your seat. Soohyun watched you and started to laugh. You looked him like stupid.

”I were just soooo lucky that I sitted next to you in the train!!”, Soohyun laughed.

”Uhm…. Is that compliment?” You said playfully.

”Pabo! Now let’s made dishes and then you try these clothes on!” Soohyun said and showed his tongue.


When you were done doing dishes, Soohyun lead you to his walk-in wardrobe. You were amazed. There were all different colours of shirts and pants and everything were in order. There were hundreds of pairs of shoes from sneakers to shoes.

”Wooow..” You sighed.

”Umm… I can make something, to do littlebit room to your clothes”, he said and dropped all of the bags and boxes to the floor. Then he started to move his clothes to the other side of the walk-in wardrobe.

”Now, here is some hangers, so put the clothes there when you are showed them to me!” He said and smiled. You blushed.
”D-do I have to show these..?” you asked and looked him shocked.

”Pabo, ofcourse! You are beautifull girl, don’t be afraid and embarassed to show them to me, I bought them to you, and I want to see them on! Hurry up!” He said and leaved you alone. You started to unpack all clothes. You were amazed, all of them were brand names. There were everything from pants to dresses. You started  to try them on, and all of them were perfectly fitting. And all of the Soohyun’s compliments made you feel pretty.

”Woooah!!” Soohyun stood up and his mouth was open. ”You look like princess!” He looked you from head to toe. You were wearing last dress which he were bought to you.

”I knew! I knew that blue is your colour!” He looked amazed.

”Aaaaah… Stop being like that… I’m not that pretty in real life, you just want me to be happy…” You said and blushed. You spotted that Soohyun looked annoyed.

”Look at you now!” He allmost shouted. ”Don’t be so modest! Really! You look REALLY good! And I’m serious!” He said and put his hands in to your shoulders and shook you.

”Okayokayokay… But thanks! I appreciate that you do this all to me. You are good friend!” You said and hugged him.

”Aaaah thats nothing!” He were amused. ”Aaaah!! I have one more thing to give you! Change your clothes to something comfortable and come to the living room! Hurry up!” He said and his smile allmost went to his ears.


You went to the livingroom when you were changed your clothes. Soohyun were sitting there and texting with someone. He spotted you and put his iPhone back to his pocket.

”Okay! Here! Open it!” He said and were super happy-looking. You took a little packet from him, and opened it. There was really beautifull necklace.

”Wooaah!” You sighed. ”Bu-but why did you-” You started.

”Woman need some jewellery!” Soohyun said and lean to put it on you.

”It is beautiful! Thanks thousand times!!” You allmost cried. You did have a luck to have Soohyun as your friend.


-Couple of weeks later-

You were cleaning Soohyuns house all day long. He leaved to studio to practise for their comeback, so you wanted to surprise him. You were looking like clown in your clothes and stupid scarf on your head. You were ready, so you took the hoover in to it’s place, when you heard Soohyun’s voice. You freaked out. You ran to the downstairs. You smiled him and welcomed him to home.

”Wow, you have cleaned!” Soohyun lookes at you and smiled.

”Littlebit…” You answered.

”Aaah! Thanks!” He said and tapped you to your head.

”Go to change some better clothes, I want to take you to te restaurant to eat some lunch!” Soohyun suddenly said, and you shocked.

”Me? Oh, okay! What should I wear, maybe that-”, You started to panic.

”Hahaha! Wear that blue dress which I bought to you! You looked absolutely beautifull in that dress!” He laughed. ”Hurry up! I ordered our table!”


When you were ready, you came to downstairs. Soohyun were wearing better clothes as well.

”Wooaah! You look beautiful!” He said and took your hand. Your heart started to race. His hand was so warm and soft, that you didn’t want to let go.

He lead you to his car and opened the car door to you. He were gentleman.

”Why all of this?” You suddenly asked.

”I just wanted to thank you for cleaning and making food and stuff when I’m practising”, He said and smiled. You went speechless.


You drowe to the beautifull and really expensive looking restaurant. Soohyun opened the door again. You felt like being a princess. He took your hand and lead inside. All of the people looked very rich and popular there. You sitted in the table with some guy.

”Hi! You must be Sky? My name is Kevin, Soohyun’s friend!” He introduce himself.

”Yes, nice to meet you!” You said and shook hands with him.

”You look cute together!” Kevin said and winked to Soohyun. They started to giggle.


You ordered your food, and chatted much. You find out that Kevin were in same group with Soohyun. Kevin was really friendly and nice. Before the dessert you chatted, who knows, how long, and it was dark when you leaved.


”Thank you”, you said and smiled to Soohyun while he were starting the car.

”What? Noo, thanks to you!” Soohyun said. ”Without you I would be living in big mess and I would be starving”, he joked. You both started to laugh.


when you were home, you went to balcony to get some fresh air. Suddenly Soohyun came and sit next to you to the bench.

”Beautiful night, huh?” Soohyun asked.

”Yeah”, You feeled your heart racing. You were kinda crushed with him. He were so nice and friendly guy, you just couldn’t say it to him.

”I have something to say”, Soohyun suddenly said. You looked he straight to his eyes.

”What is it?” You asked. Soohyun lean closer to you and looked you deep in your eyes. Your heart were pumping faster and faster.

”It doesn’t matter, if you don’t feel the same, but I like you. You are girl like my idea-” You stopped him.

”Stop”, You said. Soohyun looked worried. ”I like you too, I were too shy to tell that to you”, You both looked each others. Suddenly, you feeled Soohyun’s lips on top of yours.


- Next morning-

Soohyun’s Pov.:


I woked up when my phone was ringing. It was message from my manager, who said that he was sick, so we have day-off. Sky’s head were laying on my chest and she were asleep still. I smiled myself. I thought that I were too fast, but she feeled the same! I’m the luckiest guy on the whole world! I watched her sleeping, and put my hand on top of her head. Suddenly she opened her eyes and looked me with sleepy eyes.

”Mhmhm… What time is it?” She asked. She sounded very sleepy.

”I’ts 9:am” I said and smiled. She smiled back. I started to tap her head playfully. I knew she didn’t like it. I laughed myself.

”Soohyun~ Stop that!” She laughed and turned to me. I stole little kiss from her.

”Pabo!” I laugh and stood up. ”I’m going to make some breakfast! I have a day-off!” I said and went to the kitchen. It was good day coming!


Please, tell me if I'm going too fast :D I just wanted them to be together :p Hope you like! comment belowe!

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