Strip and Score


Everyone deserves a chance at love... even a stripper.


"You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back."    Barbara de Angelis


What he does is strip.

What he does is score.

They have nothing in common.

Well, except, maybe, one thing.


Written for sofeels who requested for college/stripper au 2min with Minho as an average jock and Taemin as a stripper hiding behind a confident persona.


Author's Note: dearest sofeels, thank you for reminding me why i love writing because your prompt got me thinking stuff i would never think about in my daily life. it's only through writing that i ever find myself asking questions like "how would i feel if i was a stripper?". lol. it was absolutely fun to write this, so thank you, for trusting me and allowing me the flexibility with the plot! i hope that you'll feel like you made the right decision asking me to write this after you're done reading! ^^ to everyone else who've found their way here, it's been long since i wrote 2min and i roughly know how such a plot (like what sofeels has said) can be common so hopefully, you'll like my take on this! and just to be sure, any similiarities with other stories are purely coincidental. i hate plagiarism so you can trust that i'll never do something like that. alrighty! lastly, the title of this fic doesn't make much sense so don't take it too literally. i don't even know how to go about explaining it but it should be read like how you read Tom & Jerry, so in this case, Strip = Taemin and Score = Minho. makes sense? no? then forget everything i said and just head straight to the story. >v< thanks for reading and enjoy the fic, dear lovely readers!

hi all! sorry for the wait, i've had so much work to do lately but i promise the story will be completed by tmr latest! thanks for all the love! xoxo ^^


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Chapter 2: aww what a tease. but fluffy, i love it <3
Good lord. Cuteness overload. I love Minho's character <3
I just read this and it's way too cute! Is there hope for a sequel? ;)
Fascinating.... I randomly decided to re-read this today and then I noticed when the story was created... Exactly one year ago. Wow. Not even a day earlier/later.
What do you think? Will the same happen next year on the 18th of August? ;)
Chapter 2: Oh, I remember reading this on livejournal! I really like Taemin's character here ;u; he's so confident~ and it's really nice that Minho is giving him a chance ;w;
mariamolekun #6
Chapter 2: I love how Taemin is so indiferent to those guys teasing him in the first chapter lol xD
Though I wish the fic would continue, can it? ;u;
Chapter 2: Oh taemin u misleading minx u

This was a great read! I liked your writing style- simple, easy to understand, great + fluid flow of story. The development of characters was great, most especially Taemin's. And the dialogue shared between the two were all brilliant. Glad I found this one!
heme-sanloveminho #8
Chapter 2: I really like this fic. I love Taemin's charter. He's a strippers and proud of it. He stands up for himself and not the shy little Taemin he's is in so many fics. I hope you do a sequel. ^V^
Chapter 2: You really caught me off guard there for a moment..! I was so sure Minho'd go inside and warch Tae strip xD
But I guess that shows just how long he was just standing there debating whether to enter or not. Flustered/embarassed Minho was oh-so-cute~
You certainly didn't let me down hun :D
But I do want a brief summary of what happened after and how they got together~!
akpopgirlsthoughts #10
Chapter 2: omg wow *_* love speechless minho haha, sequel maybe? *wink wink*